1132 With all the fere bat hym folowes, furse men of Armys; And ze sothely your-selfe, pat soueran are here, 1136 With a soume of soudiours assignet vs with, Till tithaundes in toune be told to be kyng, knightes; Vnwar of our werkes wete vs not pere. 1148 ffare shall before the forward to lede: We shall found by my feith, or ellis fay worthe: 1156 To werke on this wise and our wille haue, 1164 Armet at all peces abull to fight; Book IV. and Peleus command the one; and that they, along with Jason and himself and their soldiers, should form an ambush under the city walls, while the other band, under Nestor, Castor, and Pollux, should wait near the ships to engage the enemy. The council adopt the plan, and prepare to execute it. (fol. 20 b.) Book IV. The two bands are arranged: the ambuscade is set. At sunrise Laomedon is informed that the Greeks have landed and are in battle array. He summons his troops and prepares to meet the enemy. The Greeks under (fol. 21 a.) Silen to the Citie softly and faire; 1168 Busket vndur bankes on bourders with-oute. 1172 Bredis with his beames all be brode vales. 1176 pat the Citye samyn were assemblet In haste, 1180 All redy for be rode Arayet for the werre. 1188 be Grekes hym agayne with a grym ffare, 1192 Bothe batels on bent brusshet to-gedur; armys, Shildes throgh shote shalkes to dethe; 1196 So fuerse was the frusshe when pai first met. Book IV. Many perish on both sides. 1200 Sum swalt in a swym with-outen sware more, toynet. 1204 ben Castor the kyng comys vpponone, Restoris hom with strenght þat distroyet were. ben be crie wax kene, crusshyng of wepyns, And the fight so felle of be fresshe knightes, 1208 be Troiens were torne tynte of bere folkes. Lamydon, þat hom led, as a lion fore, Bare don mony bolde & brittonede to dethe; Mony kilde the kyng to be cold vrthe, 1212 Mony woundit we from his weppont paste. So fuersly he fore with his felle dynttes, bat be Grekes with gremy geuyn hym way. ben Pollux aperit with pepull ynogh, 1216 Brusshit into batell & moche bale wroght; Mony bolde buerne on be bent the bold king Mony turnyt with tene topsayles ouer, ffor wothe of be worse & of weirdis feble, 1228 He left all his ledis & a launse caght, Ricchis his reynys & th Reenke metys: 1232 Girden to-gedur with pere grete speires. into confusion: are restored by Castor. The Trojans are sore pressed: Laomedon rushes to their aid: the Greeks give way. Pollux brings up fresh troops and does much damage. (MS. has (fol. 21 b.) Nestor resolves to attack Laomedon. They meet, and Book IV. the shield of Nestor; the spear is shivered, and he is hurled to the ground. Nestor, unhorsed by a young knight Sedar, is at the mercy of Laomedon. The rescue. (fol. 22 a.) Castor, seeing Nestor wounded, rushes upon Sedar. The king share thrugh his shild with be sharpe ende, And the rod all-to roofe right to his honde; 1240 But stert vp stithly, straght out a swerde 1244 With a bir on pe brest, þat backeward he 3ode, couth, 1252 But a gret nowmbur of Grekes gedrit hym vmbe, 1256 Castor the king conceyuit beliue, That Nestor with noy was nolpit to ground, 1260 To deyre hym with a dynt for pe Dukes sake. A Sore dynt in the syde at the same coursse. Sedar was sory for sake of his cosyn, 1268 Carue euyn at Castor with a kene sworde, be shilde away share vnto the shyre necke, And all be haspes of his helme pat pe hede 3emyt; With a swinge of his sworde swappit hym in be fase, 1272 Bare hym ouer backeward to be bare vrthe. When be freke was fallen & on foote light, He laid vppon lyuely & no lede sparit, . 3ald hym not 3et for 3ynernes of hert. 1276 pan pollux full pertly aprochet in hast Book IV. Sedar fights with Castor, and wounds him. Pollux with seven hundred men With seuyn hundrithe sad men assemblit hym comes to the with, ffrochit into be frount & a fray made; 1280 Horsit hym in haste, halpe hym olofte; And pollux with a proude wille prickit to an- One Eliatus, a lede, and hym o liue broght. 1284 Aliet vnto Lamydon by his lefe suster, ffor to dere for the dethe of his dere cosyr. grounde; rescue. (Alyattes, king of Lydia.) (fol. 22 b.) The Trojans are rallied, and drive the Greeks to their ships. |