صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



the weyvyng of euery Cloithe, to the makyng wherof goithe & is putt iiij & viij li. of woll or more to the nombre of iiij li. & xvj, vs. for the weyvyng of euery such Clothe, and if the seid Cloithe conteyn aboue the seid nombre Then the weyvyng to be payed for as the parties Cane agre, and if the Cloith conteyn vnder the seid nombre then the oner to pay for weyvyng but iiijs. vjd. And if the Clothe be maid of restes or grene woll1 then to pay as the parties cane agree; and the payment to be maid in redie money & not in wares, as it is wont to be. And who refuseth thus to do & so proued befor Maister Meire to forfett for euery said defaut iijs. iiij d. to be levied by the serchars of the seid Craft of weyvers, with an officer to theme appoynted by the seid Meire, to the vse of the comen box.

[Enacted] that euery Clothier within this Citie shall pay for walkyng of euery Cloithe of Grene woll or midle woll iij s. iiij d., and for euery Cloith of fyne woll as the Clothier & the walker can agre, and that the Clothier do pay therfor in redie money & not in wares [or 3s. 4d. each time to the common box.]

[No country tanner to buy beast hides, raw or untanned, upon the market day or any other day before 12 o'clock,2 or 6s. 8d. fine, to be levied on the butcher, or other person selling the same, to the common box.]

[Enacted] that if eny person of this Citie beyng no bocher do kyll eny beiffes, Mottons, veilles, porkettes, or lambes within this Citie, [he] shall not retayll eny of the seid vitall by lesse porcion then the half or the quarter [or 6s. 8d. fine each time to the common box.]


3 [Election of officers before Tho. Banwell, m., Tho. Wilmer, Tho. Spenser, 4 b., on the feast of the Conversion of S. Paul, 16 Hen. VIII cetera desunt.]


1 Evidently wool of inferior quality: but whether discoloured or obtained from a poor fleece I do not know. For payments cf. p. 660.

2 MS. "the owre of xii of the Cloke."

8 leaf 341.

4 These bailiffs' and sheriffs' names are put in error, see above, p. 688, and below, p. 690.

weyvyng of
Clothes," to
which from
88 to 96 lbs.
of wool
go, 58.,

and for those of less weight, 48. 6d.

The payment is to be in ready money,.. not truck wages.

Clothier to

pay "for walkyng of Clothes" 38. 4d.


of vitayll."

Jan. 25, 1525.

"Ciuitas Couentrie." Apr. 27.

"For hunters & hawkers."

The use of nets and other engines t(take game forbidden

except in the case of 40s. freeholders.

"Prentices & other


[V. f. p. held before Nic. Heynes, m., Will. Smyth,1 Tho. Trussell,1 b., on Thursday after S. Mark's day, 17 Hen. VIII.]

[ Jul. Nethermyll, Magister2 Ric. Marler, Ric. Hassall, Joh. Humfrey, Will. Wicame, Tho. Whit, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Smyth, Hen. Wall, Tho. Astelen, Hen. Perkyns, Rog. Wales, Will. Dawson, Joh. Hickes, Tho. Dod, Will. Towres, Ric. Rise, Tho. Spenser, Tho. Gopsill, 3 Hen. Burne, Will. Ridyng, Cristofer Wadde, Tho. Burdon, Ric. Townesend.]

Wher-as in tyme past dyuers & meny of the Inhabitantes within this Citie disposed to Idlenes not havyng xls. of freholde by yeire inordinatlie haue vsed to hawke & to hunt, kepyng haukes, greyhoundes & houndes, spanielles, ferettes, heyes, Targes, & other engennes, wherby all maner of fowles & beastes of waren & of chace be excessyvelie taken & distroyed, not ferying the penalties of dyuers & meny good estatutes maid by auctorite of parliament for the punyshement of the same, wherby moche idlenes & pouertie is greatelie encreassed within this Citie. It is therfor establisshed (etc.) that no persone inhabited within this Citie ner the libertiez of the same fromehensfurth do presume to keip eny haukes, greyhoundes, or houndes, ferettes, hayes, Targes or eny other engennes, ner do presume to hunt or to hauke with the same, oneles they may dispend xls. of frehold by yeire, vpon the peyne to rone in suche penalties as be expressed in the seid estatutes and that to pay for euery tyme so offendyng vjs. viijd. to be levied by the shireffes, the on half to ther owne vse and the other half to the Comen box of the Citie etc.

6 Item, wher-as by auctoritie of lete holden within this Citie in the tyme of Maister Burwey, Meire of the same, it was ordeyned that it shuld be lawfull to the inhabitauntes & apprentices of this Citie & to estraungers to

1 See p. 689, note 4. 2 Title repeated until note 3. 3 Untitled. 4 A net used particularly to catch rabbits. N. E. D. s. v. hay. 5 This word is unknown to Dr. Hen. Bradley and the compilers of the New English Dictionary in any sense connected with sport. 6 leaf 342.

7 v. p. 655.

inhabite & to sett vp ther craft or facultie in this Citie,
what Craft or facultie so euer they were of, paying to the
Maisters of the same Crafte x s. for fyne, that is to say, at
the ende of the first yeire after ther settyng vp ther seid
Crafte vs., and at the ende of the first yeire after that
other vs.; ffor-asmoche as it is now compleyned & en-
fourmed1 at this lete that meney of the seid persons, so
settyng vp ther craftes, do depart the Citie before thende
of the seid first yeire, & before eny peny of the seid fyne
of tene shelynges be payed in fourme aforseid: It is ther-
for enacted at this present lete that euery persone that
haith beene full prentise within this Citie, & doithe 2 sett
vp his occupacion or Craft within the same, shall pay
frome-hensfurth at ther furst settyng vp ther seid Craft to
the Maisters of the Craft iijs. iiij d., and at the ende of
the first yeire of ther occupying other iijs. iiij d. And
that euery estraunger that so shall sett vp his Craft with-
in the seid Citie shall pay in like maner xs. to the
Maisters of his Craft as befor is seyed. And that every
persone that so herafter shall sett vp his occupacion with-
in this Citie shall fynde ij sufficient suerties to be bounde
vnto the Maister of the Craft for payment of the seid fyne.
And that the same persone so settyng vp his Craft shall
be obedient vnto all ordinaunces & estatutes of his occu-
pacion etc.


4 [V. f. p. held before Joh. Humfrey,5 m., Will. Smyth, Tho. Trussell, b., on Tuesday after S. Dionysius' day, 17 Hen. VIII.]

[Magister Jul. Nethermyll, Ric. Hassall, Tho. Waren, Joh. Bonde, Will. Wicame, Will. Whit, Tho. Banwell, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Smyth, Hen. Wall, Tho. Astelen, Hen.

Perkyns, Rog. Wales, Will. Dawsen, Joh. Hickes, Joh.


= to lay information or complaint. A curious impersonal use

of the verb.

2 Characteristic of this scribe.

3 i.e. half at setting up, and half at the end of the first year.

4 leaf 343, back. 5 He served out Heynes' year. See p. 692.

6 All save the last three are called "Magister."

settyng vpl ther occupacions"

to pay their fines, half on setting up, and half at the end of the first year,

and to find security.

"Ciuitas Couentrie." Oct. 10.



"For thelleccion of Constables."

"For thenclosyng of Comens."

"For drying of malt."

"Ciuitas Couentrie." May 1.

Cramp, Will. Towres, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho.
Wylmer, Tho. Spenser, Will. Rydyng,1 Tho. Burdon,1
Humf. Moseley.1]

[Ric. Townesend, Skynner, Hugh Lawton, Capper.]
[Enacted] that euery alderman of this Citie yeirelie
frome-hensfurth with-in iij or iiij 2 dayes 2 after Michel-
mas lett shall elect & chose onest & well ruled persones
within his warde to be constables, and euery of the seid
aldermen to sertifie the names of the seid Constables vnto
the Shireffes for the tyme beyng in wrytyng, and 3 the seid
Shireffes to swere the same persones in the office of
Constables etc.

[Enacted] that all such comen groundes as haue bene latelie inclosed about this Citie shall fromehensfurth bee Comen as they haue bene vsed in auncient tyme & no more to be enclosed, accordyng to the ententes & myndes of the xlviij Mene appoynted for the resonyng of the same so that the kynges grace & his Councell be contented to affirme the same.4

[Enacted that no person dry any malt with straw within this city, or 20s. fine each time to be levied by the sheriff's to their own use.]


5[V. f. p. held before Hen. Wall, m., Ric. Townesende, Hugo Lawton, b., on Tuesday SS. Philip and James, 18 Hen. VIII.]

[Magister Tho. Banwell, Ric. Hassall, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Warene, Joh. Bonde, Will. Wicame, Tho. White, Tho. Smyth, Tho. Astelen, Ric. Herryng, Hen. Perkyns, Rog. Wales, Will. Dawson, Joh. Hickes, Will. Towres,

1 Untitled.


2-2 repeated.

3 deletions follow.

v. p. 679. The commons had been enclosed for corn sowing in time of dearth. This order was the sequel of a rising which took place on "Ill Lammas Day," when "the Commons of Coventre rose & pulled down the gates and hedges of the grounds inclosed; and they that were in the Cittie shutt the Newgate against the Chamberlains and their Company. The Mayor was almost smothered in the Throng; he held with the Commons, for which he was carried as prisoner to London: he was put out of his office, and Mr. John Humphery served out his year." Harl. MS. 6388. 5 leaf 344, back. 6 Magister prefixed. See p. 693, note 1.

Tho. Gopsill, Tho. Spenser, Rob. Smyth, Ric. Ives, Will.
Banwell, Tho. fforman, Will. Rogers, Rob. Kirvyn, Tho.

[Enacted] that the Journemen of the Craft of Cappers within this Citie shall fromehensfurth keip ther owres & tymes in beyng at ther worke as is lymyt in an acte maid at a lete holden in the tyme of Maister Joh. Bonde, Meire,2 vpon peyn to be abriged ther wages by ther Maisters accordyng to the tyme of ther absence.

[Enacted] that all Carvers within this Citie frome-hensfurth shal-be associat with the Craft of peyntoures, and that euery Carver shall pay yeirelie to the peyntoures towardes the Charges of ther pagiaunt xijd. without contradiction, vpon peyn for every defaut to forfett vjs. viijd. to the seid Craft of peyntoures, and that the seid Carvers frome-hensfurth shal-be dismyssed & discharged frome the Craft of Carpenters, and that Richard Tenwynter shall pay suche arrerages to the Carpenters as he oweth theme for the xij d. which he shuld haue payed theme yierelie in tymes past.34

5 [Election of officers.]

[Magister Joh. Bonde, Ric. Marler, Ric. Hassall, Joh.
Humfrey, Will. Wicame, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell,
Rog. Wales, Hen. Perkyns, Will. Dawson, Joh. Hickes,
Will. Towres, Ric. Rise, Tho. Wylmer, Tho. Spenser, Tho.
Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Will. Smyth, Ric. Townesend,
Hugh Lawton, 7 Rob. Smyth, Ric. Ives, Tho. Warde, Tho.

"Journemen of Cappers" to keep their appointed hours.

"Carvers to be associat with peynters."

"Ciuitas Couentrie." Jan. 25.

[m. & Ric. Heyryng, Mercer; rec. 8 Edm. Knyghteley; 9 Officers.

cor. Rob. Grene; steward, Baldw. Porter; ch. Will. Herdie, Barbour, Ric. Sewall, jun., Grasier; w. Tho. Herryng,

1 This name and those that follow are untitled.

2 1520 v. p. 673.

3 "Item" follows. The rest is wanting.

4 An imperfect heading of the next Leet is on leaf 345.

5 leaf 346.

7-7 Untitled.

6 Magister prefixed to names preceding note 7.

8 Magistrum prefixed.

• On the Knightleys of Fawsley v. Whitley, Parl. Representation

of Coventry, p. 36.



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