صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

AA. V. 1. SCHOWUED, p. t. shoved, fell with force, GK. 2083.

SCHRANK, p.t. sunk, pierced, GK. 425, 2313.
SCHREDE, to clothe? AA. xxxi. 5.
SCHROF, p. t. shrived, GK. 1880.
SCHROUD, apparel, armour, GG. 599, 968.
SCHRUEDEDE, p. p. dressed, AA. ii. 7.
SCHRYDES, pr. t. covers or protects from?
AA. ii. 7. MS. D. reads Shedes.
SCHUNT, backward step? GK. 2268.
SCHUNT, p. t. shunned, shrunk, GK. 1902,

SCHUPE,p. t. purposed, disposed,GG. 456,473.
SCHURDE, p. p. dressed, AA. ii. 7, MS. D.
SCHWNE, to protect? G. 205.
SCOWTES, high rocks?

Brockett, in v.

SECH, to seek, GK. 1052.

SEE, kingdom, &c. 660.

GK. 2167. See

SEGE, SEGGE, siege, GK. 1, 2525. SEGE, SEGG, SEGGE, man, knight, GK. 96, 115, 226, 394, 437. AA. xxviii. 8. GG. 90, 459. SEGGE, gen. c. man's, GK. 574. SEGGES, SEGGEZ, SEGIS, pl. GK. 673, 822, 1438. GG. 142, 209, 651. SEGHE, p. t. saw, GK. 1705. SEY, sea, GG. 3.

SEY, p. t. saw, GK. 1619.

SEYE, to go, GK. 1879. SEZEN, p. p. arrived, 1958.

SEILL, SELE, good fortune, prosperity, GK. 1938, 2409, 2422. GG. 4.

SEYMLY, fair, comely, GG. 524. The edit. 1508, reads seynily, by a misprint, which Pinkerton converts into seynity. Jamieson contends that seynily is right, and means signal!!!

SEIR, SERE, adj. several, GK. 124, 632, 761, 822, 1982. AA. xvii. 2, MS. D. GG. 214, 251, 1338.

SEIR, adv. much, eagerly? GG. 473.
SEIR, GG. 529, is so printed by Pinkerton and
Jamieson, although the edit. of 1508 reads
FEIR. The meaning is doubtful.
+SEIR, probably a mistake for ScHIR, bright,
GG. 242.


SEKER, SEKORE, sure, trusty, GK. 265. GG. 2. See SIKER.

SELADYNES, chalcedonies, AA. ii. 9, MS. D. Falsely printed by Pinkerton and Jamieson scladynes.

+SELCOUGHT, pl. marvels, GG. 210.

SELCOUTH, marvellous, strange, GG. 266,409, 1338.

SELCOUTHES, marvels, wonders, AA. xxvi. 8,
MS. D.

SELDEN, seldom, GK. 499.
SELE, see SEill.

SELLOKEST, most surprising, GK. 1439.
SELLY, n. marvel, wonder, GK. 474, 2170.
SELLYEZ, pl. 239.

SELLY, adj. strange, GK. 28.

SELLY, adv. wondrously, GK. 1194.

SELLYLY, strangely, wondrously, GK. 963, 1803.

+SELLYLY, perhaps for SELLY, excellent, GK. 1962.

SELOURE, SELURE, canopy, GK. 76. AA. xxvii. 2. See SYLOUR. SELUEN, joined to a noun or pronoun in the singular, GK. 51, 107, 113, 1548. SEMBLAUNCE, SEMBLAND, SEMBLAUNT, countenance, appearance, behaviour, GK. 148,468, 1273, 1658. GG. 428, 1282. J. 8. SEMBLE, SEMBLEE, assembly, GK.1429. GG.


SEMBLE, pr. t. assemble, AA. vi. 1, MS. D. SEMBLYNGE, meeting together, aa. li. 11. SEME, (?) GK. 1085.

SEMED, p. t. beseemed, befitted, GK. 73,


SEMELEDE, p. t. assembled, aa. vi. 1. SEMELY, SEMLY, adj. comely, fair, GK. 672, 685. AA. XXXV. 8. GG. 1092, 1197. SEMEZ, seams, borders, GK. 610. SEMLY, SEMLYCH, adv. fairly, suitably, becomingly, courteously, GK. 865, 882, 916, 1198, 1658.

SEMLELY, SEMLYLY, becomingly, GK. 622. AA. ii. 11.

SEMLOKER, more seemly, fairer, GK. 83.

SEMYDE, SEMYт, p. t. appeared, ▲▲. ii. 10.

GG. 529.

SEN, since, GG. 57, 434.

+SEND, for SENT, c. 198.

SENDAL, SENdale, SandeL, fine silk, GK. 76. AA. XXX. 9.

SENE, adj. (?) GK. 341. It is allied to Su. G. sann, true?

SENE, to see, GK. 712. SENE, pr. t. AA. xlvi. 13.

SENS, without, GG. 779.

SENYEOUR, lord, master, GG. 145, 326.
SERE, see Seir.

SERE, (?) GK. 1522, 2417.
SERKE, shirt, Gc. 535. c. 367.
SERLEPES, severally, by turns, GK. 501.
SERTAYN, certainly, GK. 174.
SERVED, p. p. deserved, GK. 1380.
SERUY, n. service? GK. 751. Cf. 940.
SESE, to receive, GK. 1825. SESED, p. t.
held, seized, 822, 1330.

SESED, p. t. and p.p. ceased, GK. 1, 1083, 2526.
which Jamieson, v. Scheidis, gives up as
inexplicable, and yet which is of such fre-
quent occurrence as to deserve more notice
than he has chosen to bestow on it. It is
in most cases spoken of God, and the ori-
ginal idea seems to imply the creation of
the world in seven days, whence it means to
set or dispose in order, GG. 1045. Compare
the Pystyl of Susan, xxi. 4; and Towneley
Mysteries, pp. 85, 97, 118. But in GG.
508, 668, the phrase appears to have ac-
quired another sense, namely, to encounter
in battle. In the same sense it occurs in
the alliterative Morte Arthure, f. 75b.
SETE, (?) GK. 889. GG. 1155. Perhaps con-
nected with Su. G. sæta, prodesse.
SETE, SETEN, p. t. and p. p. sat, 865, 940,


SETHE, SETHYNE, SEYTH, afterwards, then, since, GC. 222, 290, 299, 436, 469. See SITHEN.

SETOLERS, players on the citole, a species of hurdy-gurdy? AA. xxvii. 5.

SETTEL, seat, chair, GK. 882. SEUER, to part, GK. 1988. SEUERES, pr. t. 1797.

SEW, p. t. follow, AA. vi. 2. SEWYDE, p. t. followed, Gc. 62.

SEWE, prepared dish of meat, perhaps a stew,
GK. 892. SEWES, pl. 124, 889.
SE3, SEJE, SEZEN, p. t. saw, GK, 672, 707,

SHADE, p. t. shed, flowed, J. 90. See

SHAFTMONE, half a foot, AA. xli. 2. This term is retained by Sir John Harrington, in his translation of Ariosto. SHINAND, shining, AA. xli. 2. SHINDRE, pr. t. shiver, break, AA. xxxix. 7, MS. D.

SHOEN, shoes, Gr.K. 516.

SHONTEST, pr. t. shrinkest, Gr.K.469. See SCHUNT.

SHOURE, Conflict, J. 76.

SHRED, p. p. severed, cut, AA. xliv. 10.
SIC, such, GG. 274, 506.

truly, GG.432,773, 1005. J.210. Gr.K.215.
SYFLEZ, pr. t. whistles, blows, GK. 517.
SYKANDE, sighing, GK. 1796.

SIKED, SYKED, p. t. sighed, GK. 672. AA. xliii. 13. Gr.K. 268.

SIKER, SYKER, adj. sure, trusty, brave, GK.
96, 115, 2048, 2493. GG. 484.
SIKER, adv. surely, GK. 1637.
SIKING, SYKYNG, sighing, GK. 753. AA. vii.
10, MS. D. SYKYnGez, pl. GK. 1982.
SYLOUR, canopy, GG. 66. See SELOURE.
SILIT, p. t. sank, GG. 524. Jamieson's ab-
surd interpretation of this line is unworthy
notice. See his Dict. v. Seynity, or Sey-
nily, words which never existed at all, ex-
cept by the merest typographical blunders.
SILLE, SYLL, seat, throne, GK. 55. GG. 433,

SYLUENER, silver, plate? GK. 124.
SYN, SYNE, SYNNE, since, GK. 19, 24, 919,
1892; then, afterwards, GG.62,304.Gc.515.
SYNGNE, sign, token, GK. 625.

SYRE, lord, master, GG. 144, 428. Gc. 223, 395.

SYTE, disgrace, sorrow, GG. 1099, 1202.
SYTIS, pl. torments, AA. xvii. 1.
SYTH, sight? GG. 1315.


SYTHEZ, SYTHIS, pl. GK. 17, 632, 761, 1868. AA. xlii. 6. Gc. 354, 638. SITHEN, SITHENNE, SYTHE, SYTHEN, SYTHENNE, afterwards, then, next, since, GK. 1, 6, 43, 115, 358, 1234, 1339. AA. iii. 6, xx. 5, xxxv. 7. J.42. See SETHE. SITTANDE, sitting, AA. xxxviii. 7. SY3, SY3E, p. t. saw, GK. 83, 200, 1582. +SKAITHT, injury, harm, GG. 279. SKAYNED, P. P. (?) GK. 2167.

+SKELED, apparently an error for SERKELED,

incircled, AA. x. 3, MS. D. SKERE, modest? GK. 1261. SKETE, quickly, GK. 19.

[ocr errors]

SKYFTED. p. p. shifted, changed, GK. 19. SKILL, SKYL, SKYLLE, reason, GK. 1296, 1509. GG. 1219. MG. 167. +SKYNNEZ, kind; the initial letter in pronunciation having become detached from the preceding word, GK. 1539. See other instances in Lazamon, vol. ii. p. 607; and Arthour and Merlin, p. 159, 4to, 1838. SKIRLES, pr. t. screams, AA. xlii. 3. SKYRTEZ, horse-trappings, GK. 601; skirts of a robe, 865.

SKOWES, SKUWES, SKWEZ, groves, shady

coverts? GK. 2167. aa. v. 1, MS. D., x. 12, MS. D. Cf. MS. Cott. Nero A. x. f. 81, 81b.

SKRIKES, SKRYKE, SKRYKIS, pr. t. shrieks, shriek, AA. X. 12, MS. D., xlii. 2, xlviii. 8. SKRILLES, pr. t. screams, AA. xlviii. 8, MS.D. SLADE, SLAID, valley, GK. 2147. GG.840. SLADEZ, pl. GK. 1159.

SLAKE, gap or ravine between two hills, AA. xxiii. 12.

SLAKED, p. p. drunken? GK. 244.

SLAWE, p. p. slain, c. 420.

SLE, Skilful, GG. 883.

SLEUTYNG, shooting, letting fly, GK. 1160.

SLEJE, ingenious, GK. 797, 893. SLEZLY, slily, softly, GK. 1182.

SLET, SLIT, stratagem, GK. 1854, 1858. SLEZTEZ, pl. 916.

SLIKES, pr. t. slides, AA. xlviii. 6, MS. D. The Linc. MS. reads slydys, contrary to the rhythm. Pinkerton and Jamieson falsely print the word slik, and the latter makes it an adjective.

SLYNGE, blow, AA. xlviii. 5. The Douce MS. reads slenk, which is only a provincial mode of pronunciation. Jamieson, however, is misled by it, and interprets it erroneously, a piece of low craft.

SLY3T, skilful, GK. 1542.
SLODE, p. t. slipt, GK. 1182.
SLOKES, blows? GK. 412.

SLOMERYNG, slumbering, GK. 1182.

SLOT, pit of the stomach, GK. 1330, 1593.
See NOTES, p. 322.

SMETEN, p. t. smote, GK. 1763.
SMETHELY, Smoothly, GK. 1789.
SMOLT, mild, GK. 1763.

SMURE, to smother, be concealed, GG. 1204. SNART, SNARTLY, severely, sharply, GK. 2003. AA. vii. 4, MS. D.

SNAYPED, SNAYPPEDE, p. t. nipped, GK. 2003. AA. vii. 4.

SNELLE, keenly, aa. vii. 4.

SNELLES, pr. t. pierces? AA. vii. 4, MS. D.
SNETERAND, drifting, aa. vii. 4, MS. D.
SNITERED, p. t. drove, drifted, GK. 2003.
SOCHT, p. t. went, proceeded, GG. 302, 459.
See So3T.

SOFT, to soften, GG. 1055.
SOJOURNED, p. p. lodged, GK. 2048.
SOMER, beast of burthen, GC. 567.
SONDE, Providence, &c. 150.
SONER, to trust? GG. 1105.
SONYNGE, SWooning, GC. 318.
SOP, hasty meal, GK. 1135.

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MAYN, pl. strengthening draughts, or viands, AA. xxxvii. 10. Dunbar uses the phrase breid of mane, which is equivalent to the pain de maine of Chaucer. SORE, p. t. grieved, GK. 1826, 1988.

[ocr errors]

SORZE, inprecation, GK. 1721; sorrow, 2415. SOTELER, player on the citole? AA. xxvii. 5,


SOTH, SOTHE, truth, GK. 84, 355.
SOTHEN, p.p. boiled, sodden, GK. 892.
SOUNDE, IN SOUNDE, well, unhurt, GK.

SOUNDER, herd of wild swine, GK. 1440.

See Notes, p. 323.

SOUNDYLY, Soundly, GK. 1991.
SOURQUYDRYE, pride, GK. 311.
SOUERANEFULL, noble, GG. 1304.
SoWME, number, GK. 1321.

SoзT, p. t. went, departed, GK. 685, 1438.

SPACE, to require? GK. 1199.

SPAIL, blow? GG. 984.
SPALIS, splinters, GG. 629.

SPARE, barren, GG. 112.

SPARE, several, divers, GK. 901. SPARIS, imp. spare ye, GG. 274. SPARLYR, calf of the leg, GK. 158. I have only met with this word once elsewhere, namely in the early Wycliffite version of Deuteronomy, cap. xxviii. v. 35, where the later version reads "hyndere partes of the leg."

SPARTHE, axe, GK. 209.

SPED, p. t. went, proceeded, GK. 1444. Used as p. p. with the verb to be, to imply success, Gr.K. 375.

SPEDE, profit, GK. 918.

SPEDED, p. t. hastened, GK. 979.
SPEDLY, expediently? GK. 1935,
SPEIR, SPEREZ, pr. t. inquire, inquires, GK.
1624. GG. 274.

SPEK, SPEKEN, p. t. spake, GK. 1117, 1288. SPELLE, speech, narrative, GK. 209, 1199, 2184.

SPELLEZ, pr. t. talkest, GK. 2140.

SPEND, SPENET, p. t. fastened, GK. 158,587. SPENNE, (?) GK. 1074, 2316.

SPENNE, spinny, quickset hedge, GK. 1709, 1896.

SPERE-FEILD, field of battle, GG. 1238.
SPETOS, cruel, GK. 209.

SPILLYNGE, failure, aa. xx. 7. The MS. D.

reads Speling, which Jamieson falsely explains instruction.

SPYRE, imp. ask, AA. XX. 9. See SPEIR.
SPYT, injury, GK. 1444.

SPITETH, pr. t. injureth, TG. 155.
SPORNE, interpreted by Jamieson to stumble,
GG. 879. See Notes, p. 342.
SPRENGED, p. t. sprang, GK. 1415; dawned,


SPRENT, SPRENTE, p. t. leapt, GK. 1896. J. 146, 253. Gr.K. 200; shivered, split, GG. 618, 1238.

SPRIT, p. t. started? GK. 2316. SPURED, SPURYED, p. p. inquired, GK. 901, 2093.

SPUTE, imp. dispute, AA. xx. 9, MS. D. STABLED, p. p. established, GK. 1060. STABLYE, station of huntsmen, GK. 1153.

Used also by Wyntown. STACKE, p. t. stuck, J. 267.

STAD, P. p. placed, disposed, GK. 33, 644, 2137. See MS. Cott. Nero A. x. ff. 58, 68, 70b.

STAF-FUL, quite full, GK. 494. STAKERIT, STAKKERIT, STAKRIT, p. t. staggered, GG. 624, 916, 929.

STALE, STALLE, seat, GK. 104, 107. STALKED, p. t. approached, moved, GK. 237. STALUART, STALWART, STALWORTH, strong,

powerful, brave, GK. 846, 1659. GG.89, 353,710,718,741. TG. 25. STALUART, and STALWARTIS, pl. used substantively, GG. 642, 768.

STANDERTIS, pl. tapers of a large size? aa. XXXV. 9.

STANGE, pole, staff, GK. 1614.

STAPALIS, staples, fastenings, GG. 981. STAPLED,p.p. furnished with staples, GK.606.

STARANDE, glittering, GK. 1818.

STARGAND, starting, AA. xl. 4, MS. D.

START, p. t. started, moved, GK. 431, 1716. STAUE, staff? GK. 2137.

STED, STEDDE, place, GK. 439, 2213, 2323. STEIR, See ON-STEIR.

STEIR, to stir, GG. 505, 671.

STEK, p. t. stuck, GK. 152.

STEKILLEDE, p. t. strewed, AA. xxxi. 2. Per-
haps we should read STREKILLede.
STEL, p. t. stole, GK. 1191.
STEL-GERE, armour, GK. 260.

STEMED, STEMMED, p. t. stood still? spoke
in a low voice? GK. 230, 1117.
STENT, p. t. stopt, aa. xlv. 7; p. p. restrain-
ed, GG. 559.

STERAND, stirring, active, Ga. 588, 890.
STERNE, stout, brave; used substantively,
man being understood, GG. 19, 108, 987.

STERNYS, stars, AA. xxxi. 2.
STERYNE, Stout, aa. xxxi. 1.

STEUEN, STEUIN, voice, sound, shout, GK. 242, 2008, 2336. GG. 2, 666, 821; conference, GK. 1060, 2194, 2213.

STID, place, AA. xxv. 4, MS. D. See STED.

STIF, adj. strong, brave, GK. 104, 107, 322.
STIF, adv. courageously, GK. 671.
STIRTANDE, starting, spirited, aa. xl. 4.
STYNT, n. cessation, GG. 974.
STYNT, to stop, GG. 767, 863.
STYTH, stout, brave, GG. 678, 718.
STITHIL, pr. t. voyage? GG. 460. Jamieson is
certainly mistaken in converting this word
into an adverb, and explaining it eagerly.
STITHLY, STYTHLY, stiffly, strongly, GK.

STIзT, strongly? aa. xlvi. 6.
STIITEL, to dispose? GK. 2137. STITLES,
STIзTLEZ, pr. t. sits, dwells, 104, 2213.
STYTEL, imp. set, dispose, 2252.

STOKEN, p. p. secured, fastened, fixed, GK. 33, 494, 782, 2194.

STONAY, Conflict, GG. 863; trouble of the mind, 1056.

STONAY, to confound, GG. 831.


pr. t. art astonished, AA. xxxii. 4. STONAYED, STONAYT, STONYED, p. p. confounded, astonished, GK. 1291. AA. xlv. 9. GG. 1. 625, 821.

STOND, STONDE, time, while, AA. xlv. 9. GC. 1. c. 45.

STONDED, p. t. confounded? AA. xlvii. 4.

[blocks in formation]

STORE, n. combat, AA. lv. 11. See STOUR. STOTIN, to cease, stop, GG. 768. STOTIT, p. t. 678.

STOTTYDE, p. t. stammered, AA. ix. 5. STOUND, STOUNDE, STOWNDE, time, AA. liv. 11. GG. 642, 929. J. 160. STOUNDEZ, pl. GK. 1517, 1567.

STOUNED, STOUNNEDE, STOWNED, p. t. was confounded, astonished, GK. 242,301. AA. ix. 5. See STONAY.

STOUR, STOWRE, STURE, adj. strong, brave, AA. lv. 11. GG. 87, 534. J. 73. MG. 8. STOUR, STOURE, STOWER, STOWRE, n. battle, conflict, AA. xliii. 6. GG. 353, 575, 624. GC. 5. J. 183. Gr.K. 46. TG. 149. c. 4. STOURNE, Stout, bold, AA. xxxi. 1, MS. D. See STURNE.

Srowr, strong, used substantively, GG. 831.

STRAID, p. t. strode, GG. 616.
STRAIK, n. blow, GG. 929, 981.
STRAIK, p. t. struck, GG. 1018, 1164.
STRAYNE, to restrain, curb, GK. 176.
STRAKANDE, P. pr. blowing, GK. 1364, 1923.
A hunting term. See MS. Cott. Vesp. B.
xii. f. 102b.

STRAUGHT, straight? GG. 460.
STREYTE, STRI3T, p. p. stretched, erect, AA.
xli. 13, xlii. 1.

STRENYEIT, p. p. constrained, GG. 276.
STRENKEL, pr. t. scatter, AA. xlvi. 5.
STRENTH, to strengthen, GG. 199.
STRET, close, tight, GK. 152.
STRY, STRYE, to destroy, GK. 2194. AA. xxi.
6, MS. D. Erroneously interpreted by
Jamieson to overcome.
STRIGHT, straight? GG. 199.
STRYKES, pr. t. rides, AA. xl. 4.
STRYTHE, STRYTHTHE, position of the legs
when firmly placed, stride, GK. 846, 2305.
STROTHE, adj. (?) GK.1710. Possibly related to
the Middle High Dutch strut, copse, thicket.
STUBBE, stock of a tree, GK. 2293.
STUDE, place? GG. 718.

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