The Stacions of Rome ...: And The Pilgrims Sea-voyage ... with Clene Maydenhod ... A Supplement to "Political, Religious, and Love Poems," and "Hali Meidenhad," (... 1866)Early English Text Society, 1867 - 47 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
... of , and Commentary on , the Psalms . To be edited from a Northern MS . by R. Morris , Esq . Hampole's other English Works in the Northern dialect . The Gospel of Nicodemus in the Northumbrian dialect . To be edited for the first time ...
... of , and Commentary on , the Psalms . To be edited from a Northern MS . by R. Morris , Esq . Hampole's other English Works in the Northern dialect . The Gospel of Nicodemus in the Northumbrian dialect . To be edited for the first time ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
3ere of pardon 3if pou Arthur Auter Ayenbite of Inwyt Birmingham Boke British Museum Cambridge Chapel Clene Maydenhod Coll Committee Copied Cotton crist Cursor Mundi Dictionary Early English Text Edinburgh edited English Text Society F. J. Furnivall Faversham FLORIS AND BLANCHEFLOUR Frederick George Glasgow godes graunted gret Hali Meidenhad Hall Hampole's Harl haue Henry heore Hill honde hundred 3er inserts James John ladi Lambeth LIBRARY lines London loue Love Poems LUMBY Lyndesay's Monarche M¹ 3ere Manchester Merlin Messrs miht mony Northern Dialect OSWALD COCKAYNE Oxford pat place pere Peter Piers Plowman Pilgrims Pope porw pousend zer Press pridde printed Rectory reprinted Road Robert Romance schal Sea-Voyage Seinte Marherete sent seynt Square Stacions of Rome Street Terrace Thomas Treatises Trin Trinity College TRÜBNER tyme unique Vernon Vicarage W. W. Skeat WHEATLEY Whon William wolt þat þat holy þer
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 19 - A collection of Early English Treatises on Grammar. To be edited chiefly from MSS. for the first time by Henry B. Wheatley, Esq. [Copied. III. The Old and New Testament in Verse. To be edited from the Vernon MS. by R. Morris, Esq. [Copied. The History of Adam and Eve. To be edited from the Vernou MS., Harl. MS. 1704, &e., by S. Wayland Kershaw, Esq., MA [Copied.
الصفحة 11 - Society, which constitutes full membership, is £2 2s. a year for the annual publications, from 1921 onwards, due in advance on the 1st of JANUARY, and should be paid by Cheque, Postal Order, or Money Order, crost 'National Provincial Bank Limited,
الصفحة 8 - STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES CECIL H. GREEN LIBRARY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305.6004 (415) 723.1493 All books may be recalled after 7 days DATE DUE...
الصفحة 5 - Works in the Northern dialect. The Gospel of Nicodemus in the Northumbrian dialect. To be edited for the first time from Harl. MS. 4196, &c., Cotton-Galba, E ix., by R.
الصفحة 11 - OF GENESIS AND EXODUS, an Early English Song, of about 1250 AD Edited for the first time from the unique MS. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, by R Morris, Esq.
الصفحة 11 - MRIDENHEAD, about 1200 AD Edited for the first time from the MS. (with a translation) by the Rev. OSWALD COCKAYNE, MA Is.
الصفحة 37 - And som wold have a saltyd tost, Ffor they myght etc neyther sode ne rost ; A man myght sone pay for theyr cost, As for oo day or twayne. Som layde theyr bookys on theyr kne, And rad so long they myght nat se ; — " Allas ! myne hede woll cleve on thre !
الصفحة 3 - The Babees Book, Urbanitatis, the Bokes of Norture of John Russell and Hugh Rhodes, the Bokes of Keruyng, Curtasye, and Demeanour, &c., with some French and Latin Poems on like subjects, ed.
الصفحة 9 - Leeds. HILTON, Wm. Hughes, Esq., Willow Bank, Stretford, near Manchester. •HODGSON, Shadworth H., Esq., 45, Conduit Street, Regent Street, W. HOETS, JW van Rees, Esq., 150, Adelaide Road, NW HOLME, J. Wilson, Esq., 34, Old Jewry, EC HORTON, ER, Esq., University College School, Gower Street.
الصفحة 35 - Men may leve alle gamys That saylen to Seynt Jamys, Ffor many a man hit gramys, When they begyn to sayle; Ffor when they have take the see At Sandwyche or at Wynchylsee, At Brystow, or where that hit bee, Theyr hertes begyn to fayle.