صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Spain's part, or through his death or the death of either of the contracting parties (which God forfend) that the said marriage by word of mouth within forty days (etc.) shall not be contracted in the manner (etc.) and solemnised according

to the rites of the Church, then and in that case we, the earls (etc.) aforesaid, our heirs and successors, shall be bound to pay to the aforesaid King of

the Romans, and to the Prince of Spain, their heirs or successors, without delay or excuse the said sum of 50,000 gold crowns, and every part of it, as a penalty for the same breach of contract;

[And that it shall be lawful for the same king (etc.) and the Prince of Spain, their heirs (etc.) to levy and distrain upon, seize, possess and keep all and singular our goods movable and immovable of the said earls

(etc.) mayors (etc.) our heirs (etc.) wheresoever by land or sea they may be found without challenge or resistance whatso


principem Hispanie, aut eius mortem, vel per mortem alterius contrahencium (quod Deus auertat)1 quominus dictum matrimonium per uerba de presenti infra quadraginta dies post complimentum2 quartumdecimum etatis eiusdem principis annum proximo et inmediate sequentes contrahatur modis, terminis, locis, ac formis in supradicto tractatu specificatis [et] in facie ecclesie solempnisetur, tunc & in eo casu nos Comites, barones, et domini, maiores, aldermanni, vicecomites, balliui, constabularii et Communitates predicti, nostrive heredes et successores, dictam summam quinquaginta Millium coronarum auri et quamlibet eius partem in penam eiusmodi repudiacionis dicto tune Romanorum Regi, nunc vero electo Romanorum Imperatori, et principi heredibusve aut successoribus suis sine dilacione aut excusacione quacunque soluere tenerentur (sic);

Quodque eciam lic[er]et prefatis tune Regi nunc vero (etc.) et principi Hispanie suisve heredibus et successoribus dictam summam quinquaginta millium coronarum auri et quamlibet eius partem de & super omnibus & singulis bonis mobilibus et Immobilibus nostris dictorum Comitum (etc.) Maiorum (etc.) heredumque (etc.) nostrorum vbicunque tam per terram quam per mare fuerint reperta sine contradiccione aut recistencia quacunque libere exigere, leuare, capere, possidere et detinere :

[We, therefore, the earls Nos igitur, Comites (etc.) necnon 2 sic. Read "completum," as below, p. 616.

1? an omission.

(etc.) mayors (etc.) desiring to obey and please the foresaid our most dread lord not only in the premisses, but also in all other things wherein we can or should, and desiring a prosperous and happy ending for so holy an affair not only for us, but also for the benefit of peace of both sides, and an affair most advantageous for the realms, countries, lordships, and all their subjects and the whole commonwealth of the Christian religion, do bind and oblige, according to the tenor of these presents, as well ourselves, earls (etc.) our heirs (etc.) and all and singular our goods (etc.) and also ourselves, mayors (etc.) as well in our corporate and personal character (so that the obligation of corporate bodies shall not diminish the obligation of individuals, nor the contrary) our heirs (etc.) cities (etc.) our citizens for the time being, all and singular our goods

(etc.) to the aforesaid emperor (etc.) and Prince of Spain, their heirs (etc.) in 50,000 gold crowns in which the King of England (etc.) and the Prince of Wales (etc.) as is aforesaid, shall bind and oblige themselves in order that the said marriage between the aforesaid

Maiores, aldermanni, vicecomites, balliui et Constabularii supradicti, cupientes prefato domino nostro metuendissimo non solum in premissis verumeciam in aliis omnibus quibus possumus, vel debemus, obedire et complacere, Reique tam sancte tam honorifice non nobis solum set et bono pacis vtriusque parcium predictorum ac Regnis, patriis, dominiis & subditis vniuersis ac tocius religionis cristiane reipublice et vtili[ssi]me prosperum et felicem exitum etc., Non mediocriter affectantes et desiderantes, tenore presencium 1 obligamus et astringimus tam nos Comites, Barones (etc.) heredes (etc.) nostros ac omnia & singula bona nostra (etc.), quam eciam nos Maiores (etc.) et Communitates tanquam corpora et collegia et tanquam particulares personas que nunc sunt et pro tempore erunt, Ita quod obligaciones corporum seu collegiorum non derogent obligacionibus particularibus nec e contra, heredes (etc.) nostros, Ciuitates, villas et opida nostra, omnesque et singulos Ciues ac opidanos nostros pro tempore existentes ac omnia & singula bona nostra (etc.) vbicunque fuerint reperta, prefato Imperatori vt auo et Tutori predicto et supranominato principi Hispanie heredibus (etc.) suis in quinquaginta Millibus coronarum auri qua prefatus metuendissimus dominus noster Rex Anglie et prefatus Illustrissimus et serenissimus princeps Wallie, ut predictum est, sese obligarent et

1 leaf 302.

Prince of Spain and the Lady Mary when they come to a marriageable age shall be duly performed according to the said treaty.

[And if it shall happen through the Lady Mary's doing (etc.) or through any occur

rence otherwise than on the Prince of Spain's part or by his death or by the natural death of either of the contracting parties (which God forbid) that this marriage (etc.) may not be celebrated, then and in that case we the aforesaid

earls (etc.) mayors (etc.) acknowledge that we will pay or cause to be paid to the afore

said guardian and Prince of Spain the said sum of 50,000 crowns of gold (etc.), and we promise by these presents to

pay or cause it to be paid to the said emperor (etc.) and Prince of Spain or either of them (etc.) as a penalty for the same breach of engagement without any delay or excuse whatever.

[We will also and grant by

astringerent quod dictum matrimonium inter prenominatum principem Hispanie et dominam Mariam cum ad legitimam 1 nubendi etatem peruenerint iuxta formam dicti tractatus debite perficietur.

Et si forte steterit per dictam dominam Mariam vel parentes suos vel eorum aliquem aut quemcunque alium aut per quemcunquè modum vel eventum preterquam per prefatum principem Hispanie aut eius partem vel per mortem naturalem alterius contrahencium (quod Deus auertat) quominus dictum matrimonium per uerba de presenti infra quadraginta dies post completum quartumdecimum etatis eiusdem principis annum proximo sequentes modis (etc.) in predicto tractatu specificatis et contentis et in facie ecclesie debite solempnizetur, Tunc et in eo casu nos predicti Comites (etc.), Maiores (etc.) predicti fatemur et recognosimus Tutori predicto et prefato principi Hispanie dictam summam quinquaginta Coronarum auri et quamlibet eius partem, Promittimusque per presentes quod eandem summam quinquaginta Millium Coronarum auri dicto Imperatori ut auo (etc.) predicto et prefato principi Hispanie vel eorum alteri heredibusve (etc.) in penam eiusmodi repudiacionis sine dilacione aut excusacione quacunque soluemus soluive faciemus; Volumusque et per presentes concedimus pro nobis dictis Comitibus (etc.) Maioribus (etc.) heredibus (etc.) quod in

1 MS. has a stroke too many.

these presents for ourselves (etc.) our heirs (etc.) that in the case of the breach aforesaid

and the non-payment of the sum aforesaid it shall be lawful for the said emperor (etc.) and aforenamed Prince of Spain or their heirs (etc.) the said sum (etc.) to levy freely upon our

persons and goods (etc.), keep, possess and detain without challenge or resistance.

[We renounce expressly and as a legal compact under the names and qualities given above all and singular exceptions of law and fact and other defences and benefits of law and fact, and generally all appeals, pleas, challenges and benefits of laws and canons by which we may be aided against the premisses or any of them, or other exceptions or defences whatever whereby we may be protected, and in particular we renounce the exception of the non-payment of the. penalty by the principal contractors or their kinsfolk at the espousals and matrimony, and (we renounce the benefit of) the law saying that a general renunciation is not binding unless a special one has preceded it. [Provided that in case the

casu predicte repudacionis et non solucionis summe predicte licebit predicto Imperatori ut auo (etc.) et prenominati (sic) principi Hispanie suisve heredibus (etc.) dictam summam quinquaginta Millium Coronarum auri et quamlibet eius partem de & super personis, bonis mobilibus et Immobilibus nostris, heredibus (etc.) Communitatum, Ciuium, et opidorum nostrorum vbicunque (etc.) sine contradiccione aut resistencia quacunque libere exigere, leuare, capere, possidere et detinere.

Renunciamus in hac parte expresse et in vim pacti sub nominibus et qualitatibus quibus supra omnibus et singulis tam Juris quam facti excepcionibus et defencionibus aliisque Juris et facti beneficiis et generaliter omnium legum et canonicum (sic) appellacionibus, querelis, prouocacionibus et beneficiis quibus contra premissa seu ipsorum aliqua nos Juuare possemus seu alias quomodo

libet1 tueri et presertim excepcione pene non soluende per principales contrahentes vel eorum parentes in

sponsalibus et matrimoniis apposite ac Juridicenti generalem renunciacionem non valere nisi processerit specialis.

Prouiso tamen quod casu quo

1 Contraction for is follows.

said marriage between the aforesaid Prince of Spain and the Lady Mary is contracted and duly solemnised, or if it should happen that the aforesaid marriage be not contracted and solemnised by reason of failure on the part of the Prince of Spain (etc.) or his death or the death of either of the contracting parties (which God forfend) or otherwise than through the action of the Lady Mary and her side, or if the aforesaid sum of 50,000 gold crowns in these cases or in any of them has been fully paid, our present letters shall be quashed and be of no moment nor efficacy, and shall be restored to us in good faith by the abovesaid emperor, the Prince of Spain, or either of them, or their heirs (etc.), ambassadors, or proxies deputed to that end. In faith and testimony of all and singular we, the earls (etc.) have signed and sealed with the seals of our arms these our present letters patent, we indeed the mayors (etc.) have caused to be corroborated, and corroborated (the same) with the common seals of our cities and towns..

dictum matrimonium inter prefatum principem Hispanie et dominam Mariam contrahatur et debite solempnisetur, aut si per prefatum principem Hispanie vel parentes suos, vel eorum aliquem aut alium quemcunque aut per mortem alterius contrahencium (quod Deus auertat) per quemcunque alium modum vel euentum preterquam per prefatam dominam Mariam aut eius partem steterit quominus dictum matrimonium locis (etc.), ut prefatur, contrahatur et solempnizetur, vel si predicta summa quinquaginta millium coronarum auri in casibus predictis vel eorum aliquo plene fuerit soluta, presentes nostre litere tanquam casse et irrit[e] nulliusque momenti aut efficacie [et] nobis per prefatum Imperatorem, principem Hispanie vel eorum alterum, eorumve heredes et successores aut eorum oratores vel procuratores ad hoc deputatos bona fide restituantur. In quorum omnium et singulorum fidem et testimonium presentes literas nostras patentes nos Comites, barones1 et domini predicti manibus nostris signauimus et sigillis armorum nostrorum sigillauimus, Nos uero Maiores, aldermanni, vicecomites, balliui, constabularii et Communitates Ciuitatum et opidorum predictorum sigillis Communibus nostris fecimus communiri et communiuimus.

1 MS. barores.

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