The present freeholders are to be preferred before other possible tenants. "The accompt" is to be presented on Mar. 26, 208. being 2" To what vse the rentes shal-be apployed." "The box & keyes." Any one of the ten dying is to be replaced, two yeires at the leaste, And that those persones that have now in farme the free-holders parte of the said Closez shal-be preferred before other to haue in farme the said Cominalties parte1 paying the rent in fourme aforseid. And also that the said tene men or the servyvoures of theme shall yeierlie bryng in & make before the meire & aldermen of the said Citie for the tyme beyng ther accomptes & the money due & comyng of the said rentes vpon the morowe after the feast of the Annunciacion of our Ladie seynt Marie, if it be not Sonday or verey nigh Eister, And then the said accompt to be maid at suche day as the seid meire & Aldermen shall appoynt: At which accompt & payment of the said rent ther shal-be deliuered & allowed to the seid x men xxs. of the said Rentes to be spent for a brekefast or a recreacion after the same Accompt maid at discrecion of the said meire & aldermen. And the money that shall rise & come vpon the said Accomptes shall then be put into the said Comen box, and shal-be bestowed to the vniuersall profite, ease & commoditie of the said Cominaltie in manour & fourme folowyng, That is to say, ffor the generall & comen paymentes which hereafter shal-be & ought to be payed by the Cominaltie of the said Citie as fivetenes & suche other common charges. And the said box shall alweyes remayne in the Treasoure-house in Seynt Marie hall, and be locked with v keyes, wherof ij keyes shall alweyes remeane in the custodie of the said meire & aldermen; and the residue of the said keyes shall alweyes remeane in the custodie of the said x men. And if eny of theme fortune to die then the said meire & Aldermen 3 to electe & chose other of the same warde to be in his or ther Steid for the receit of the said Rentes & makyng of the said Accomptes. And after thende of the said leasse & terme of ix 1 i. e. those that hold the land during the "several" season from Candlemas to Lammas are to have the first chance of renting the commonable rights during the season between Lammas and Candlemas, 2 In the same handwriting. 3 leaf 374. yeires & at the last Accomptes of & for the said Rentes The said meire & Aldermen by the assent of the seid tene mene shall electe, name & chose other tene men, in euery warde oon, which shal-be then charged and shall haue like auctoritie to lett & sett the said Closez for other ix yeires as is before lymyted & assigned to the said first x men. And that euery of the said accomptauntes defectyue in his accompt, or payment of the said Rentes by hyme received, shal-be punysshed by impresonment by the commaundement of the seid meire as a disturbour & an enymy of the comen-welth of the said Citie vntill he haue maid due satisfaccion & recompense for his said offence. Also it is further enacted, ordeyned & constituted by auctoritie aforseid that no Commoner, or inhabitauntes of the said Citie shall haue comen within the said liberties for or with eny other kyndes of Beasse or catall, or with eny mo beasse or catall then with two Milche kyen & on geldyng, or two geldynges & oon Mi[l] che cowe; except onelie the bochers of the said Citie, which vse vitulacion, who shall & may common euery of theme with fivtene sheipp ouer & besides the Stynt abouelymytted, vpon peyne of euery persone passyng or brekyng the said order & stynt to forfeit & pay for euery tyme so doyng xij d. to the vse of the Chamberleynse of the said Citie. And that the said Chamberleynse shall not lett ner sett the said commons, ner eny part of theme, 3 to farme, or give eny libertie or auctoritie to eny persone to breke the said stynt, vpon peyn to forfeit for euery tyme that thei so do xxs. to the comen box of the said Citie. The names of the tene men appoynted to lett & sett the said Closez & to gether the rentes of the same for the first ix yeires. Gosford-stret warde: Joh. Bowlat, draper. 1-1 In the same hand as the text. 2-2 A later hand. 3 leaf 374, back. and a fresh set to be chosen at the end of 9 years. Defaulters to be punished. 1"The stynt of Catall." 1 262 melsh The chamber- Broid-Yait warde: Joh. Clerke, Coriour. 2 The names of the fiftie men which haue viewed & appoynted owt the Closez & pastures before-wrytten to be seuerall & enclosed. Gorforde (sic) Streit warde. Joh. Bowlat, draper, Joh. Lawton, Capper, Tho. Sconse, Capper, Clement Temple, dier, Ric. Collynse, Shirman. Myche-parke Streit warde. Will. Ruddyng, Clothier, Tho. Keyvett, Sherman, Will. Beilie, draper, Owyn Blakemer, weyver, Joh. Nicolles, Sherman. Jourden Well warde. Joh. Hill, Capper, Ric. Wightman, thelder, Ric. Baguley, tayllour, Joh. Annesley, yoman, Joh. Borresley, Capper. Erle-stret warde. Joh. Chambers, Capper, Martyne Ridell, mercer, Will. Stirropp, flecher, Tho. Seny, draper, Tho. Enderby, barbour. Beilie lane warde. Henrie Hynde, mercer, Rauf. Hopkynse, Taillour, Olyver Forest, poticarie, Joh. West, Goldesmyth, Joh. Grene, mercer. 4 Broid Yait warde. Chris. Wharton, Skynner, Joh. Clerk, Coriour, Tho. Saunders, Capper, Mourice Appowell, draper, Tho. Diglyng, mercer. Croschepyng warde. Hugh Dalawarr, mercer, Jas. Rogers, vyntener, Guy Speke, Inholder, Tho. Saunders, bocher, Will. Vnderwood, Coruiser. 1 This scribe's "Y," "I" and "J" are identical. 3 "Pet. Browne" deleted. 4 leaf 375, back. 2 leaf 375. 5 Xpofer. Smythford Streit ward. Arture Gudriche, mercer, Rauf Dale, Inholder, Tho. Cotes, dier, Tho. Busterd, Inholder, Tho. Morres, draper. Spone-streit ward. Jas. ffarmour, Gresier, Will. Norton, dier, Hugh Bloure, whittawer, Ric. Smyth, Sherman, Joh. Eyburn, Tanner. Bisshop-stret ward. Will. Kelyngworth, bocher, Joh. Wall, weyver, Tho. Owres, baker, Henrie Collynse, bocher, Philipp Shirrerd, draper. MICHAELMAS LEET. [1 V. f. p. held on Oct. 8, 30 Hen. VIII.] [Magister 2 Tho. Banwell, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Dodd, Tho. Astelen, Rog. Wales, Hugo Lawton, Rog. Palmer, Rob. Kirwyn, Joh. Jett, Chris. Waid, Ric. Townesend, Tho. Smyth, Jas. Gilbert, Rob. Seny, Tho. Gardynour, Sym. Parker, Will. Marler, Tho. Burdon, Joh. Saunders, Will. Rogers, Tho. Brewer, Joh. Seill, Ric. Ley, Cuthb. Joynour, Joh. Talontes, Ric. Sewall, Tho. Smyth, draper.] [Joh. Herford, Tanner, Hug. Bloure, whittawer.] SIM. PARKER, MAYOR, 1539. 3 [Election of officers.] [Magister 4 Tho. Banwell, Ric. Herryng, Tho. Dodd, Tho. Astelen, Rog. Wales, Hug. Lawton, Rog. Palmer, Rob. Kyrvyn, Joh. Jett, Chris. Waid, Tho. Gardynour, Tho. Burdon, Tho. Brewer, Geo. Philips, Ric. Ley, Cuth. Joynour, Joh. Talontes, Ric. Sewall, Her. Over, Chris. Waren, Rad. Dale, Ric. Hurt, Tho. Diglyng, Maur. Ridell.] "Ciuitas Couentrie." Jury of 27. Sheriffs. "Ciuitas Couentrie." Electors. [m. Magister Sym. Parker, Gresier; rec. Rog. Wigston, Officers. armiger; cor. Rob. Grene; steward, Baldewinn Porter; ch. Tho. Saunders, sen., Gresier, Rob. Colman, Cowper; w. Ric. Warnour, barbour, Tho. Owres, baker; mace, Hen. Thirkell; crier, Joh. Wood.] 1 leaf 377. 2 Repeated before each name, but perhaps deleted before the last. 3 leaf 377, back. * Repeated before each name until note 5. 5 Untitled. 6 Probably also a butcher, see p. 738. [And because the said S. Parker is a common victualler1 they elected Master R. Herryng and Master C. Joynour to assist the said mayor in fixing the price of victuals.] "Ciuitas Couentrie." Apr. 22. Jury of 25. To no 5" weyvers" shall work be given unless he belongs to the craft of weavers of the city, or 68. 8d. fine. 7" The comen." Et pro eo quod dictus Sim. Parker est communis victu[a]larius1 eligerunt (sic) in assistentes dicti Maioris pro taxacione precii victualium Magistrum Ric. Herryng, & Magistrum Cuth. Joynour, et Jurati sunt. EASTER AND MICHAELMAS LEETS. 2 [V. f. p. held before Sym. Parker, m., Joh. Herford, Hug. Bloure, b., on Tuesday, Apr. 22, 30 Hen. VIII.] [Magister Ric. Herryng, Tho. Astelen, Rog. Wales, Hug. Lawton, Rog. Palmer, Chris. Waid, Tho. Gardynour, Ric. Townesend, Joh. Cramp, Jac. Gilbert, Rob. Seny, Joh. Saunders, Will. Rogers, Tho. Brewer, Geo. Philips, Cuth. Joynour, Joh. Talontes, Ric. Sewall, Hen. Over, Chris. Waren, 4Tho. Saunders, Rob. Colman, Jac. Rogers, Ric. Niclyn, Hug. Dalawey.] [Enacted] that non inhabitaunte of this Citie fromehensfurthe shall put eny lynyn or wollen Yarne to be woven to eny weyver of the Citie or of the contrey oneles the same weyver be a brother admytted & associat with the weyuers of the Citie, vpon peyn to forfeit for euery tyme so offendyng vjs. viij d., the on half therof to be to the Shireffes for the tyme beyng, & the other half to the Masterz of the said Craft of weyvers, & to be levyed by way of distresse, etc.6 [Enacted] that the Actes latelie maid for the order of the comen & of the comen groundes enclosed shall stand & bee in full strenght & duelie put in execution accordyng to the tenur of the same actes, etc.8 [Enacted] that fromehensfurthe the seriauntes that shall warne the comen watche of this Citie shall furst begyn to warne the said watche at seynt Margettes Chappell & kepe the southe side of the Streit, and so to Constables 1 v. note 6, p. 737. 2 leaf 378. 3 Repeated before each name until note 4. 4 Untitled. 5 The same scribe's handwriting. 6 See above, p. 723. 7 The same handwriting. 8 See above, p. 729. 9 This chapel, with which was connected a hermitage (see above, p. 118), was afterwards converted into a tithe-barn. It stood outside Gosford Gate. |