nent without study, because Shakespeare was found wanting in scholaftic learning, was expressed in terms so gross and so well known, I will not repeat them here. To recollect, however, and to repeat the sayings of Dr. Johnson, is almost all that can be done by the writers of his life; as his life, at least since my acquaintance with him, consisted in little else than talking, when he was not absolutely employed in some serious piece of work; and whatever work he did, feemed so much below his powers of performance, that he appeared the idlest of all human beings; ever musing till he was called out to converse, and conversing till the fatigue of his friends, or the promptitude of his own temper to take offence, configned him back again to filent meditation. The remembrance of what had passed in his own childhood, made Mr. Johnfon very folicitous to preserve the felicity of children; and when he had perfuaded Dr. Sumner to remit the tasks usually given to fill up boys' time during the holidays, he rejoiced exceedingly in the success of his negociation, and told me that he had never ceased representing to all the eminent schoolmasters in England, the absurd tyranny of poisoning the hour of permitted pleasure, by keeping future mifery before the children's eyes, and tempting them by bribery or falsehood to evade it. "Bob Sumner (faid he), however, I have at length prevailed upon : I know not indeed whether his tenderness was perfuaded, or his reason convinced, but the effect will always be the fame. Poor Dr. Sumner died, however, before the next vacation." Mr. Johnfon was of opinion, too, that young people should have positive, not general rules given for their direction. " My mother (faid he) was always telling me that I did not behave myself properly; that I should endeavour to learn behaviour, and fuch cant: but when I replied, that she ought to tell me what to do, and what to avoid, her admonitions were commonly, for that time at leaft, at an end." This, I fear, was however at best a momentary refuge, found out by perverseness. No man knew better than Johnson in how many nameless and numberless actions behaviour consists : actions which can scarcely be reduced to rule, and which come_under no defcription. Of these he retained so many very strange ones, that I suppose no one who faw his odd manner of gesticulating, much blamed or wondered at the good lady's folicitude concerning her fon's behaviour, Though he was attentive to the peace of children in general, no man had a stronger contempt than he for fuch pa. rents as openly profess that they cannot govern their children. "How (fays he) is an army governed? Such people, for the most part, multiply prohibitions till obedience becomes impoffible, and authority appears absurd; and never fuspect that they tease their family, their friends, and themselves, only because conversation runs low, and fomething must be faid." Of parental authority, indeed, few people thought with a lower degree of estimation. I one day mentioned the refignation of Cyrus to his father's will, as related by Xenophon, when, after all his conquests, he requested the confent of Cambyfes to his marriage with a neighbouring princess; and I added Rollin's applaufe and recommendation of the example. "Do you not perceive then (fays Johnson), that Xenophon on this occafion commends like a pedant, F and Pere Rollin applauds like a flave? If Cyrus by his conquests had not purchased emancipation, he had conquered to little purpose indeed. Can you forbear to fee the folly of a fellow who has in his care the lives of thousands, when he begs his papa permiffion to be married, and confesses his inability to decide in a matter which concerns no man's happiness but his own?"-Mr. Johnfon caught me another time reprimanding the daughter of my housekeeper for having fat down unpermitted in her mother's prefence. Why, she gets her living, does she not (faid he), without her mother's help? Let the wench alone," continued he. And when we were again out of the women's fight who were concerned in the dispute : " Poor people's children, dear Lady (faid he) never respect them: I did not respect my own mother, though I loved her: and one day, when in anger she called me a puppy, I asked her if she knew |