"Ciuitas Couentrie." May 15. "For sellyng of hides." "Journemen of dyers" to be servants and not a fellowship. "Ciuitas Couentrie." "Ciuitas Couentrie." May 11. draper, Will. Saunders, Capper; mace, Will. Alene; crier, Joh. Weyt.] EASTER LEET. 1[V. f. p. held before Ric. Herryng, m., Will. Banwell, Rog. Palmer, b., on Tuesday, May 15, 19 Hen. VIII.] [Magister Joh. Bonde, 2 Ric. Marler, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Waren, Tho. Gopsill, Will. Wycame, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Hen. Wethers, Rog. Wales, Tho. Smyth, Tho. Astelen, Hen. Perkyns, Will. Dawson, Joh. Hickes, Will. Towres, Ric. Rice, Tho. Spenser, Will. Smyth, Ric. Townesend, Hugo Lawton, Will. Herdy, Ric. Sewall.5] [Enacted that no bocher of this Citie shall sell eny beast hides which they kill on the Thurresday or Fryday to eny tanner of the Contrey before the houre of ix of the Cloke on the Saturday, vpon peyn to forfett for euery hide so solde iijs. iiij d. to be levied by the Sheriffes by distres to ther owne vse. [Enacted] also that the Journemen of diers of this Citie fromehensfurth shall make none assembles at weddynges, brotherhoddes or buryelles ne make eny Caues amonges theme, but shall vse themeselfes as seruauntes & as no Craft or feliship, vpon peyn of Impresonement & to make suche fyne as shal-be assessed vpon theme by Maister Meire, & the justices of the peas of this Citie for the tyme beyng. THO. DODD, MAYOR, 1528. EASTER AND MICHAELMAS LEETS. 8 [V. f. p. held before Tho. Dodd, m., Chr. Wade, Rob. Kervyne, b., on Tuesday May 11, 20 Hen. VIII.] 1 leaf 346, back. 2 Magister prefixed to all names until note 5. * Deleted, but "stet" interlined. 4 A certain Richard Astelyn, haberdasher, was sent up to Queen Mary's Council in Nov. 1553 for seditious behaviour, see Victoria County Hist. Warw., II, 33. 5 Untitled. 6 leaf 347, back. 8 leaf 349. 7 Rest wanting. 9 A defaced, early Renaissance tomb (c. 1550) now in the Mercers' Chapel of S. Michael's is traditionally known as "Wade's tomb." [Magister Hen. Wall, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Warene, Joh. Bonde, Will. Wicame, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Ric. Herryng, Will. Dawson, Tho. Smyth, Tho. Astelen, Rog. Wales, Hen. Perkyns, Joh. Crampe, Will. Towres, Ric. Rise, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho. Wilmer, Ric. Townesend, Hugo Lawton, Will. Banwell, Rog. Palmer, Tho. Enderby.] 2 [Enacted] that for-asmoche as the Tanners of this Citie refuse to by hides of the bochers of this Citie of such reasonable price as the bochers of the Contre wolde, The seid bochers of this Citee frome-hensfurth shall haue ther libertie to sell ther hides to the Tanners of the Contrey, eny acte or actes heretofore to the contrarie maid not-withstandyng. [Enacted] that the Carpenters of this Citie shal-be restored to be a Crafte ageyne as-longe as they demeane themeself well in ther seid Craft; and that the Caruers of this Citie frome-hensfurthe that haue not be prenteses nor Maisters of the seid Carpenters Craft shal-be associat with the Craft of Peynters & not with the Carpenters. [Enacted] that euery persone havyng wydraughtes 3 in ther Gardens adioynyng to the Whit freers wall shall take downe the seid widraughtes befor the feist of Seynt John Baptist next comyng, vpon peyne of vjs. viij d. for euery widraught standyng ther after the seid feist, to be levied by the Shireffes, to ther owne vse. 4 [V. f. p. held on Oct. 22, 20 Hen. VIII.] [Magister Ric. Heryng, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Warene, Will. Wicame, Jul. Nethermyll, Hen. Wall, Will. Dawson, Tho. Smyth, Tho. Astelene, Rog. Wales, Joh. Hickes, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Ric. Rise, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho. Wilmer, Tho. Spenser, Will. Smyth, Ric. Townesend, Hugo Lawton, Will. Banwell, Rog. Palmer, Tho. Enderby. [Jas. Gilbert, Will. Coton.] [Enacted] that no persone Inhabited within this Citie frome-hensfurth shall by eny Barley comyng towardes this = a gutter, sewer, sink. E.D.D. 2 See above, p. 694. 5 Repeated before names until note 6. 6 Untitled. Jury. Orders of "Carpenters, Carvers & peynters." "For widraughtes at the whit frer wall." "Ciuitas Sheriffs. "Bruers" to sell ale at 28. a sextary, and not above 3d. a gallon. "Ciuitas Couentrie." Electors. Officers. Citie to be solde before it come & be brought into the Citie, vpon peyn to forfeit for every defaute fyue poundes; and that no persone aboueseid shall sell eny malt or other Greyne, but onelie to the comen bruers or bakers of this Citie, vpon like peyn to be levied at euery defaut by the shereffes at the Meires comaundement to ther owne vse. [Enacted] that no bruer or other inhabitant of this Citee fromehensfurth shall sell eny ale within this Citie by the Cester1 aboue ijs.; and that they sell xiij galons to the Cester; and that they that sell ale by the galon or vnder sell not aboue the rait of iij d. a galone, [or 6s. 8d. fine each time to be levied by the sheriffs to their own use.] THO. ASTELENE, MAYOR, 1529. 2[Election of new officers by the underwritten citizens and burgesses.] Magister Ric. Herryng, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Waren, Joh. Bonde, Will. Wicame, Julinus Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Tho. Wilmer, Joh. Hickes, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Ric. Rice, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho. Spenser, Will. Smyth, Ric. Townesend, Hugo Lawton, Will. Banwell, Rob. Kyrvyn, Tho. Enderby, Ric. Sewall, Will. Norton.5] [m. Tho. Astelene, Clothier; rec. Rog. Wigston; cor. Rob. Grene; steward, Baldw. Porter; ch. Ric. Niclyne, Gresier, Joh. Somerfelde, Brewer; w. Cristofer Wharton, skynner, Rob. Nicolles, Gresier; mace, Will. Alene; crier, Joh. West. [They chose J. Bonde and Will. Wicame to aid and assist the aforesaid mayor in assessing the prices of victuals for this year following.] 1 = sextary. 2 leaf 350. Item eligerunt (sic) Magistrum Joh. Bonde & Magistrum Will. Wicame esse auxiliantes & assistentes prefato Maiori in assessando precia victualium pro hoc anno sequente. per Ciues & Burgenses subscriptos"; these words follow the usual election 3 ،، formula. 4 Magister prefixed to these names as far as note 5. 5 Untitled. 6 Magistrum prefixed. 1 EASTER AND MICHAELMAS LEETS. [V. f. p. held before Tho. Astelene, m., Jas. Gilbert, Will. Coton, b., Apr. 8, 20 Hen. VIII.] [Magister 2 Ric. Herryng, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Warene, Joh. Bonde, Will. Wicame, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Tho. Dodd, Tho. Wilmer, Will. Dawson, Tho. Smyth, Rog. Wales, Joh. Hickes, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Ric. Rise, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho. Spenser, Will. Smyth, Ric. Townesend, Hugo Lawton, Will. Banwell.] [Enacted] that the Crafte of Cappers of this Citie fromehensfurth shal-be 4 owners of the weyvers pagiaunt with all the implementes & apparell belongyng to the same pagiaunt; and that the seid Craft of weyvers shall yeirelie fromehensfurth pay unto the Maister of the seid Crafte of Cappers vjs. viijd., and so the seid Craft of weyvers fromehensfurth to be clerlie discharged of ther seid pagiaunt & of ther name therof. [Enacted] that no persone within this Citie shall bake or make eny spised Caks with butter to be sold within this Citie, but onelie suche persones as shal-be therunto assigned vnder Maister Meires licens for the tyme beyng [or 3s. 4d. fine to be levied by the sheriffs to their own use.] [Ordained] that euery person that hereafter shal-be founde or takyn Brekyng of hegges or cuttyng of mennes woodes or trees shal-be brought vnto the next stokkes within this Citie & ther to continue by the space of ij dayes with bred & water & non other sustinaunce, and if he or they be takyn the seconde tyme with like offence, then the same persone to be banysshed the Citie for euer. 5 [Enacted] that it shal-be laufull for euery inhabitant of this Citie to occupie the Craft of dying & settyng of wadd fromehensfurth without lett or interupcion of the Maister or Journemen of the Craft of dyars & wadsetters 1 leaf 350, back. 2 Prefixed throughout the list. 3 In the same scribe's handwriting. 4 MS. shabbe. 5 leaf 351. 6 In the same hand. Set = prepare. Wadd = woad, a dye made from the plant Isatis tinctoria. For previous rules concerning dyers see p. 418. "Ciuitas Couentrie." Apr. 8. 3 "The Cappers to haue the weivers pagiaunt." 3" For bakyng of spiced cakes." 3" For brekyng of heggis & cuttyng of woodes." 6" For settyng of wadd." Every in- And if they cannot get local journeymen to work for them then they may chose others. "For makyng disceavable Coloures in Cloith." The town seal to be removed from cloth dyed with musters. "Ciuitas Oct. 12, 1529. of this Citie, so that they seid persone or persones so occupying the seid Craft of settyng of wadd do not enveigle or entice eny Journeman or prentice beyng reteyned in seruice with eny dier within this Citie out of his Maisters seruice without thassent of his Maister, vpon peyne of xs. to be leuied to thuse of the Condite if it be laufullie proved befor Maister Meire & the Justices of the peas; and if in case eny such persone occupying the seid Craft of settyng of wadd cane geit1 no 2 Journemen within this Citie to work with theme, Thene it shal-be laufull for theme, & euery of theme, to prouide theme, & euery of theme, seruauntes out of the Citie to worke with theme within the Citie without lett or enterupcion of the seid Maister or Journemen of diers. [Enacted] that no person or persones inhabitant within this Citie shall fromehensfurth die or colour within this Citie eny woll or Cloith with the new or disceivable Coloures of Musters 3 or Medleys 4 latelie invented & begone in this Citie by a frenche-man, vpon peyne to forfett for euery Cloithe or porcions of woll so disceavablie died or coloured xxs., to be levied the on half therof to the shireffes of this Citie for the tyme beyng and the other half to the Maister keper of the Condite to be bestowed on the Condite. And that the owners of all such Clothes as be now within this Citie & died with the seid disceavable Coloures & sealed with the towne seall shall within two dayes nowe next ensuying take of the seid seall frome the seid Clothes in avoydyng the gret sclander that myght happen to this Citie by reason of the premissez, vpon peyne to forfett for euery Cloith so sealed iij s. iiij d. to be leuyed & bestowed in fourme aforseid. 5 [V. f. p. held on Oct. 12, 21 Hen. VIII.] [Magister Ric. Herryng, Joh. Humfrey, Tho. Waren, Will. Wicame, Hen. Wall, Tho. Wilmer, Tho. Smyth, 3 Muster, short for musterdevillers. N. E. D. (see above, p. 283), but an example given seems to refer not to the material but to colours. 1549, Act 3 and 4 Edw. VI, c. 2, § 1, Russetes, Musters, Marbles, Grayes and such lyk colors. 4 of a mixed colour. leaf 351, back. 6-6 Magister prefixed to these names. |