The Curial Made by Maystere Alain Charretier, العدد 51;العدد 54Early English Text Society, 1888 - 20 من الصفحات |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
A. J. Ellis Alain Chartier Aldis Wright Anglo-Saxon ballad Blickling Homilies Cambridge Caxton Charlemagne Charlemagne Romances Chaucer Court Courtiers Curial Cursor Cursor Mundi E. E. Text Soc Early English Pronunciation Early English Text edited by Dr edited by F. J. English Text Society Extra Series F. J. Furnivall Finsbury Park fortune French grete guinea Guy of Warwick H. B. Wheatley hath haue Henry Horstmann Huon of Burdeux J. M. Cowper J. R. Lumby Kölbing Lives of Saints LL.D London Lord Berners Lyndesay's lyue moche Morris nothyng Original Series Parallel-Text peple Ph.D Piers Plowman Plowman printed Prof Psalter Publications Re-edited Reprints ryght S. J. Herrtage S. L. Lee Shakspere shal Society's Street Subscription thenne theyr thou shalt thyn thynges U. S. A. by Allen unique Version W. A. DALZIEL W. W. Skeat whan wyse wyth wythout yf thou Zupitza
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 24 - Of the Pilgrimage of Jesus, no englishing is known. As to the MS. Anglo-Saxon Psalters, Dr. Hy. Sweet has edited the oldest MS., the Vespasian, in his Oldest English Texts for the Society, and Mr. Harsley has edited the latest, c. 1150, Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter. The other MSS., except the Paris one, being interlinear versions, — some of the Roman-Latin redaction, and some of the Gallican, — Prof.
الصفحة 1 - Ix. additional for the EXTRA SERIES), due in advance on the 1st of JANUARY, and should be paid either to the Society's Account at the Head Office of the Union Bank of London, Princes Street.
الصفحة 23 - MS., &c., edited by Dr. R. von Fleischhacker. Early English Deeds and Documents, from unique MSS., ed. Dr. Lorenz Morsbach. Gilbert Banastre's Poems, and other Boccaccio englishings, ed.
الصفحة 19 - Those of the first year have been reprinted. Prof. Child, of Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the Society's Honorary Secretary for America. Members' names and subscriptions may be sent to the Publishers, or to the Honorary Secretary, WA DALZIEL, ESQ.., 67, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, London, N.
الصفحة 1 - Texts, most of them of great interest ; so much so indeed that the publications of its first two years have been reprinted, and those for its third year, 1866, will follow. The Subscription to the Early English Text Society, which constitutes Membership, is £1 Is.
الصفحة 20 - To do honour to SHAKSPERE', to make out the succession of his plays, and thereby the growth of his mind and art ; to promote the intelligent study of him, and to print Texts illustrating his works and his times, this New Skakspere Society is founded.
الصفحة 1 - English Literature within the reach of the ordinary student, and of wiping away the reproach under which England had long rested, of having felt little interest in the monuments of her early language and life. On the starting of the Society, so many Texts of importance were at...
الصفحة 1 - Furnivall in 1864 for the purpose of bringing the mass of Old English Literature within the reach of the ordinary student, .and of wiping away the reproach under which England had long rested, of having felt little interest in the monuments of her early language and life.
الصفحة 1 - Series the whole of our unprinted MS literature ; and in its Extra Series to reprint in careful editions all that is most valuable of printed MSS and early printed books. The Society has issued to its subscribers...