Saidon the same kyng sone after pis ;- Of tresoure of the toune, for takyng with fos. 12652 Onon, at be nyght, bo nobill,' þai saidyn, 12656 Dred no dyssait of his dere kynges. enter: 12660 And Palamydon, be prise kyng, put hym þerto; Cast of his clothis cantly & wele, And his hose in hast, highit hym doun. When be prinse was past to be pit bothum, 12664 be buernes on be bonk bet hym with stonys, And euyn dang hym to deth in be derk hole, Left hym per lyond, & lurkit to paire tentis.' Pus told was be tale, & full tru made, 12668 To be nobill kyng Nawle, of his nayt sone, - Book XXXII. The same liars told Nauplius that Diomedes and Ulysses shortly afterwards wiled Palamedes to a pit, wherein, they said, much gold was hid. That, Palamedes, dreading no guile, offered to go down first. (fol. 193 b.) But as soon as Nauplius and Eax determine to avenge the death of Palamedes. 12672 With Othé his othir son, ordant belyue be grekis for to greue, & to ground bryng, ffor be sake of his sone, vppon sum wise. Hit was told hym for tru, in tyme of be wynter, They learn that 12676 be grekis with hor grym ost were gon to be se, the Greeks are returning from Troy, Book XXXII. and must pass by their coasts. The king orders fires to be lit at night on the hills along the coast, The Greeks sailing past by night, see the fires, and make for land. Two hundred ships are dashed on the rocks; the treasures and all on board are lost. The crash and cry warn the vessels following; they (fol. 194 a.) make for the open sea, and are saved. Among those Eax is chagrined by the escape of Agamemnon and Diomedes and plans another mode of revenge. In sound for to saile, & seche to paire londis, With all be tresour of troy, & be toune leuyt: Be any wise in bis world, wend hom behode 12680 By be cost in be cuntre per kyng dwellit. ben be kyng, thurgh pe kyth, comand his men ffaire fyris & furse to ferke vppon hillis, By a side of be se, bere bai saile most, 12684 On be mowntans mony in be myrk nyght. When bis done was in-dede, as be duk bad, be grete nauy in be nyght come onon after; Segh be fires so faire fast at here honde; 12688 Euyn bounet to be bonke barges & othir, fforto rest in pe rode of be rugh ythis; Letyn sailes doune slide sleghli & faire, Rut euyn to be rokkis with a rank will, 12692 þer were spandit & spilt in a spase litill, Two hundreth hede schippis in a hond qwile ;- 12696 be remnond, þat rode by be rugh bonkis, 12700 All the skathes thai skepe of po skire hylles. Menelay the mighty, & mony other kynges; 12704 Thies passet the perellis of the pale ythes, Houit on the hegh sea, held hom o ferre. This Othe, I er said, the od sun of Naule, 12708 Agamynon to grefe, & the gay Dyamede,- This Othe, with ournyng, ordant belyue 12712 Letturs, by a lede bat he leell trist, To Agamynon gay wif, gert hym to beire, bat Clunestra was callid, as the clause tellus. To hir he certifiet sothely in his sad lettur, 12716 pat Agamynon had goten to his gay spouse, Of Priam a prise doghter, prayset full mekull: Hir he broght in his barge to his burgh hom, bat faire forto feffe in his fre londes: 12720 And ho mvn douteles be dede, & done fro hir right. pan he counseld Clunestra, er þat cas fell To be war of þat wegh, & wait on hir-seluyn. The lady leuit the lettur þat the lede sent, 12724 And ponkit hym broly with bonks in hir hert: She compast by course, in hir clene wit, How this vilany to venge, & voide of hir harme. OFF THE DETHE OF AGAMYNON AND DE EXILE OF Book XXXII. He informs Clytæmnestra, wife of Agamemnon, that her husband had wed a daughter of Priam; and was bringing her home to be his queen instead of herself. He counsels When this worthy of wothe wan to his Clytemnestra, reame, 12728 Oute of perell and pyne of the pale ythes, owne, 12732 With a faynond fare vndur fals thoght. Whille he faryn was to fight in a fer lond, 12736 Sho spilt hade hir spousaile, sparit ho noght: And lodly in hir law the lady hade synnet. Engest, with his Japis, hade Justilet hir with, And getyn in his gamyn on the gay lady, 12740 A doghter bat was dere, in hor derne play. on Agamemnon's but she had She loved a man named Ægisthus, by whom she had a daughter. Book XXXII. He is of low degree, yet she loves him more than Agamem non, She arranges with him to murder her husband while he sleeps. Agamemnon is murdered by Ægisthus, who afterwards becomes king of Mycense. Orestes, the son of Agamemnon, is sent by Talthybius to Idomeneus, lest Clytæmnestra should murder him. (fol. 195 a.) Eax sends a letter to Ægiale, the wife of Diomedes, stating that her husband had wed a daughter of Priam, Nawther comyn was pat kyde mon of no kyng Ne duke pat was doghty, ne no derfe erle; 12744 All the Rioll rewme with renttes ynow. slepe, ban entrid this Engist, euyn as hym list, 12752 And, with a thricche in the throte, throtlet the kyng. When this Duke was dede, & done unto graue, This Engest, with Jolite to hir iuste spouse : 12760 Kyng Taltill hym toke for trist of his lyue, 12764 He was keppit full close, & with cleane hert, This Othe, I ere said, od son of Naule, 12768 To Egea, afturward egurly send, The dere wife of Dyamede, dernly a lettur: He hade puruait a prowde wife of Priames 12772 This Egea, the gest sais, was a iust lady, Book XXXII. To Polence, the prise kyng, vne a pure doghter, (Polynices, King (Kyng of Argonen cald in cuntres aboute) And hade a brother full bold, & barly no moo. 12776 ffaire on hir fader syde, as fell hom by chaunse, of Argos.) All the londes full large of the lefe kyng, Polence of price, þat was hir pure fadur, Lefte to po litle, as his leue heires. 12780 pan partid was prestly the prise Rewme of Argos was left by Argon, Polynices to Betwene Assandrus for-sothe, & his suster Egea. brother. 12784 Assandrus, for-sothe, sais me the lettur, Assandrus and Diomedes, when conducting their forces to Troy, 12788 There all semblet were sothely at be same tyme, Thelaphus with tene toke hit to hert, 12800 Mony dong to the dethe of his derf knightes: go into the country of King Provoked by this liberty, he attacks them. A fierce battle ensues, and many fall on both sides. (fol. 195 b.) slain by There-at Thelaphus hade tene, & turnet belyue, Assandrus is Caupit euyn with the knight; kyld hym to 12804 pan Dyomede with dole drogh hym vp sone, Telephus. |