صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

BI-KNOWE, BI-KNOWEZ, pr. t. acknowledge, acknowledges, GK. 2385, 2495. See BE


BYLED, p. t. boiled, GK. 2082.

BY-LEUYS, pr. t. remains, AA. vi. 4. BYLEUEDE, p. p. left, xxii. 2.

BILIUE, BILYUE, BY-LYUE, quickly, GK. 132, 1128, 1136, 1171, 1715. AA. xxxvii. 9. See BELIFE.

BYNKE, bench, table, GG. 204.

BIRDE, BYRD, lady, ^^. iii. 3, xiii. 2. GG.351.
BIRDIS, BYRDIS, pl. AA. xii. 2, xiv. 5, xxix.
10. GG. 134. See BEIRDIs, Burde.
BYRE, shed, cowhouse, GG. 32.
BIRKIN, birchen, GG. 31.

BIRNAND, burning, GG. .78.
BIRNY, cuirass, coat of mail, GG. 94, 199,567.
BIRNEIS, BIRNYS, pl. 680, 688, 757, 844.
In the last passage the plur. seems written
by error for the sing. See BRENE, Bruny.
BYRSIT, p.p. bruised, GG. 870.

BYSE, white or grey, &c. 609.
BISEMEZ, pr. t. befits, GK. 1612, 2191. BI-

SEMED, p. t. befitted, became, 622, 2035.
BISIDES, BISYDEZ, on the side, GK. 76, 856.
BISIED, p. t. agitated, GK. 89.
BISO3T, p. t. besought, GK. 96.
BITAND, biting, sharp, GG. 934.
BITIDDE, BY-TYD, BY-TYDE, p. t. befell, GK.
2522. AA. i. 1, lv. 13.

BITTE, BYTTE, the steel part of an axe, GK. 2224, 2310.

BI-WYLED, p. p. beguiled, GK. 2425.
BYзr, hollow, cavity, GK. 1341, 1349.
BLAN, p. t. caused to cease, GG. 1210.


[blocks in formation]

and not found in any other Glossary consulted.

BLE, BLEE, hue, color, complexion, aa. xvii. 4. GG. 134, 212, 316, 895, 1016. Gc. 427. MG. 4. BLEES, pl. features, AA. li. 9. BLEAUNT, species of rich cloth or stuff, also a robe or mantle, GK. 879, 1928. Sir W. Scott's error in explaining this word in Sir Tristrem, is adopted in Jamieson's Dict. See the latter work in v. Bland, Roquefort's Glossary, v. Bliaux, and Michel's Charlemagne, v. Blianz.

BLED, p. p. interpreted by Jamieson sprung, GG. 608; but may, perhaps, be a misprint for bred.

BLEDAND, bleeding, GG. 870. BLENCHED,p.t.receded, drew back,GK.1715. BLENDED, p. t. blinded, GK. 2419. BLENDIS, pr. t. mingles, curdles, AA. xvii. 4. BLENDE, BLENT, p. t. and p. p. mingled, blended, GK. 1361, 1610, 2371. GG. 68, 1134. AKC. 274. Jamieson is mistaken in his interpretation of Blent. BLENK, to shine, GK. 2315.


[blocks in formation]

BLINN, BLYNNE, to stop, delay, ec. 358. c. 471. BLYNNE, imp. cease, GK. 2322. BLYSSE, fortune, prosperity, GK. 18. BLYTHE, gay, bright, GK. 155.

BLONK, BLONKE, steed, GK. 434, 785, 1581,
AA. iii. 3, xliii. 2, xliv. 4. GG. 551, 560.
1128, 1693. AA. XXXIX. 5. GG. 306, 754.

BLUBRED, p. t. foamed, blubbered; applied
to a stream of water, GK. 2174.
BLUNDER, Confusion, trouble, GK. 18.
BLUNK, steed, GK. 440. See BLONK.
BLUNKET, a white stuff, AA. xxix. 3. MS. D.
See PLONKete.

BLUSCH, n. look, GK. 520.
BLUSCHED, BLUSHED, p. p. looked, GK. 650,

793, Gr.K.388.

BLUSSCHANDE, blushing, glittering, GK.


BLW, BLWE, p. t. blew, GK. 1141, 1362.
BLWE, blue, GK. 1928.

BOBBAUNCE, boast, GK. 9.

BODE, bidding, proffer, GK. 852, 1824.
BODE, p. t. abode, GK.785, 1564. See BADE.
BODEN, p. p. prayed, asked, GK. 327.
BOID-WORD, message, GG. 55, 123, 171.
BOIST, threat, GG. 436.

BOKE-LERED, p. p. book-learned, AA. lv. 3.
MS. D.

BOKIT, p. t. vomited, GG. 571. BOLDE, used substantively, men being understood, GK. 21.

BOLE, trunk of a tree, GK. 766.

BOLLE, bowl, cup, &c. 289. BOLLYs, pl. 622.
BOLNE, pr. t. swell, GK. 512.
BONCHEF, gaiety? GK. 1764.

BONE, BOONE, prayer, request, GK. 327.
Gr.K. 175, 522.

BONE-HOSTEL, lodging, GK. 776.

BONK, bank, height, GK. 511, 700, 710, 785, 1571. BONKKES, BONKKEZ, pl. 14, 1562, 2077. Jamieson prints the plural from boukes, and explains it solitudes!!

+ BOOME, perhaps a mistake for GOOME,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

BORDE, border, GK. 610. BORDES, pl. 159. BORDEZ, jests? GK. 1954. See BOURDE. BORDOUR, apparently a piece of armour attached to the cuirass, GG. 938,977. BORELYCH, burly, huge, strong, GK. 766, 2148, 2224. See BURELY.

BORNE, bourn, stream, GK. 731, 1570, 2174. BORNYST, BURNYST, p. p. burnished, GK. 212, 582.

BOR3, BORZE, BUR3, BUR3E, burgh, city,

castle, GK. 2, 9, 259, 843, 1092. BURGHES, pl. AA. lii. 7.

BOSTFULLE, boasting, &c. 169.
BOSTLYE, boasting, c. 115.

BOT, BOT IF, unless, GK. 1782. GG. 268, 716, 1300.

BOT, BOTE, p.t. bit, wounded, GK. 426, 1162, 1562; ate, AA. xliii. 2. The third of these instances is interpreted erroneously by Mr. Guest beat.

BOTE, BUTE, salvation, remedy, safety, aa.
xliii. 3. GG. 39, 935. J. 143, 176.
BOTHEM, bottom, GK. 2145.
BOUN, BOUNE, BowNE, ready, prompt,

obedient, GK. 548, 852, 1311, 1693. AA. xxii. 3. GG. 51, 330, 813. TG. 9, 49; promptly, &c. 523.

BOUNE, imp. go, GG. 1184. BOUNIT, BOWNYT,
p. t. went, 59, 455, 1348.
BOUR, BOURE, BOWER, chamber, GK. 853,
1519. GG. 330. GC. 4. AKC. 89.
BOURDE, sport, joke, GK. 1409. BOURDEZ,
pl. 1212. See BORDEZ.
BOURDED, p. t. joked, GK. 1217.
BOURDYNG, joke, sport, GK. 1404.
BOURDOURE, circlet round the helmet, AA.
Xxx. 4. BOURDURES, pl. xlvi. 2.
BOUSUM, BowSUM, obedient, affable, GG.
125, 351, 445.

BOUT, BOUTE, without, GK. 361, 1285, 1444.
BOWLER, boiler? TG. 219.

Boze, to move, rise, go, GK. 344, 1220.
Bozes, BOZEN, pr. t. 434, 1311, 2077,
2178. Bo3ED, p. t. 481, 550, 1189, 2524.
BO3EZ, boughs, GK. 765, 2077.
BRA, an acclivity, GG. 1021.
BRACE, armour for the arms, GK. 582. See

BRACE, to embrace, J. 3.

BRACHES, BRACHEZ, hounds, GK. 1142, 1563, 1610.

BRACHETES, hounds, GK. 1603.

BRAD, p. t. and p. p. roasted, GK. 891. AA. xxvii. 4. MS. D.

BRADDE, p. t. extended, GK. 1928.

BRAGING, boasting, GG. 467. BRAY, good, bold, GK. 1909. BRAY, imp. throw, TG. 191.

BRAYDEN, p. p. embroidered, GK. 220, 1833. See BRAWDen.

BRAIDES, BRAYdes, Braydez, pr.t. draws, GK.621, 1584, 1609, 1901. AA. X. 5. MS.D. xxxv. 7. BRAID, BRAIDIT, BRAYD, BRAYDE, BRAYDIT, p. t. started, leapt, GK.429. GG. 921. Gr.K. 194; turned, GK. 440. GG. 79; cast, threw, GK. 2377; drew, GG. 757,867. BRAIDE, BRAYDEN, p.t.pl. drew, GK. 1339. AA. XXXV. 7. MS. D. BRAYDE, p.p. drawn, thrown, GK. 2069. BRAYEN, pr. t. pl. cry, as deer, GK. 1163. BRAYN, BRAYN-WOD, mad, violent, GK. 286, 1461, 1580.

BRAISSIT, p. p. inclosed, GG. 844.

BRAIST, p. t. burst, GG. 754. See BRIST. BRAITHLY, forcibly, violently, GG. 462, 626, 641, 716, 870, 1134.

+BRAKE, probably an error for BLAKE, black, AA. XXX. 8. MS. D.

BRAND, BRANDE,Sword, AA. x. 5.1.8.Gr.K.22. BRANDES, pl. AA. xxxix. 10. See BROND. BRANDENE,p.p. roasted, AA. xxvii. 4. MS.D. XXXV. 2. MS. D.

BRASSE, explained by Mr. Guest gledes, but I know not on what authority, Aa. xv. 6. BRATHERIS, vambraces, armour for the arms, GG. 994. "Item, bracheres knet to the shuldres of the cuyrie." MS. Harl. 6149, f. 46, where the original French text has bracellets.

BRAUDED, p p. embroidered, AA. xxix. 4.

MS. D. It has been printed inadvertently BRANDED, as in Pinkerton, Laing, and Jamieson, which is interpreted bordered by the latter.

+BRAUDURE, apparently an error, a^. XXX.

4. MS. D. Jamieson prints it Brandur. See BOURDURE.

BRAWDEN, p.p. woven, GK. 177,580. See BRAYDEN.

BRAWEN, BRAWNE, brawn or flesh of a wild-boar, GK. 1611, 1631.

BRAWNDECHE, p. t. brandished, aa. x. 5. BREAD, BREDE, breadth, AA. xlv. 13. c. 183. See ON-BREID.

BREAKE, to cut up the deer; a hunting term, c. 20. BREK, p. t. GK. 1333. BREKEN, p. t. pl. brake, 1564.

BREDDEN,p.t.pl.were bred, flourished, GK.21. BREDEZ, bounds, limits, GK. 2071. BREM, BREME, fierce, bold, GK. 1142, 1155, 1580, 2200; loud, shrill, 1601; rugged, 2145. See BRYM.

BREME, BREMly, Bremely, Bremlych, quickly? GK. 779, 781; fiercely, boldly, 509, 1598, 2233, 2319.

BREN, BRENN, to burn, Gr.K. 252. TG. 163.

BRENNEZ, pr. t. GK. 1609. BRENDE, BRENNED, BRENT, p. t. and p. p. 2, 195, 832, 875, 2165. AA. xxix. 4. MS. D. BRENE, BRYNE, burny, cuirass, GK. 580. AA.XXX.3. MS. D. xxxviii. 4. MS. D. xli.7. BRENES, BRENYES, pl. AA. XXX. 3, xliv. 11. See BIRNY, BRUNY. BRENING, burning, c. 181.

BRENNE, an error probably for BREME, TG. 36.


BRERD, surface of the earth, GG. 1084.
BRESED, p. p. broken? GK. 305.
BRETH, rage, anger, GG. 571.
BRETHER, brethren, GK. 39.
BRETYNIT, p. t. cut down, GG. 468. See

BREUE, to tell, inform, speak, GK. 1393,

1488. BREUED, BREVIT, p.p. told, esteemed, accounted, GG. 281, 417, 465; marked, GK. 1436; written, 2521. In the old edition of GG. the word is misprinted beevit, which is repeated by Pinkerton and Jamieson, and the latter endeavours, as usual, to find an etymon, but is very wide of the mark.

BREWE, p. p. brewed, made, Aa. xlvi. 7. BRYDDES, BRYDDEZ, birds, GK. 166,509,746. BRYM, loud, shrill, GG. 523, 534; fierce, cruel, 733, 822. See BREM. BRYMME, flood, river, GK. 2172. BRIMES, pl. seas, waters, Gr.K. 288.


BRYIMLY, fiercely, GG. 687. See BREME. BRINT, BRYNT, p. t. and p. p. burnt, refined, AA. XXVII. 4. GG. 317; flashed, 769. See BREN.

BRIST, to burst, GG. 641. BRIST, p. t. 306. See BRAIST.

BRITH, wrath, contention, GG. 125. See BRETH.

BRITNEZ, pr. t. breaks, cuts, GK. 1611.

BRITNED, BRITTENED, p. t. and p. p. broke or cut in pieces, 2, 680, 1339. See BRETYNIT.

BROCHE, spit, GG. 80.

BROCHES, pr. t. spur, aa. xxxix. 5. BRO-
CHED, BROCHIT, p. t. spurred, AA. xxxix. 5.
MS. D. xliv. 4. GG. 306, 754.
BROKETES, torches, tapers, aa. xxxv. 9.
BRONCHED, p. t. pierced, aa. xlv. 5.
BRONDE, BRONT, Sword, GK. 561, 588, 828,
1584. AA.xliv.8. BRONDES, pl. aa. xliv. 9.
BRONDEZ, embers, GK. 2.


BROTHE, angry, GK. 2233.
BROTHELY, angrily, violently, GK. 2377.
BROTHER-HEDE, brotherhood, GK. 2516.
BROUN, used elliptically for the brown deer,

GK. 1162. Mr. Guest is greatly mistaken in interpreting it branches.

BROWE, brow, GK. 1457. BRоzes, Brozez, pl. 305, 961.

BRUNY, cuirass, GK. 861, 2012, 2018. See BRENE, BIRNY.

BRUSTEN, p. t. burst, GK. 1166. See BRIST.
BUE, fair? AKC. 65, 67.

BULLERAND, weltering, GG. 716, 1016.
BULT, p. t. built, dwelt, GK. 25.
BUR, blow, GK. 290, 374, 548, 2322; force,
violence, 2261. See also the Glossary to
William and the Werwolf, v. Bere, and
Boucher, v. Birr.

BURDE, lady, GK. 613, 752, 961. AA. xiii. 2.
MS. D. BURDES, BURDEZ, pl. GK. 942,
1232, 1373. See BIRDE, Beirdis.
BURDE, p. t. ought, behoved, GK. 2278,
2428. Hence may be corrected the inter-

pretation of Birde in the Glossary to Havelok, 1. 2761. Cf. also Jamieson, vv. Byrd and Boot.

BUREDELY, forcibly? aa. xlvii. 11. MS. D. The Linc. MS. reads swyftly.

BURLY, BURLICHE, BURLYCHE, Burely, huge, big, AA. xvi. 8, xxviii. 6, xxx. 8, xli. 8, xlii. 4. GG. 317, 551, 934. Used substantively, man being understood, Aa. 1. 8. BURLOKEST, biggest, strongest, aa. xliii. 2. BURN, BURNE, man, knight, noble, GK. 20,

73, 337, etc. AA. iii. 3. MS. D. xlii. 4. Gr.K. 88. TG. 12. BURNES, gen. GK. 1616. BURNES, BURNEZ, pl. GK. 259, 272, 481. AA. xxxviii. 9. MS. D. xlvi. 7. See BEIRNIS, BERYNE. BUSE, pr. t. behoves, AA. xxv. 3. See BURDE. Busk, to array, GK. 1220. BUSK, imp. pre

pare, 2248, 2284. BUSKES, BUSKKEZ, pr. t. goes, 1136, 1448, 2476; arrays, AA. xxxviii. 4. MS. D. BUSKEN, pr. t. pl. prepare, GK. 509, 1128. BUSKED, BUSKIT, BUSKYDE, p. t. and p. p. went, 1411. AA. xliv. 8. GG. 204, 304, 548; prepared, GK. 1693. GC. 48. TG. 9. This verb generally implies motion with a degree of haste. Busk, bush, GK. 182. BUSKEZ, pl. 1437. Busy, to be active, GK. 1066.

BUT, without, GG. 35,98, 190. BUT, BUT AND, unless, Gc. 522. J. 32. BUTE, see Bote.


CACH, to catch, take, acquire, GK. 133; to go, 1794. CACHEZ, Kachez, pr. t. 368, 2175.

CACHERES, hunters, GK. 1139. CAMBURE, hooked, ec. 251. CAN, pr. t. know, knows, &c. 193, 279. c. 268. CANNYST, knowest, Gc. 314. CAN, is extensively used as an auxiliary before verbs in the infinitive mood, to express a past tense, and is frequently, particularly in poems of later date, supplied by gan, as an equivalent, as CAN ENCLYNE, inclined,

GK.340. CAN PAYNE, pained, 1042. CAN REMOVE, removed, GG. 14. CAN FANG, took, 554. CAN DAW, dawned, 609. CAN FOUND, Went, 884, 933. CAN fare, CAN GOE, went, Gr.K. 371, 506. CANN BEGINN, begun, c. 471. CAN DRAW, drew, MG. 19. See CON.

CANEL-BONE, collar-bone, Aa. xl. 12.
CANT, strong, GG. 334.

CANTELL, CANTELLE, corner, angle, aa. xli. 1. GG. 937.

CAPADOS, hood or close cap, from the Fr.
cap-à-dos, GK. 186, 572.
CAPLE, horse, GK. 2175.

CARANDE, caring, anxious, GK. 674, 750.
CARE, grief, concern, GK. 1979, 2379.
CARF, p. t. carved, AA. xlvii. 5.

CARIAND, going, journeying, GG. 611. See

CARNELEZ, battlements, embrasures, GK. 801.

CARP, speech, conversation, GK. 307, 1013.
Carp, Karp, to say, tell, speak, GK.263,

696,704. c. 128. Carpis, CarpPEZ, pr. t.
GK. 377, 1979. AA. xxviii. 9,xxxii. 6. CAR-
PED, CARPIT, p. t. GK. 1088. AA. 1. 11.
MS. D. GG. 46, 92.

CARY, to go, GG. 1098, 1332. CARYEZ,
CARYIS, pr. t. GK. 734. GG. 366, 728.
CARYS, CAYREZ, imp.GK. 2120. GG. 1249.
CARYIT, p. t. 873.

CASAR, KAYSERE, emperor, AA. xxxii. 7. Gg.


CASSIN, p. p. cast, GG. 1108.

CAST, to speak, address, GK. 249. CAST, pr. t. contrive, GG. 323.

CASTE, stratagem, AA. xlviii. 2. CASTES, pl. actions or wiles, GK. 1295. CAUELOUNZ, disputes? GK. 683. Perhaps a mistake for CAUELACIOUNZ. Cf. 1.2275. CEMMED, p. p. folded, twisted, GK. 188. CERCLE, circle round the helmet, GK. 615. CERKELYTT, p. p. encircled, aa. x. 3. CHACELET, CHASSELETT, small tower or castle? AA. xxxviii. 11.

CHAFFER, merchandise, GK. 1647, 1939.

CHAFTIS, chops, jaws, aa. xi. 2.
CHAIP, pr. t. escape, GG. 279.
CHALUS, jowls, cheeks, AA. xi. 2, the read-
ing of MS. D. as an equivalent for chaftis.
Jamieson's singular blunder in explaining
this word will be noticed under CHOLLe.
CHARG, matter, GK. 1940.

CHARGEAUNT, dangerous? GK. 1604.
CHARRE, pr. t. return, GK. 1678. CHAR-
RED, p. t. led, turned, 850, 1143.
CHARRES, pl. business, task, GK. 1674.
CHASTE, chastity, aa. xx. 5. MS. D.
CHAUNCELY, accidentally, GK. 778.
CHAUNTRE, religious service, GK. 63.
CHEFE, upper part? AA. ix. 10.
CHEFE, CHEIF, CHEUE, to obtain, GK. 1271.
AA. xxi. 9. GG. 1193; to arrive, GK. 1676.
CHEUED, p. t. obtained, GK. 1390. See

[ocr errors]

CHEFLY, CHEUELY, speedily? GK. 850, 883, 978, 1940.

CHEK, fortune, GK. 1107, 1857. CHEKKE, ill fortune? 2195.

CHELDEZ, shields of a boar, GK. 1611. CHEMNE, chimney, GK. 978. CHEPE, CHEPEZ, bargain, terms of buying and selling, or goods sold, GK. 1939, 1940, 1941.

CHEPEN, to bargain, GK. 1271.

CHER, CHERE, countenance, spirits, behaviour, GK. 562, 711, 883, 1745, 2169, 2496; entertainment, 1259. aa. x. 6. CHERE, chair, Gc. 403.


CHES, p. t. saw, beheld, GK. 798, 946. +CHEUARONE, chanfron, armour for horse's head, aa. xxx. 10. CHEUICAUNCE, CHEUISAUNCE, CHEUYSAUNCE, booty, gain, GK. 1390, 1406, 1678, 1939.

Child-gered, p. p. of childish manners, GK. 86.

CHOLLE, jowl, jaws, aa. ix. 9. xi. 2. The second of these passages has occasioned Jamieson to make a very ridiculous mistake. He says cholle and chalus are birds,

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