صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


unless it be sealed.


not to curry unsealed leather.

"Ciuitas Coventrie." Apr. 21.

"Error in Curia."

Fees for the writ.

warrant." 5

6" No speciall
Capias with-
out mayor
and sher-
iffs." 6


are allowed

to sell meat,

sealyd with the sealle aforseyde, and ffor euere hyde otherwysse solde the seller to fforfet xl d. and the byer other xl d. to the vse of the Comen box.

Also that no Coreer within this Citte Core any lether but soche as is seallyd with the seyde seall, apon peyne of fforfet for euery hyde soo Tanneyd xl d.



1[V. f. p. before Jul. Nethermill, m., Ric. Wethers, Will. Tillett, b., Tuesday before S. George's day, 14 Hen. VIII.]

¶ Will. Wikame, Rob. Grene, Joh. Duddesbury, Ric. Hassall, Joh. Clerk, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Waren, Joh. Bonde, Tho. Banwell, Tho. Smyth, Hen. Wall, Tho. Astelyn, Ric. Burwey, Ric. Herryng, Will. Towres, Tho. Dodd, Joh. Cramp, Tho. Gopsill, Joh. Eyburne, Geo. Philips, Will. Banwell, Ric. Povie, Tho. Napton, Tho. Wilmer.

[Enacted] that whosoeuer frome-hensforth doith sue eny wrytt of Error2 or Certiorari 3 to remove eny recorde or pleynt out of the kynges Court of this Cite shall pay for the allowaunce of the same writt 4or Error or certiorari the feez afore-tyme accustumed, and ouer & besides the same vj s. viij d. to the shireffes of the seid Citie for the tyme beyng etc.

[Enacted] that the shireffes of the Citie for the tyme beyng frome-hensfurth shall graunt no graund warraunt5 to be executed upon eny Townesman of this Citie without license & assent of Maister Meire for the tyme beyng etc. [Enacted] that no dweller within this Citie shall comenlie sell or retaill eny maner of flesshe for vitaill within this Citie oneles he be of the Crafte of bochers or elles

1 leaf 336, back. Scribe I. Marginal notes are now usually in this scribe's hand.

2 A writ to procure the reversal of a judgment on the ground of error (N. E. D.).

3 A writ from a superior to an inferior court to call up for trial the record of the latter upon the complaint of a party that he has not received justice or cannot have a fair trial there. The word certiorari (= to be certified) occurs in the writ. 4 (?) of.

5 The term "grand warrant" is unknown to Sir F. Pollock and Prof. E. Jenks; the latter agrees to the suggestion that it may probably refer to the process of arrest on Capias, though the use of the word "grand" is unexplained. 6-6 A later hand.

brother to the same, vpon peyne who doith the contrarie to forfeit for euery defaute xs; and that it shall be laufull for the shireffes of the seid Citie for the tyme beyng havyng knowlege & prove of the seid offendoures to arrest & imprisone theme in the comen gaoll vntill the haue payed the seyd forfeyture; and the same forfeiture to be distributed in thre partes, wherof oon to the Meire & the other twoo to the shireffes for the tyme beyng etc.

Item, forasmoche as Jas. Hobson & Ric. Niclyn, Bochers, with other haue taken vpon theme to be bounde to the Maisters of the Citie & serue & fynde all the Citie sufficient Candle of the price of peny & farthyng the pounde & xiij li. to the dosyne for the space of vij yeires next ensuyng, it is therfor enacted at this lete that no persones (sic) or personez of the Crafte of bochers within this Citie shall bargeyn or sell eny Talowe to eny persone or persones within this Citie or without, but onelie to the seid Jas. Hobsone & Ric. Niclyne & other foure mene by the same James & Richard to be named & assigned, [or 40s. fine to be levied by the sheriffs, half to the use of the sheriffs and half to the common box.]

1 Item, where-as by auctorite of dyuers letes holden in tymes past within this Citie the Craftes of smythes & Goldsmythes be vnite & knyt together in one with dyuers other occupacions Joyntlie to be contributories to all fynes & imposicions amonges the seid occupacions to be payed & levied, and to be present at all assembles as mariages, burialles, or otherwise whatsoeuer they be, by theme accustomed to be kept & maynteyned, as by ther priuate ordinaunces affirmed by the seid leetes 2 pleynlie it may appere; betwene whome of lait dyuers controuersies & debates haue Risen & bene moved for the nonperfourmaunce of the same to the greit Inquietnes of Maister Meire & the Counsell of the Citie & to the hurt & hynderaunce of the seid occupacions: It is therfor at this leet establisshed & enacted in avoidyng of like troublez hereafter to ensue that the seid Craft of Goldsmythes frome

1 leaf 337.

2 For inspection of craft rules by the officers and council see p. 32. No copy of the smiths' rules has hitherto appeared in the Leet Book; but see those of the cappers, pp. 572-4.

under pain

of fine and imprisonment.


to be supplied by six persons only at 14d. per lb.

& Gold-

have fallen to disputing among themselves.

The goldsmiths are

ordered to pay their fines as usual,

and attend assemblies.

"Ciuitas Couentrie."

"Ciuitas Couentrie." Jan. 25, 1524.


"Ciuitas Couentrie." Apr. 12.

hensfurthe shall not onelie for ther partes pay all suche fynes & imposicions due & accustomed by theme or eny of theme to be levied & payed for brekyng of eny of the seid ordinaunces, but also they shall at all tymes herafter be present at all Mariages, burielles & other assembles whatsoever they be, likewise as eny of the other occupacions to theme vnite & knyt doo accustume theme to keip accordyng to ther seid ordinaunces maid & establisshed & affirmed, as is aforseid, vpon the peyne to ryne1 in the forfeyture of the penalties of the same, and also to abide further punyshement of Maister Meire & the Councell of the seid Citie etc.

[2 V. f. p. held before Jul. Nethermill, m., Ric. Wethers, Will. Tillett, b., (cetera desunt).]


[3 Election of officers.]

[Magister Ric. Marler, Ric. Hassall, Joh. Clerke, Joh. Humfrey, Joh. Bonde, Will. Wicame, Tho. Astlelene, Tho. Wilmer, Hen. Perkyns, Ric. Burwey, Ric. Herryng, Rog. Wales, Will. Dawson, Joh. Hickes, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Ric. Rise, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Will. Tillett, 5 Chr. Mereman, Geo. Philips, Tho. Ward, Joh. Hill.]

[m. Tho. Banwell, draper; rec. Rad. Swillyngton; cor. Rob. Grene; steward, Baldw. Porter; ch. Rob. Kyrvyn, Tho. Gardenour; w. Hen. Kylby, Sim. Parker; mace, Will. Alene; crier, Rog. Fraby.]


7[V. f. p. held before Tho. Banwell, m., Tho. Wilmer, Tho. Spenser, b., Apr. 12, 15 Hen. VIII.]

¶ Tho. White, Ric. Marler, Ric. Hassall, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Waren, Joh. Bonde, Will. Wicame, Julynus Nethermill, Tho. Astelen, Tho. Smyth, Hen. Wall, Hen. Perkyns,

[blocks in formation]

3 leaf 338. The usual formula employed at the election concludes
with the words "secundum antiquam consuetudinem Ciuitatis
predicte" according to the ancient custom of the said city.
5-5 Untitled.

4 Magister before all names till note 5.
6 Magistrum prefixed. 7 leaf 338, back.

Ric. Heryng, Rog. Wales, Tho. Dodd, Joh. Crampe, Will.
Dawson, Joh. Hickkes, Will. Towres, Ric. Rise, Tho.
Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Will. Tillett, Rob. Kirvin.

1 In primis, it is enacted (etc.) that no begger of this Citie fromehensfurthe shall begge within the two parishe Churches of this Citie in the tyme of Goddes seruice vsed ther, vpon peyn to be punysshed by imprisonment of the stokkes by the space of a day & a nyght; and that ther shal-be on certeyn persone assigned by the Meire for the tyme beynge to viewe & execute yeirelie the seid acte.

Item, it is enacted that the acte concernyng Clothemakyng maid in the tyme of Maister Burwey, Meire of this Citie, shall stande & be in effecte & duelię executed frome-hensfourthe accordyng to the tenour of the seid acte; and for thexecucion of the same acte ther be now elected, as serchers for true weyvyng, Will. Dale & Owyne Blakmere, weivers, and for true walkyng, Joh. Grene & Rauf Worseley, walkers.

Item, ther is elected Hen. Braynesforde, draper, to be sealer of Clothe with the seale of this Citie, and to haue for his ffee of euery clothe sealed j d.

Item, ther is elected Tho. Boithe as sercher of wolles sold within this Citie.

Item, it is enacted that euery Craftes-mane within this Citie shall fromehens furthe take as meny prentises & Journemen as they woll accordyng to the liberties of this Citie, eny acte or caue tofore maid to the contrary notwithstandyng.3

[Enacted] that all the Journemen of euery Crafte in this Citie shall brynge in & deliuer ther bokes of ther Caues & actes to Maister Meire at suche tyme as he woll appoynt or warne theme, vpon peyne of imprisonement.1

[Enacted] that so longe as the Crafte of Shomakers fynde & keip ther preist they shall reteyne & keipe in ther handes to ther owne vse yeirelie the Marke of money, which thei were wont to pay yierelie by acte of leete to the Crafte of Tanners. Prouided alweyes that the seid 1 On poor relief see Victoria County Hist. Warw., II, pp. 164 sqq. 2-2 See above, p. 656. A much later hand.

3 See the cappers' rules, 4 See Introduction.

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5 leaf 339.

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Craft of Shomakers shall pay vnto the seid Tanners at
Corpus Christi tide next ensuyug vj s. viij d.

[Enacted] that all the ale wyves & tiplers of this Citie shall sell ther ale by measures sealed, accordyng to the acte maid in the tyme of Maister Wikame,1 Meire, [or 3s. 4d. fine each time to the sheriffs.]

2[V. f. p. held on Tuesday before Michaelmas, 16 Hen. VIII.]

¶ [Magister Tho. White,3 Ric. Marler, Ric. Hassall, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Waren, Joh. Bonde, Will. Wicame, Jul. Nethermill, Tho. Astelen, Hen. Wall, Nic. Heynes, Hen. Perkyns, Ric. Herryng, Rog. Wales, Will. Dawson, Joh. Hickes, Tho. Dodd, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Ric. Rice, Tho. Gopsill, Rob. Kyrvyn, Tho. Gardenour, Hum. Moseley.⭑

[Will. Smyth, Tho. Trussell.]


Wher-as Rauff Swillyngton, Recorder of this Citie, tyme of his admission to the office of Recorder, promysed by his corporall othe to be resident & demurraunt5 within this Citie, the on half of the yeir, or the moost part therof, except & savyng suche tymes as the greit sekenes shulde reign within the Citie, and except such tymes as he shuld be conuersaunt at London. It is now ordeyned by auctorite of this lete by thadvice of the Meire, aldermen & the Comens of this Citie ther assembled, that forasmoche as the seid Rauf is nowe generall attourney to our souereign lorde, the kynge, be nowe by the seid auctorite exonerat, releassed, put at large & discharged of his seid othe hertofore maid in that behalf, and that the seid Rauf shal-be here at the ij generall Cessiones & great letes after Michelmas & Eister to be holden & ij dayes before & ij dayes after, or more or lesse, as the busynes for the Citie thene shall require, if the sekenes reign not in the Citie, or that he be occupied otherwise in the kynges busynes. 8 [Enacted] that the weivers of this Citie shall haue for

[blocks in formation]

The sweating sickness was very rife in 1517; the plague in 1521. See Traill, Soc. England, III, 145, 257.

7 Supply "he.'

8 leaf 340.

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