and between Lamnias and Michaelmas the craft by the advice of the mayor and justices to fix the price of -candles. "Ciuitas Couentrie." Sheriffs. "Rob. Per kyns" to continue his occupation of dyeing in spite of the craft of dyers. Resident craftsmen only to be employed "for thykkyng of Cappes & Cloith." Craft; and that the kepers of the seid Craft of Chaundelers euery yeire betwene Lammas & Michelmas shall Call the Craft to-gither, & by the aduice of Maister Meire & the Justices of the peace shall sett such price of Talowe as shal-be thought thene moost convenient by ther discrecions for the eas of the Comenaltie; and that euery persone that selleth Candell & will not keip the price of Candell so lymyt & assessed shall forfett for euery defaut xs., that is to say, vj s. viij d. to the Shireffes & iij s. iiij d. to the kepers of the seid Craft; prouided alwey that if ther happen a gret Scarsenes of Talowe then the seid kepers by thaduise of Maister Meire & his assistence after Cristenmas shall sett another price of Candelles, so that the Citie may be serued better cheipe1 then other townes herabout. 2 [V. f. p. held on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 22 Hen. VIII.] Magister & Tho. Dodd, Joh. Humfrey, Joh. Bonde, Will. Wicame, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Astelen, Ric. Rise, Tho. Smyth, Tho. Wilmer, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Will. Smyth, Ric. Townesend, Hugo Lawton, Will. Banwell, Rog. Palmer, Chris. Wadd, Jas. Gilbert, Will. Coton.] [Joh. Jett, Mercer, Sim. Parker, Grasier.] [Ordained] for dyuers Consideracions that Rob. Perkyns shall haue fre libertie to worke in his occupacion of dyyng with Tho. Burdon without interupcion of eny persone of 4 or persones of the seid Craft of dyers & without daunger of eny penaltie of 4 or forfett by reason of eny acte or estatute hertofor to the contrarie maid.5 [Enacted] that no Citizene or inhabitaunt of this Citie after the feist of Cristenmas next comyng shall deliuer or cause to be deliuered eny Cappes or wollene Cloithe to be Thikked to eny walker but onelie suche as that be thene inhabited within this Citie or the Suburbes of the same,6 1 At a more reasonable price, more cheaply. 2 leaf 355. Rog. Wigston, rec., is here first mentioned as one of those before whom the leet is held. Cf. p. 700. * Magister prefixed before all names. 4 Redundant. 5 For troubles with the dyers v. supra, p. 698 et passim. 6 For the competition of the country craftsmen see above, p. 661 vpon peyne to forfett for euery such defaut vj s. viij d. to be leuyed by distresse, to the vse of the Citie & Shireffes for the tyme beyng egallie to be dyuyded. [Enacted] that no Skynner of this Citie shall fromehensfurth dry eny Skynnes within the Litle Parke oneles he holde of the wardens of the Citie on of ther housez in the seid Litle Parke, [or 6s. 8d. fine each time] to be leuyed to thus1 abouseid. 2 [Enacted] that no Bocher or other inhabitaunt of this Citie shall sell eny talow to eny person dwellyng out of this Citie, vpon peyne to forfett for euery Stone so solde xxs. to be leuyed to thuse of the Citie; ner that no persone sell eny talowe to eny Cordener, vpon like peyn etc. Also that no bocher or other persone shall sell eny talowe aboue ijs. iiij d. the Stone, vpon peyn of vjs. viijd. for euery Stone sold to the contrarie to be leuyed as is aboueseid. And also that no Chaundler of this Citie sell eny Candelles aboue the price of jd. ob. the li., vpon peyn of iijs. iiijd. for euery pound so sold to be leuyed to thuse abouseid. And also that no persone doo enterup or lett eny estraunger to sell Candelles within this Citie vpon peyn of iij s. iiij d. to be levied as is aforseid. RECORD OF THE SALE OF A HOUSE. Mem. that the xxti day of Octobre in the xxijti yeire of the reign of kyng Henry the eight, before Maister Rog. Wales, Meier (etc.), Maister Will. Wicame, Maister Julyne Nethermyll & other aldermen in the Councell house of the seid Citie, on Philip Partriche & Anne his wif, doughter & heire vnto on Edw. Colett & Alice his wif, doughter to Ric. Cardemaker, which Philip & Anne the day & yeir aboueseid for a grement & anende (sic) with the Craft of Gurdelers of the Citie for a house in the Yorle-streit next vnto the Corner house of the Abbott of Combe haue received & hadd in recompense of ther cleyme & title in the seid house fyve nobles & fyve shelyinges (sic) of money. & for the same money the 1 i. e. the use. 2 leaf 355, back. 3 Cordwainer, shoemaker. 4 A noble = 6s. 8d. Order "for drying skinnes in Litle Parke. No butcher nor above 28. 4d. a stone; no chandler and no one to prevent strangers selling them. Oct. 20, 1531. Phil. Partriche and his wife renounce their claim. to a house in Earl Street, and deliver their title deed to the mayor. Jan. 25. Electors. Officers. "Ciuitas Couentrie." 6 "Inquisitio" = the inquest. seid Philip & Anne also in the presens of the seid Maisters deliuered a deedd (sic), wherby they cleymed the seid house, to the seid Meir to be cancelled & adnulled. & so it was doon by the seid Meir immediatlie etc. RIC. RISE, MAYOR, 1531. 1[Election of officers.] [Magister 2 Tho. Astelen, Joh. Humfrey, Will. Wycame, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Dodd, Will. Smyth, Tho. Smyth, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho. Spenser, Hugo Lawton, Will. Banwell, Rog. Palmer, Rob. Kervyn, Rob. Seny, Tho. Gardenour, Hugo Gregory, Rauf Dale, Tho. Brewer.] [m. Ric. Rise, Mercer; rec. Rog. Wigston; cor. Rob. Grene; steward, Baldw. Porter; ch. Joh. Talont, Goldsmyth, Rad. Hopkyns, Taillour; w. Hug. Dalawey, Mercer, Hug. Blore; mace, Will. Alen; crier, Joh. Weytt.] EASTER AND MICHAELMAS LEETS. 4 [V. f. p. held before Ric. Rise, m., Rog. Wigston,5 rec., Joh. Jett, Sym. Parker b., on Thursday Apr. 20, 22 Hen. VIII.] [Magister Tho. Astelen, Joh. Humfrey, Will. Wicame, Jul. Nethyrmyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Ric. Herryng, Rog. Wales, Will. Smyth, Tho. Smyth, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho. Spenser, Ric. Townesend, Hugo Lawton, Rog. Palmer, Chris. Wadd, Jas. Gilbert, Will. Coton, Rob. Seny, Tho. Gardenour, Rad. Hopkyns.] [Enacted] that Joh. Grene & Rauf Worseley, weyuers, shal-be for this yeire serchers to se the acte maid at the last lete1 concernyng Cloithe & Cappes to be thickked by walkers dwellyng within the Citie to be put in due execucion accordyng to the tenour of the same acte. Searchers 1 leaf 356. The first letter is highly ornamented. After the usual election formula there follows: "per Ciues & Burgenses dicte Ciuitatis quorum nomina subscripta existunt = by the citizens and burgesses of this said city whose names are underwritten. 2 Maister precedes all names as far as note 3. 3 Untitled. 4 leaf 356, back. 5 For the mention of the recorder's name see above, p. 704. the rest of the script. 7 Repeated before all names as far as note 8. 8 Untitled. Item, wher-as great defaut is thought in the seriauntes in warnynge the watche for that they warne nyghtlie meny, & verey fewe do watche, so that therby it is supposed that the seid seriauntes shuld [have] great geyn & advauntage, It is therfore enacted that the seriauntes fromehensforth shall not warne nyghtlie aboue the nomber of xxiiij persones to keip the watche, vpon peyne if they be proved to do the contrarie to leesse ther offices, or otherwise to be punysshed by the discrecion of Maister Meire for the tyme beyng. [Enacted] that no Clothier, Capper, nor no other inhabitaunte of this Citie shall fromehensfurthe deliuer to eny spynner or other workefolke aboue ij li. & a half of woll for a weight; And to pay redie money for the workemanship therof, & no wares, vitayll, nor other stuff, vpon peyn to forfeit for every defaut vjs. viij d. to be levied by distresse or by the Meires commaundement to the vse of the Citie. And that all spynners & knytters do ther worke truelie & substanciallie, vpone peyn of imprisonment. [V. f. p. held before Ric. Rice, m., Joh. Jett, Sym. Parker, b., on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 23 Hen. VIII.] [Magister Tho. Astelen, Joh. Humfrey, Will. Wycame, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Ric. Herryng, Rog. Wales, Will. Smyth, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho. Spenser, Ric. Townesend, Hugo Lawton, Chris. Wadde, Rob. Kyrven, Will. Coten, Rob. Seny, Tho. Gardenour, Rad. Hopkyns, Rad. Dale, Tho. Brewer. [Will. Marler, Mercer, Tho. Burdon.] 8 Item, wher-as the Company, feliship, & Craft of Cardemakers & Sadelers of this Citie meny yeires & of longe continuaunce haue hadd & yet haue the cheif rule, v. supra, p. 243 et passim. See above, p. 689. 5 Repeated before names until note 7. 6 Xpoferus in MS. 7 Untitled. 8 Craig, op. cit. 79-80, Sharp, Mysteries, 43-5. appointed for preventing the employment of nonresident fullers. "The watche." 24 persons 2"No weyght No truck wages to be given to spinners. "Ciuitas Couentrie." Jury. Sheriffs. "Cardmakers, sadelers & Cappers to be vnyte together." The cardmakers and saddlers, who have hitherto maintained a chapel, pageant and pageanthouse, find they are unable to bear so great a charge: it is therefore ordained that the cappers, a wealthy craft, shall be associated with them, gouernaunce, reparyng & meyntenaunce as-well of a Chappell within the parishe Churche of seynt Michelles in the seid Citie, named seynt Thomas Chappell,1 & of the ornamentes, Juelles & lightes of the same, As also of a pagiaunt with the pagiaunt-house & pleyng geire with other appurtenaunces & apparells belongyng to the same pagiaunt. The Meyntenaunce & reparacion wherof haithe been & is yeirelie to the greit charge, cost, & expenses of the seid company & crafte, beyng now but a fewe persones in nomber & havyng but smale eyde of eny other Craft for the same. So that ther said Charge is & like to be more ponderouse & chargeable to theme then they may convenyentlie bere or susteyn in shorte tyme to come, oneles provision for a remedy may be spedilie hadd. In consideracion wherof & for-asmoch as the company, feliship, & Craft of Cappers within this Citie, now beyng in nomber meny welthy and honest persones, & have maid dyuers tymes sute & request unto the Meire & his brethern, the aldermen of this Citie, to have a certeyn place to theme assigned & lymyted, as dyuers other Craftes have, to sitt to-gether in ther seid parishe Churche to here ther dyvyne service & bere suche charges for the same as by Maister Meire & his brethern, the Aldermen, shal-be assigned: It is therfor by the Mediacion of Maister Richard Rice now Meire of this Citie & of his seid brethern, the aldermen, at this present lete assembled & by auctoritie of the same with the agrement, consent, & assent of all the seid parties, Companyes, & Craftes, enacted, ordeyned, & constituted that the seid company & Craft of Cappers frome-hensforthe shalbe associat, Joyned, & accompanyed with the seid Craftes of Cardemakers & Sadelers in the gouernaunce, reparyng, & meynteynyng, as well of & in the seid Chappell, named Seynt Thomas Chappell, & of the ornamentes & lightes of the same, As of & in the seid pagyaunt2 3 And pagiaunt house with the Implementes, appurtenaunces, pleaers, reherces, 1 The chapel proper is in the south aisle. Over the south porch is a parvise. It is still called the Cappers' chapel, and the company still meet and eat there on the feast of S. Thomas of Canterbury. 2 There follows "verte ffolium" = turn the leaf. 3 leaf 357, back. |