A BRACE of finners, for no good, Were order'd to the Virgin, Mary's fhrine,. The priest had order'd peas into their fhoes! For purifying fouls that ftunk with crimes; That Popish parfons for its pow'rs exalt For keeping fouls of finners fweet, The knaves fet off on the fame day. Peas in their fhoes, to go and pray; But very diff'rent was their fpeed, I wot: One of the finners gallop'd on Light as a bullet from a gun; The other limp'd as if he had been fhot. ONE faw the VIRGIN foon-peccavi cried- 0.110 His eyes in tears, his cheeks and brows in fweat, "How now, the light-toed, whitewafh'd pilgrim broke "You lazy lubber ?”. "Odds curfe it!" cried the other, 'tis no joke "Exeufe me, Virgin Mary, that I fwear- How 'tis that you are not in pain ; "What Pow'r hath work'd a wonder for your toes; "Whilft I juft like a fnail am crawling, Now fwearing, now on faints devoutly bawling, "How is't that you can like a greyhound go, "Merry, as if that nought had happen'd, burn ye ?""Why," cried the other, grinning, “you must knew, That juft before I ventur'd on my journey, To walk a little more at ease. I took the liberty to boil my peas." ΤΗΣ Pages Missing CONTENT S. VOLUME I. No. 1. Evening Reflections, &c. An Elegy, &c. The Epitaph No. 2. The Pleafures and Purfuits of Human |