The "Gest Hystoriale" of the Destruction of Troy: An Alliterative Romance Tr. from Guido de Colonna's "Hystoria Troiana.", المجلد 1Early English Text Society, 1874 - 586 من الصفحات |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
aght alliteration auld Awntyrs Barbour Barbour's Bruce birr Blind Harry broght Burns Burns's busk Cocke Lorelles common phrase Compare Mort Compare with Morte copied craft dashed dede derfe Destruction of Troy Douglas Douglas's Virgil doun dregh dynt dynttes Edinburgh Emperour entry examples express felle frequently gate Gawane Gest Gloss Glossary gret hence hond Huchowne Jamieson's Dict knight language lede loke Lydgate Lydgate's lyfe maister Midland mony Morte Arth Morte Arthure noght occurs in Morte occurs in Wallace onestly passage peculiar pere phrase occurs Piers Plowman poem poets portions pronounced proof qweme Roman de Troie salle Scot Scottish scribe sense Shanter Skeat spelling story strenght swappit swerdes thai toke tother Troy Book various meanings verb W. W. Skeat wale West of Scotland William of Palerne wode word occurs Wyntown þat
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 463 - Then gently scan your brother Man, Still gentler sister Woman ; Tho' they may gang a kennin wrang, To step aside is human : One point must still be greatly dark, The moving Why they do it ; And just as lamely can ye mark, How far perhaps they rue it.
الصفحة 463 - Cromwell, I did not think to shed a tear In all my miseries; but thou hast forced me, Out of thy honest truth, to play the woman. Let's dry our eyes : and thus far hear me, Cromwell; And, when I am forgotten, as I shall be, And sleep in dull cold marble, where no...
الصفحة 420 - There is sufficient internal evidence of their being Northern, although the manuscript containing them appears to have been written by a scribe of the midland counties, which will account for the introduction of forms differing from those used by writers beyond the Tweed.
الصفحة 420 - It will not be difficult from a careful inspection of the manuscript itself, both in regard to the writing and illuminations, to assign it to the reign of Richard the Second; and the internal evidence, arising from the peculiarities of costume, armour, and architecture, would lead us to assign the romance to the same period, or a little earlier.
الصفحة 447 - ye sang : " So shall not all our gaming gang." (-Vol. II. p. 46. See also pages 76, 83, and 87, for similar instances.) Would it be very absurd- to suppose that our common language was separately formed in the two countries, and that it has owed its identity to its being constructed of similar materials, by similar gradations, and by nations in the same state of society? If this opinion should be thought very improbable, must we not, at least, admit that the migration of our language from England...
الصفحة 421 - And men off gud dyscretyowne Suld excuse, and love Huchowne, That cunnand wes in literature. He made the gret Gest off Arthure, And the Awntyre off Gawane, The Pystyll als off Swete Swsaue.
الصفحة 420 - MS. afford unquestionable proof, and the descriptions of the change of the seasons, the bitter aspect of winter, the tempest which preceded the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, and the sea-storm occasioned by the wickedness of Jonas, are equal to any similar passages in Douglas or Spenser.
الصفحة 421 - Makkaris" who flourished in the middle of the fourteenth century, and died it is supposed about the year 1381, were one and the same person ; but there are so many difficulties in this supposition, as justly to prevent our yielding assent to it without some additional evidence7. Admitting, however, Huchowne to be the author of the romance*, we are sin
الصفحة 421 - ... the case of the English lives of Saints, composed probably in the early part of the thirteenth century, and contained in a MS. written not long after, MS. Reg. 17 A. xxvii, which Mr. Guest gularly fortunate in possessing probably all the pieces written by him noticed by Wyntoun, together with three others on allegorical or scriptural subjects, hitherto not pointed out. It is very evident on the chronicler's authority, that the Gret Gest of Arthure, the Gest Hystoryale, and the Gest of Broyttys...
الصفحة 406 - The Life and Death of Hector. One, and the First of the most Puissant, Valiant, and Renowned Monarches of the World, called the Nyne Worthies.