صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


The Grekes geton hor ground, pat [graidly was

Book XIV.


The Greeks, thus encouraged,

lost], And myche comford hom the co[m of pat kene gain ground:


Mony woundes pai wroght, [and warpit to dethe]!

5808 Vlixes with vtteraunse vnder [his shild],

and Ulysses,

dashing wildly through the

Mony stithe in stoure stroke on [þere helmes]; enemy, works
Launsit, as a lyoun, þat were [lengen aboute],
And of the ffrigies fell with [his fuerso dinttes]:

5812 Sum he stroke in the stoure streght to pe erthe;
Sum dange to the dethe, & derit full mykyll.

sad havoc among them.

(fol. 90 b.)


The proud kyng of Pafligon persayuit his dede, struck him to the

One Philmene, a freike of the ferre halue,

5816 He gird hym to ground with a grym speire;

And he fell vppon fote, faght with the kyng.

And Philmene the fuerse, with a fell dynt,
Vttrid Vlixes vne in the place,

5820 pat hit shot prough the shilde & pe shire maile,

To be bare of pe body, pat the blade folowet;
And he gird to pe ground with a grym hurt,
Hade no strenght for to stond, 3et he stert vp,

5824 And frusshit at Philmene with a fyn launse.

ground with a spear; but still he fights,

He is again dashed to the

ground with a sore

wound; but

starting up he wounds

Pylæmenes in the throat, and


With all the might & the mayn, pat the mon hade, hurls him to the
He hit hym so hetturly on hegh on the shild,

bat he breke purgh the burd to the bare throte; 5828 Hurlet þurghe the hawbergh, hurt hym full sore;

The gret vayne of his gorge gird vne ysondur,

hat the freike, with the frusshe, fell of his horse,
Halfe ded of the dynt, dusshet to ground.

5832 The Troiens for pat tulke had tene at hor hert; The Trojans drag

Kayron euyn to the kyng, caght hym belyue;

Harlet hym fro horsfet, had hym away.

[He] for ded of pe dynt was drest on his shild,

5836 [And bourne on the burde to pe burgh hom;
[For the de]the of pis duke doll was ynogh
[That trublit pe] Troiens with tene, trist ye no


him from the ground and carry him to the city on his shield.

Book XIV.

(fol. 91 a.) Menelaus and his

men then land,

dash into the

battle to aid their

friends, and

[Myche harm to pem] happit here at pis tyme! 5840 [The Grekes were] so grym þat were to ground


[Mony dukes were] ded of pe derfe Troiens.
[pan Toa]x of Toilé Telemon the kyng,
[Agamynon, &] Aiax, & all oþer shippis,

5844 [Come launchond to] lonnd and hor lordes all:
And Menelaus the mighty, & his men hole,

ffull radly arofe, raiked to lond;

Halet vp horses, highet olofte;

sorely oppress the 5848 And fellon vnto fight pere feres to helpe,


Protesilaus, worn out with his long, hard struggle,

now withdraws

rest a little on the


hat were strongly be-stad in a stoure hoge.

To the Troiens pai turnyt & mekill tene wroght! The frusshe was so felle, po fuerse men betwene, 5852 Crakkyng of cristis, crusshyng of speiris,

The clynke & pe clamour claterit in the aire,
And with dynttes of derfe men dynnet the erthe;
Mony Troiens with tene were tyrnyt to ground,
5856 Sum ded of po dynttes, sum depe woundit ;-
Restoret the stithe batell strongly anon,

And mony dongen to dethe of the derfe Troiens.
Then Prothessalon pe prise kyng, pat preset to


from the battle to 5860 ffirst in the forward, þat his folke lost, He was wery for-wroght, & woundet full sore,― Hade laburt so longe, hym list for to rest,— And bowet fro the batell to pe bonke side, 5864 ffor to beld hym on pe bent, & his brethe take. And o sithen he soght to þe se euyn,

When he saw that all his band

had perished, he

was overcome

with grief and rage.

pere pe fight was first, & the folke drounet; hen he plainly persayuit his pepull were ded, -5868 pat no lede of pat lordes vppon lyue was. Soche a sorowe of pat sight sanke to his hert, hat his wedis wex wete of his wan teris, And he, stithely astonyt, stert into yre; 5872 More breme to pe batell his baret to venge,


Of his folke pat were fallyn vnto fell dethe,
Hard highet vnto horse with a hert pro,
fforto felle of pe ffrigies felly he poght.

5876 Onon with a naked sword neghit to batell,
Vne wode of his wit as a wild lyon,.
Mony breme on þe bent brittoned to ground.
Mony kild the kyng in his clene yre!
5880 Myche tene pe Troiens tid of his hond!

Then Perses the proude kyng prise mon of ynde,
With a batell of bowmen fro the burgh come,
And with a fernet fare fell to be stoure.


Book XIV.

Rushing against the enemy, he

(fol. 91 b.)

cut down a great many.

5884 At whose come the cuntre-men comford were all, The Trojans again

And restoret the stithe fight stuernly agayn;

As fresshe to pere fos as at the first tyme,
Gird to the Grekes, & moche grem wroght;
5888 Woundit hom wikkedly, walt hom to ground,
Oppresset hom with pyne, put hom abake,

All the batell to pe bonke, & mony buerne slogh. pere the grekes hade ben grymly gird vnto dethe, 5892 Ne hade Palomedon, the prise kyng, preset to


With fele fightyng folke of fuerse men of armys;
Halet vp horses hard out of bote,

Wonyn on wightly, wentyn to batell, 5896 His folke to refresshe with a fyn wille.

The assembly was sorer o pe se banke ; Mony deghit full dernly, dole to be-holde! Then the grekes agayne geton þere hertes, 5900 And myche comford kaght of his come pen. This Palomydon paynyt hym pepull to slee,


mony woundys he wroght in his wild yre. He soght to on Symagon, a sad mon of armys,5904 Kyng Merion pe mighty was his met brother, bat fele had confoundit of the fuerse grekes ;He bere to be bold with a big sworde, And rof purgh the Ribbes right to be hert,

take heart, and press the Greeks

back to the shore.

But for the arrival

of Palamedes,

they would have

been destroyed.

The Greeks then recover themselves; and Palamedes, meeting Symagon,

drives his sword into his heart.

Book XIV.

(fol. 92 a.)

Such havoc he works among the Trojans, that they scatter and begin to flee;

but the noise of the battle had reached the ears of Hector, and he rushes to their assistance.

Driving in among the Greeks, he

cut his way right and left.

He presses to

and with a fierce swing of his

sword clove him to the middle.

5908 þat he fell of his horse flat to be ground,
Deghit of pe dynt, & deiret no moo.
Palomydon preset furth into pe prise batell;
Mony tulke out of Troy tyrnyt to dethe;

5912 Mony knight don cast to pe cold erthe.
All were ferd of pe freike, fled of his way;
Durst no buerne on hym bate for his bold dedis.
Myche clamour & crye was kyde in pe ost,
5916 þat the Troiens for tene might tary no lengur ;
But with prise of Palomydon put all abake,

And fer in the fight fell hom the worse,

Vne boun fro pe batell busket to fle,

5920 Vntill Ector eris hit entrid belyue

The great noise of pe noy, pat in note was.
He lepe on a light horse lyuely enarmyt,
And soght to pe se banke to socur his pepull;
5924 Wode in his wrathe wynnys into batell!
All shone his shilde & his shene armur,
Glissenond of gold with a glayre hoge:

Thre lions the lord bare all of light goulis,

5928 þat were shapon on his shild, shalkes to beholde.

He gird to the grekes with a grym yre;

In the brest of the batell, pere buernes were thicke,

He ffrusshet so felly freikes to ground; 5932 Made wayes full wide pe weghis among;

Shot thurgh the sheltrons, shent of pe pepull. To Prothesselon he preset, pat pepull hade slayn,

And myche wo had wroght on pe wild troiens.


5936 He swappit at hym swithe with a swerd felle; Hit on his hede a full hard dynt ;

Clefe purghe the criste & the clene maile;


Slit hym down sleghly thurghe the slote euyn, 5940 Bode at the belt stid, and the buerne deghit.

Then leuet he the lede, launchet on ferre,

Mony dange to the dede with dynt of his hond :
Who happit hym to hitte harmyt nomo.

5944 Mony brem in the batell britnet to dethe,

Sundrit the soppis vnsarkonly with hondes: All gird of his gate, gevyn hym the way. Iche freike of þat furse fraynit at other, 5948 pat our folke pus felly flynges to ground:

ben þai knowen by course of his clene shap,


Book XIV.

The Greeks perceive that it is

hat it was Ector the honerable, eddist of Hector who is


Thai fled fro the fase of his felle dynttes, 5952 So bold was no buerne his bir to withstond,

Ne pe caupe of his kene sword kast hom to mete.
Whill he bode in the batell, pe buerne with his

Mony grekes with grem he gird to the dethe.
5956 All failit pere forse, feblit þere herttes,
The batell on backe was borne to be se.
Then wery he wex, & of his werke hote,
Bowet fro the batell, & his buernes leuyt.
5960 The sun in his sercle set vndurnethe;
The light wex las, he leuyt the fild,
Soght to pe Cité soberly & faire,

Left his feris in þe fild fightyng full hard. 5964 Then grekes agayne getton þere herttes, ffrushet þe ffrigies felly to ground;

So hit tid hom tensiche betymys þat day. But pe Troiens full tore turnyt agayne, 5968 ffoghten so felly, frunt hom o backe, Kyld mony knightes, cacchit on hard, Greuyt so the grekes, pai graithet to fle, Were borne to pe banke with baret ynogh. 5972 Then Achilles the choise cheuyt to land,

upon them, and no one dares to oppose him.

Their courage

fails, and they are driven back to the sea.

Hector quits the field for a time.

The Greeks again take heart; make

a rush on the enemy, but are driven back with much loss.

(fol. 93 a.)

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