"Candell." "Ciuitas Couentrie." Jan. 25, 1533. Officers. forfeit vjs. viijd. to be levyed by the Shereffes by distresse to ther owne vse. [Enacted] that no persone of this Citie shall sell eny Candell aboue the rait of jd. ob. the li., vpon peyn to forfeit for euery pounde jd. to be levied as is aforseid. HUGO LAWTON, MAYOR, 1533. 197 [Election of new officers.] [Magister 2 Rog. Wales, Will. Wycam, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Dodd, Tho. Astelen, Ric. Rise, Tho. Smyth, Rog. Palmer, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho. Spenser, Ric. Townesend, Cris. Wadd, Rob. Kyrvyn, Rob. Seny, Tho. Gardenour, Joh. Jett, Will. Marler, Tho. Burdon.] [m. Hugo Lawton, Capper; rec. Rog. Wigston, "Armiger"; cor. Joh. Grene; steward, Baldw. Porter; ch. Joh. Moseley, Marcer, Will. Joynour, sen., Grasier; w. Cris. Waren, Draper, Hen. Over, Mercer; mace, Will. Alen; crier, Joh. Weit.] BUSINESS AND LEETS. [They elected Masters Will. Wicam and Tho. Dodd, aldermen, to assist and help the aforesaid H. Lauton, newly elected mayor, in assessing the prices of victuals to be sold in the aforesaid city for the year following.] "Maister Banwell" may occupy the craft of wad-setting so long as he does not enveigle away other men's servants. Item, eligerunt (sic) Magistrum Will. Wicam, draper, & Magistrum Tho. Dodd, Mercer, ac Aldermannos Ciuitatis predicte, ad assistandum & auxiliandum predictum (sic) Hugonem Lauton, m. nunc de nouo electum in assessando precia victualium in Ciuitate predicta vendendorum pro hoc anno sequente etc. Mem. that it is enacted by the assemble & eleccion aforseid that Maister Tho, Banwell, draper, shall haue libertie to occupie the Craft of wadd-settyng with such seruauntes as he cane geit to exercise the seid occupacion, so that the seid Tho. Banwell do no acte ne thynge to enveagle or take away the seruauntes or Journemen of 1 leaf 360, back. 2 Repeated before every name. 3 Magister precedes this name. 4 MS. mistakenly calls these wardens. 5 See above, p. 704. the diers or wad-setters of this Citie, oneles the seid seruauntes or Journemen gyve laufull warnyng to deeparte frome their seid seruices accordyng to the order & custome of this Citie etc. 1 [V. f. p. held before Hugo Lawton, m., Joh. Saunders, Will. Rogers, b., on May 6, 25 Hen. VIII.] 2 Essonia Π. [Magister 3 Rog. Wales, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Tho. Asteleyn, Will. Smyth, Rog. Palmer, Tho. Smyth, Tho. Wilmer, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Ric. Townesend, Rob. Seny, Tho. Gardinour, Sym. Parker, Will. Marler, 4 Joh. Moseley, Will. Joynour, Will. Alyson, Will. Saunders, Tho. Napton, Hen. Hynde.] [Enacted] that all inhabitauntes of this Citie fromehensfurth shal-be at libertie to bie & sell as moch barley & malt as they woll or cane within the Citie so that the Citie may be sufficientlie serued, And that they do not forstall nor regrate the Market within this Citie in that behalf, eny act of leet maid hertofore to the contrarie notwithstandyng. [Enacted] at this present leete that all the bochers & vitailloures within this Citie shall kill & sell wekelie within the Citie asmoche beiff as they woll; And that they shall make no dyvision of ther beiff so killed aboue the nomber of too of the seid bochers to a beiff; And that if eny of the seid bochers & vittailloures sell, or kill to sell, eny Mottons, veilles or porkes, & haue no beif to sell in manour & fourme aforseid That then the seid Motton, veill & porke & euery of theme shal-be forfeited & taken frome theme by the shireffes of this Citie for the tyme beyng; and to be ordered & dyvided by the discrecion of Maister Meire for the tyme beyng; And that this present acte shal-begyne & take effecte vpon Thurresday next before the Assencion day next ensuyng. 1 leaf 361. 2 From essoniare = to essoin, tender an excuse for non-appearance. The fact that no names follow shows that no one essoined himself, and that all were present. 3 Prefixed up to note 4 to the names of the jury. 5 The scribe's contemporary gloss. 4 Untitled. 6-6 Later hand. "Ciuitas The sale of "barley & malt" to be unrestricted. The 5 "bochers" are 6" not to Combine or stint themselues to what number of beasts they will kill," under pain of forfeiture. 1" Craftes." to some one Craft, as the mayor shall Apoynt."2 The 1 "brewers" to sell ale 14 gallons to a sextary. Sept. 7, 1533. 2 "Prince borne." 2 The queen announces her safe and and asks for their prayers to God for the infant's preservation. [Enacted] that such persones as be not associat & assistant to eny Craft which is charged with eny pagiant of this Citie, as fishemongers, bowyers, flechers & suche other, shall now be associat & assistaunt to such craftes as Maister Meire shall assigne & apoynt theme. 3 [Enacted] that euery brewer that brewes to sell within this Citie shall sell xiiij galonse ale to the Cester, And not above the price of xviijd. the Cester, vpone peyne to forfeit for euery defaut vjs. viijd. to be levied by distrese by the Shireffes to ther owne vse: And that all Tiplers of ale shall sell ther ale as well by farthyngworthers as otherwise, and not aboue the rait of iijd. the galon, vpone like peyn for every defaut. ANNE BOLEYN'S LETTER. The Copie of a lettre delivered to the Meire frome the quene. To our trusti & wel-beloued the meire & his Bretherne of Couentre. By the quene. Trustie & wel-beloued, we great yow well; And wheras it haith pleased the goodnes of almyghtie God of his infinite mercie & grace to send vnto vs at this tyme good spede in the deliueraunce & bryngyng furth of a princes to the great Joy, reioyce & singuler comfort of my good lord, vs, & of all his good & lovyng subgiettes of this his realme; for the which his inestimable benevolence so s[h]ewed vnto vs, we haue no litle cause to gyve high thankes, laude & preysyng vnto our seid maker, like as we doo most lowly, humbly, & with all the in warde desire of our hert. And in-asmoch as we vndoubtidelie trust that this our good spede is to your great pleasure, comforte & consolacion we therfore by these our lettres aduertise yow therof, desyryng & hertelie prayng yow to gyve with vs vnto almyghtie God high thankes, glorie, laude & preysyng, And to prey for the good helth, prosperitie & continuell preseruacion of the seid princes accordynglie. Yeven vnder our signet at my lordes Manour of Grenewich the vij day of September in the xxvth yeire of my seid lordes Reigne. 1 1 The scribe's contemporary gloss. 2-2 Later hand. 3 leaf 361, back. * See above, p. 713. 5 deletions. MICHAELMAS LEET. 2 [V. f. p. held on Oct. 7, 25 Hen. VIII.] Essonia. 1. [Magister3 Rog. Wales, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Dodd, Tho. Asteleyn, Will. Smyth, Rog. Palmer, Tho. Smyth, Tho. Wilmer, Joh. Crampe, Will. Towres, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Tho. Spenser, Ric. Townesend, Rob. Kirvyn, Jas. Gilbert, Rob. Seny, Tho. Gardinour, Joh. Jett, Will. Marler, Tho. Burdon, 4Joh. Mosely, Will. Joynour.] ["Magister" Tho. Brewer, Mercer, "Magister" Geo. Philips, Cowper.5] [Enacted] for dyuers consideracions that all the bakers of Warwick & of the contrey, which bryng bred wekelie into this Citie to be sold on Wedensday & Fryday at the gaoll hall dore, shall from-hensfurth leave all such bredd as they cannot sell the seid dayes at iij Tiplers howsez at the seid gaole-hall dore or at on of theme: That is to say at Alexanders house, Ric. Cookes house, and at Alice Tiplers house, ther to be sold to the comen people of the Citie when they come for it, And not to be sold in eny other place of the Citie, vpone peyn of euery of the seid bakers to forfeit all such bredd as they offer to be sold in eny other place. ROG. PALMER, MAYOR, 1534. [Magisters Will. Smyth, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Hen. Wall, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Dodd, Tho. Asteleyn, Rog. Wales, Tho. Smyth, Joh. Cramp, Will. Towres, Tho. 1 The original of this letter is preserved in the Letter Book, Corp. MS. A 79. 2 leaf 362. 4 Untitled. 3 Title prefixed to names until note 4. " 5 " & Jur[ati sunt] = and they were sworn. 6 The scribe's contemporary gloss. 7 leaf 362, back. 8 Title repeated until note 1 next page. From Greenwich. "Ciuitas Couentrie." Oct. 7, 1533. Jury of 25. Sheriffs. Orders of to leave their unsold bread at certain houses to be sold to the common people. "Ciuitas Officers. "Ciuitas Couentrie." Jury. Orders of 6" Bochers" Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Ric. Townesend, Jas. Gilbert, [m. Rog. Palmer, Mercer; rec. Rog. Wigston; cor. Rob. Grene; steward, Baldw. Porter; ch. Will. Stirropp, Joh. Nories; w. Ric. Humfrey, Mercer, Jas. Rogers, vintener; mace, Will. Alen; crier, Joh. Weit.2 EASTER AND MICHAELMAS LEETS. [V. f. p. held before Rog. Palmer, m., Tho. Brewer, Geo. Philips, b., on Apr. 21, 25 Hen. VIII.] 3 Essonia. 1. [Magister Will. Smyth, Jul. Nethermyll, Tho. Banwell, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Dodd, Tho. Astelen, Rog. Wales, Hugh Lawton, Rob. Kirvyn, Tho. Smyth, Tho. Gopsill, Ric. Wethers, Ric. Townesend, Cris. Waid, Jas. Gilbert, Will. Coton, Tho. Gardynour, Sym. Parker, Joh. Saunders, Will. Rogers, Will. Stirropp, Joh. Norres, Hugo Dalaway, Hugo Bloure.] [Enacted] that non of the Craft of Bochers within this Citie shall fromehensfurth sell eny of ther beastes hides to eny forener or foren Tanner vpon the Fryday within this Citie before the owre of xj of the Clocke before non, vpon peyn to forfeit for euery of the seid hides sold contrarie to the tenour of this acte iijs. iiij d. to be levied by the Shireffes by distrese to thuse of the seid Shireffes. Also wher-as the Shireffes of this Citie haue been accustumed to geve to euery seriaunt of this Citie dyuers lyvereys in the yeire, In consideracion of the ease of ther great charges It is now enacted that the seid Shireffes frome-hensfurth shal-be charged to geve vnto euery of the seid seriauntes but onelie oon honest liuery of iiij yardes of brode cloith ageynst Cristenmas, and at Corpus Christitide suche sleves [and] Jackettes as they have been wont to gyve vnto the seid seriauntes And no moo liuereys in the yeire. And at Whitsontide next the seid Shireffes shall The sheriffs are to give 1 Untitled. 5 Untitled. 2 "Et Jur[ati sunt]" = and they were sworn. 4 Title repeated as far as note 5. 6 The scribe's own gloss. |