Julius CaesarOxford University Press, 1998 - 253 من الصفحات The most famous of Shakespeare's Roman tragedies, Julius Caesar was written and first performed in 1599, and was apparently one the plays his contemporaries enjoyed most. Recounting the death of Caesar on the steps of the Senate house, the play offers some of Shakespeare's finest scenes: Antony's skillful speech at Caesar's funeral, and the quarrel and reconciliation between Brutus and Cassius with the news of Portia's death. This edition includes a fresh consideration of the play's date and its place in the Shakespeare canon and examines how Shakespeare reshaped his sources (primarily North's translation of Plutarch's Lives). |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
Julius Caesar: With the Famous Temple Notes <span dir=ltr>William Shakespeare</span> لا تتوفر معاينة - 1936 |
Julius Caesar: The 30-Minute Shakespeare <span dir=ltr>William Shakespeare</span> لا تتوفر معاينة - 2012 |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abbott Alarum Antony's Appian Artemidorus battle bear blood Brutus and Cassius Caesar's death Caius Calpurnia CAPELL Capitol Casca Cato characters Cicero Cimber Cinna classical CLITUS Commentary conj conspirators Coriolanus crown dead Decius doth edition Elizabethan enemies Enter Exeunt Exit fear FIFTH PLEBEIAN Flavius Folio FOURTH PLEBEIAN friends ghost give gods hand hath hear heart Henry honour humour Ides of March Johnson Julius Caesar kill Kittredge Lepidus Ligarius lines lord Lucilius Lucius Lupercalia Mark Antony Marullus means Messala Metellus Mirror for Magistrates modern murder night noble Octavius OED's first occurrence oration Oxford Philippi Pindarus play play's PLEBEIAN Plutarch Pompey Pompey's POPE Portia prompt-book Publius Ripley Roman Rome ROWE scene Senate sense Shake Shakespeare soldiers SOOTHSAYER speak speech spirit stage stand Strato sword thee THIRD PLEBEIAN thou art Tilley Titinius tragedy Trebonius unto Varro vols Volumnius words