صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Unclassified speeches/articles, Gen. George H. Decker (January-September 1961)-Continued



fluence of Armor's combat
command concept. Your
long experience in building
the mission-type formation
has proven invaluable in ar-
riving at a division that can
be tailored from combina-
tions of standard infantry,
tank, mechanized units for
a particular mission.
[All of the combat arms will
find increased opportunities
for the use of their capabili-
ties in the new organization.
The mechanized division,
for example, will afford op-
portunities for infantry-ar-
mor training and operations
that we have previously had
only in very limited degree.
[Those who have developed
this new structure and those
who have thus far reviewed
it-find it a sound step in
modernization. We believe
it offers a logical move in the
continuing evolution of com-
bat formations.]
[The study of a concept of
organization along these
lines is actively underway.
This concept envisions flex-
ible armored, mechanized,
infantry, and airborne divi-
sions whose basic tactical
units would be interchange-
able, both within and be-
tween divisions.

[All of the divisions would
have a common base. By
the addition of standard in-
fantry, armored mecha-

nized unit "building blocks"
to this base, divisions could
be tailored for particular
missions and specific geo-
graphic areas.

[I believe that you recognize
the influence of Armor's
combat command structure
in this study. I feel, also,
that you recognize the need
for a mechanized division
to meet the requirements
for increased mobility, and
for protection on both the
nuclear and nonnuclear bat-



Unclassified speeches/articles, Gen. George H. Decker (January-September 1961)-Continued

7. Armed Forces Day Apr. 27 May 20 No significant changes.

[blocks in formation]

However familiar the princi-
ple, this danger [l.e., im-
position of despotisms
stemming from a power base
in the U.8.8. R. and Red
China-has reached omi-
nous proportions.
We recognize that the end
objective is to extend the
despotism of a Soviet col-
onial empire over the Amer-
icas [as it has been ex-
tended over Hungary, Pol-
and, Czechoslovakia, and
East Germany. The pos-
sibility that Red China may
develop as a rival Commu-
nist power, seeking to ex-
tend its oriental type of
despotism over our coun-
tries, is hardly a more invit-
ing prospect.]

The contradictions between
these promises and the reali-
ties of life in the U.S.S.R.
and in Red China.
As you know, the Conference
of the Inter-American Eco-
nomic and Social Council-
the alliance for progress-
will open in Uruguay within
a few days of our meeting.
This conference will launch
a dynamic 10-year plan
aimed at satisfying the basic
needs of the American peo-
ples for homes, work and
land, health and schools.
This plan, if successful,
should do much to correct
economic conditions which
the Communists exploit.

[The remote and virgin areas
where it can operate most
effectively are also the areas
that the Communist seek to
launch their campaigns of
insurgency and guerrilla

No changes made.

[blocks in formation]

Unclassified speeches/articles, Gen. George H. Decker (January-September 1961)-Continued

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