ATTORNEY. [Monday, Aug. 19, 1499, before the mayor and others, Joh. Castell was admitted as attorney for the mayor and bailliffs in the Exchequer, taking the fee and wages due as of old. And he took the oath.] Mem. quod die Lune xix die Augusti a. r. r. H. vij xiiijmo apud Couentriam Coram prefato Maiore1 ac Tho. Chirchman, Ric. Braytoft, Will. Roweley, Rob. Grene, Johannes Castell admissus fuit attornatus pro Maiore & Balliuis ville de Couentria in Curia domini Regis de Scakkario capiendo feodum & vadium ex antiquo debitum. Et juratus est. JOH. HADDON, MAYOR, 1500. 2 [Election of officers.] Rob. Grene, Hen. Marler, Ric. Braytoft, Joh. Thrumpton, Will. Shore, Ric. Coke, Tho. Bailly, Rob. Colman, Ric. Lee, Joh. Wygston, Will. Roweley, Tho. Chircheman, Joh. Padland, Tho. Bonde, Joh. Dwale, Will. Taillour, Tho. Maideford, Ric. Jakson, Ed. Barbour, Tho. Grene, Ric. Nores, Joh. Strong, Ric. Lansdale, Ric. Hassale. [m. Joh. Hadon; cor. Rob. Topclyff; ch. Tho. Kervyn, Dauid Blakwall; w. Ric. Marler, Joh. Hardwen; mace, Hen. Peyntour; crier, Joh. Toures.] THE COUNCIL. Hit is ordeyned at pis eleccion that the Maire kepe Counceill wokely ones in þe woke specially on pe Wensday, and that pe Maires seriant warne the Mares Brethern euery Tewesday to be at seynt Mari-hall at pe Counceill vppon pe Wensday without pe Maire commaunde pe contrarie, vppon peyn of pe seid seriant to lese at euery tyme he doth pe Contrarie iiij d. THE BRISTOL AFFAIR. Mem. that pis in Estur terme was pe matier in variaunce betwixt pis Cite & Bristolls as-touchyng kayage claymed 1 66 'This mayor strove greatly against this town (sic) of our Lady." Annals quoted in Fretton, Whitefriars (Proc. B'ham and Midl. Institute), 10. There was an image of the Virgin kept in the Lady Tower by Whitefriars on the London Road. 2 leaf 285. Scribe B. John Whitehed, Joh. Raynold bailiffs. 3 See above, pp. 592 sqq. "Couentre." Jan. 25. Electors. Officers. "A Counceill to be held weekly on Wensday." "Variaunce between Bristoll & Couentry setled by indenture." "Civitas Couentre." Jan. 25. Electors. Officers. "A common box." The executors of the will of the "on Vicker of both parishes" give 408. Boteler more. "5 keies to be in the be þe Baillifs of Bristoll, determyned be pe Recordours of both places, as appereth be writyng indented vnder the comien seals of both Townes; wherof pe on partie sealed with pe comien seall of Bristoll remayneth in þe Tresorye in seynt Marie hall, & the copie perof is regestred in the boke where pe Copie of pe Chartirs be registred, remaynyng with pe Styward etc. WILL. PISFORD, MAYOR, 1501. 1 Ihs. [Election of officers.] Joh. Padland, Hen. Marler, Ric. Braytoft, Joh. Thrumpton, Will. Shore, Ric. Coke, Tho. Bailly, Ric. Lee, Joh. Wygston, Will. Roweley, Tho. Chircheman, Rob. Grene, Will. fforth, Tho. Bonde, Will. Hopkyns, Geff. Ardern, Edw. Hulcote, Edw. Barbur, Will. Barbour, Ric. Nores, Joh. Sissell, Tho. Grove, Ric. Lansdale, Will. Burglen. [m. Will. Pisford;2 cor. Rob. Topcliff; ch. Ric. Burwey, Tho. Turnour, Jun.; w. Tho. fforth, Nic. Heynes ; mace, Hen. Peyntour super suam bonam gesturam;" crier, Joh. Toures.] 66 Whech Will. Pisford in hys tyme be pe advyce of pe Counceill ordred a Comien box to be had in pis Cite, which he ordeyned of his cost, & let set hit in pe Councill house in seynt Mary hall; in-to which boxe for a goode begynnyng Ric. Coke & Joh. Boteler, executors of pe testament of Sir Joh. Gilbert, late viker of both parish Churches in Couentre gaffe xls; and ouer þat þe seid Joh. Boteler of such money as he had resceyued of printices .8 To which box is made v keyes, the Maire for the tyme beyng to haue on of þeym, & þe iiij other to be in kepyng of iiij Comieners that haue not be in offices of wardeyn & chamberleyn, & they iiij to be Chosen be x comieners, they x to be Chosen be pe Meire & 1 leaf 286, back. The first time these symbolic letters appear here. Baillifs, Joh. Stronge, Ric. Hassale. Coventry is here described as "ciuitas siue villa." 2 Part founder with Ford of the Grey Friars' hospital, which is still in existence. For Pisford's will, see Dugdale (1730), 184-5. 3 Blank. Boteler as steward kept the book wherein the names of apprentices were entered. See above, p. 560. his Counceill for the tyme beyng, þat is to sey in euery of þex wardes in Couentre j to be named. And these ordrer (sic) to be kept frohensfurth for euer as often as eny of pe seid Comieners be called into office or happe to decesse or operwyse be remoued. And for pe begynnyng of pis ordre the seid Maire let Chose be pe advice of his Counceill pe x persones of pe x wardes in Couentre, that is to sey, Tho. Mosell, draper, Ric. Semyng, draper, Will. Wycam, draper, Hen. Grey, draper, Will. Banwell, Merser, Joh. Plesantyn, mercer, Tho. ffarman, smyth, Will. Brigges, Capper, Will. Huet, Baker, & Ric. Pova,1 Mercer. Whech x let chose & name pes iiij persones folowyng to haue þe kepyng of pe keyes; to whech iiij persones þe seid Maire delyuered to euerych of theym a key, pat is to sey, Joh. Wodnet, dyer, Will. Carter, taillour, Will. Briggez, Capper, & Ric. Pova. RIC. JAKSON, MAYOR, 1502. 2 Ihs. [Election of officers.] Will. fforth, Hen. Marler, Ric. Braytoft, Will. Shore, Ric. Coke, Tho. Baylly, Ric. Lee, Joh. Wygston, Will. Roweley, Tho. Chircheman, Rob. Grene, Joh. Padland, Tho. Bande, Joh. Hadon, Will. Taillour, Gal. Ardern, Edw. Hulcote, Tho. Padland, Tho. Turnour, Rog. Wode, Ric. Nores, Joh. Sissell, Will Hardy, Tho. Grove. [m. Ric. Jakson; cor. Rob. Topclyff; ch. Hum. Grene, Alan. Ruyley; w. Hugo Dawes, Ric. Dadynton, draper; mace, Hen. Peynter; crier, Joh. Toures.] RIC. COKE, MAYOR, 1503. 3 Ihs. [Election of officers.] Tho. Band, Hen. Marler, Ric. Braytoft, Will. Shore, Tho. Baylly, Will. Roweley, Ric. Lee, Tho. Chircheman, Rob. Grene, Joh. Padland, Will. fforde, Joh. Haddon, 1 See above, p. 594. Ric. Lansdale, Joh. Saunders, bailiffs. one from each of the respective wards. Jan. 25. Electors. Officers. "Ciuitas Couentre." Jan. 25. Electors, 25 names. Officers. Pension for the retiring crier taken from the new crier's fee. "Civitas Couentre." Jan. 25. Electors. Officers. Nov. 21. "John Botte- of this keping Tho. Padland, Will. Taillour, Rog. Chambre, Tho. Turn- [m. Ric. Coke; cor. Rob. Topclyff; ch. Ric. Wilson, Will. Perkyns, Baker; [w.] Will. Barnwall, Will. Brigges, Capper; mace, Hen. Walker upon his good conduct; & Hugh Johnson crier, upon the condition that present and future sheriffs shall pay yearly to Joh. Toures, who before this occupied the crier's office, during his life 13s. 4d, at the four terms of the year by equal portions, from the fee of the said Hugh or of any other occupier of the office during the said John's lifetime.] THO. PADLAND, MAYOR, 1504. 1 Ihs. ¶ [Election of officers.] Joh. Hadon, Hen. Marler, Ric. Braytoft, Will. Shore, Tho. Bailly, Will. Roweley, Tho. Chircheman, Rob. Grene, Ric. Lee, Joh. Padlond, Tho. Bande, Will. Pysford, Tho. Turnour, Will. Taillour, Edw. Hulcote, Rog. Chambre, Joh. Strong, Ric. Hassale, Joh. Sissell, Ric. ffoxale, Tho. Grove, Will. Hardy, Humf. Grene, Tho. fforde. [m. Tho. Padland; cor. Rob. Topcliff; ch. Tho. May, Grasiour, Tho. Estelen; w. Hen. Rogers, vyntener, Tho. Waren, dyer; mace, Hen. Peynter, crier, Hugh Johnson.] THE TANNERS. 2 Mem. pat2 In the Counceill holden in Seynt Mary hall be xxjti day of Nouembre [20 Hen. VII], there beyng present pe seid Maire, Hen. Marler, Ric. Coke, Ric. Braytoft, Will. Shore, Ric. Lee, Tho. Bailly, Tho. Chircheman, Joh. Padland, Tho. Bonde, Joh. Hadon, Ric. Jakson, in pe matier beyng in variance betwix pe ffeliship of pe Tanners & Joh. Boteler, which feliship had chosen þe seid Joh. Boteler for on of pe kepers of their Craft, which to 1 leaf 292, back. Bailiffs, Joh. Clerk, Joh. Humfrey. 3-3 In the 17th-century hand usual in marginal annotations. take vppon hym þe seid Joh. Boteler refused,1 & ther shewed1 that he was discharged be pe hole Craft at þe tyme he was receyued into theire ffeliship of that charge & all othere charges, whils he liffed, concideryng pe office he had etc.; for which discharge he hath paide 3erely xld. & where the oper of pe company paye but ijs. For which discorde to be appeised hit was ordred be pe seid Counceill at þat tyme that pe seid Joh. Boteler, concideryng þe charge he had dayly with pe officez of sty warship & Townclerk of pe Cite, that he shuld frohensfurth be discharged of Maistership & keper of pe seid Craft for euer and all oper charges longyng to pe seid Craft, as offerynges,2 assembleez & other metynges & charges sauyng only that he shall kepe & obserue all goode & resonable ordinancez made & to be made that shal-by (sic) godly & expedient for pe comien wele of pe seid Craft; ffor which discharge pe seid Joh. Boteler shall paye in hand vj s. viijd. & euery 3ere after whils he occupieth pe Craft ij s., & euery vij zere herafter whils he liffeth & occupieth pe Craft to pay vjs. viijd. in name of a ffyn for pe discharge aforerehersed etc. JOH. DUDDESBURY, MAYOR, 1505. 3 Ihs. [Election of officers.] Will. Pysford, Hen. Marler, Ric. Coke, Ric. Braytoft, Ric. Lee, Tho. Bailly, Rob. Grene, Tho. Chircheman, Joh. Padland, Will. Shore, Will. ffoorde, Tho. Bonde, Joh. Hadon, Ric. Jakson, Tho. Wardelowe, Joh. Darlyng, Joh. Strong, Ric. Hassale, Joh. Hardwyn, Joh. Clerk, Will. Hardy, Ric. Nores, Tho. Groue, Th. ffoorde. [m. Joh. Duddesbury, skynner; cor. Tho. Rastell; ch. Hen. Sampson, dier, Joh. Nix, Grasier; w. Joh. Hoton, mercer, Tho. Smyth, draper; mace, Hen. Peyntour; crier, Hugh Johnson. And the aforeseid Joh. Hoten died 1 deletions. 2 i. e. at mass. 3 leaf 294. Scribe B. Bailiffs, Ric. Marler, Ric. ffoxale. On the play of St. Crytyan or S. Christian played in the Little Park this year see Sharp, Mysteries, 10; Craig, Two Corpus Christi Plays, xxi. "Civitas Officers. |