Book VIII. warrior of fine mould and fair size. Neoptolemus the noble, a tall, staid man, with hard, black, prickly Semely for sothe, & of Syse faire. 3816 Doughty of dedis, derfe of his hondes, A store man of stature, stabill of chere. hair; large gray 3820 His here was hard blake, on his hede stode. eyes and grim; was broad shouldered, and beetle browed, and stuttered. (fol. 60 a.) Palamedes, son courteous and Podalirius, huge, fat, and "plooked” as a porker; his feet had burden enough to "fer ke hym aboute." Machaon, brother of Podalirius, was of mean stature, proud and presumptuous. Grete Ene and gray, with a grym loke. His shulders were shapon of a clene brede. ffor to comyn in a case hade a clere wit. 3828 Palomydon the pure, he was prinse faire; Naulus son þe nobill kyng, & his next childe. 3832 Noght borely ne brode, but as hym best semyt. 3836 Curtas & kynde, curious of honde. Or stond vppo streght for his strong charge. Noght to long ne to litle, lusty to se, THE KING AND PRINCES OF TROY. Dares in his dytyng duly pus tellus, bat for the helpe of these hende, & hertely of oper, 125 Book VIII. 3852 Of Perse come the proude kyng with pepull full The king of Persia mony, And a company of knightes comly to se, bat tellis his Atyre & his triet strenght. He was large, & long, & of lene shap, 3856 With a face somwhat fat, fellist of colour. The here of þat hathell was huet as þe fire, Bothe o berde & aboue all of bright rede. Of the tulkes of Troy telle we now ferre, 3860 Bothe of mesure & mykyll whille I mynde haue, 3864 A large man & a longe, liuely & small. A faire man in feturs & hade of furse steuyn. Wight in his werkes & of wit redy; Delited to the deuer on dayes be tyme. 3872 He wold herkon full hertely in his high wit. with a great band of soldiers and a company of knights. Of the Trojan leaders. (fol. 60 b.) Priam the king was a tall, noble, active man, of fair feature and commanding voice. Was neuer kyng vnder cloude his knightes more Never was a king louet, Ne gretter of giftes to his goode men, Ne lellier louyt ledys of his aune, 3876 Ne with Riches so Rife rewardet his pepull. Of all his sones for sothe, pat semely were Non was so noble, ne of nait strenght, As Ector, pe eldist, & aire to hym seluyn. 3880 He was truly in his tyme tristiest of other more beloved by his knights, &c. The noblest and bravest of his sons was Hector. Book VIII. He stuttered a little, was always victorious. Massive and tall, Troy never bred his equal: he was so ready, so good, and so powerful. (fol. 61 a.) Paris, a pert knight with silken, glossy hair, was a famous archer and hunter. Deiphobus the third son and Helenus the fourth, were very much alike in features; bat leuit in any londe, & a litle he stotid. come All Auntres in Armys, þat he euer raght: 3884 Non so stuerne pat withstode a stroke of his He was massy & mekull, made for pe nonest, He spake neuer dispituosly, ne spiset no man; Ne sagh, þat was vnsemond, slipped hym fro, 3892 But ay meke as a maydon, & mylde of his speche. Neuer hatfull to hym to hygh into batell, Neuer wery of þat werke, ne of wegh fferde, He swat neuer for pat swynke, ne in swayme felle. 3896 Was neuer red in no Romanse of Renke vpon erthe So well louyt with all ledys, pat in his lond dwelt. Parys was pure faire, and a pert knighte; Here huet on his hede as haspis of silke, 3900 And in sighkyng it shone as the shyre golde. 3908 po freikes were fourmet of feturs [a]like, Bothe of hyde & of hew to hede of a mykell; ffor, to loke on pe ledys with a light egh, 3916 TROILUS AND ENEAS. The ton fro pe tother was tore for to ken 3920 3924 3928 127 Book VIII. and in form both were very like their father. The one was a tried knight, the other, a 'sotele man of syense.' Troilus was tall, massive, and strong; brave, reckless, and amorous, yet measured. (fol. 61 b.) And yet hoger of hert & of her wille, lettid. In strenght ne in stryfe pere strokes were delte, In battle he was 3932 In all the kyngdome & cuntre, þat to be coron longit, Was no yong man so 3epe, ne zenerus of dedis, Wise in his werkes, & of wordys sober, 3944 A man full of mekenes & mery of his chere. almost equal to Hector. Eneas the eager, broad-chested but ättle; he was skilful, wise, learned, and meek; had fine bright eyes slightly asquint, and was the richest man in Of all the tulkes of Troy, to telle þem by name, Troy. Book VIII. Antenor the Wise was a tall, active, Was non so riche of Renttes, ne of renke godes, but slender man: 3948 Long man & large, lyuely & small. talkative but far seeing. Polydamas, son of Antenor, ['favour.' countenance.] was tall, agile, and slender, like his father; (fol. 62 a.) Meriones, king of Crete, was a great, massive, broadshouldered knight, with crisp yellow hair, and black eyelashes: a fierce and famous warrior. Hecuba, the honest and honourable queen, was broad and massive, almost like a man. She was learned as became a lady, meek and charitable. Mony wordys hade the wegh, wise of his dedis, Wele louyt of his lege, delited hym in myrthe, 3956 ffaire man of faffure, & of fyn strenght, His colour blent was in blake, with a blithe chere. 3964 A faire man of fourme, & a fre knight. Was shewyng in shap of a shene brede, 3976 She hade a wonderfull wit a woman to bene, 3980 Onest ouerall, as aght hir astate, |