who commended the following line: Who rules o'er freemen should himself be free. "To be fure (faid Dr. Johnson), Who drives fat oxen should himself be fat." This readiness of finding a parallel, or making one, was shewn by him perpetually in the course of conversation.When the French verses of a certain pantomime were quoted thus, Je Suis Caffandre defcendüe des cieux, he cried out gaily and fuddenly, almost in a moment, I am Caffandra come down from the sky, The pretty Italian verses too, at the end of Baretti's book, called "Easy Phraseology," he did all' improviso, in the fame manner: Viva! viva la padrona! Long may live my lovely Hetty! The famous distich too, of an Italian improvisatore, who, when the duke of Modena ran away from the comet in the year 1742 or 1743, Se al venir veftro i principi fen vanno " which (faid he) would do just as well in our language thus : If at your coming princes disappear, Comets! come every day-and stay a year." When some one in company commended the verses of M. de Benserade à son Lit Theatre des ris et des pleurs, To which he replied without hesitating, " In bed we laugh, in bed we cry, The inscription on the collar of Sir Joseph Banks's goat which had been on two of his adventurous expeditions with him, and was then, by the humanity of her amiable master, turned out to graze in Kent, as a recompence for her utility and faithful service, was given me by Johnson in the year 1777 I think, and I have never yet seen it printed. Perpetui, ambita, bis terrâ, premia lactis, The epigram written at Lord Anfon's house many years ago, "where (says Mr. Johnfon) I was well received and kindly treated, and with the true gratitude of a wit ridiculed the master of the house before I had left it an hour," has been falsely printed in many papers fince his death, I wrote it down from his own lips one evening in August 1772, not neglecting the little preface, accusing himself of making so graceless a return for the civilities shewn him. He had, among other elegancies about the park and gardens, been made to observe a temple to the winds, when this thought naturally presented itself to a wit. Gratum animum laudo; Qui debuit omnia ventis, Quam bene ventorum, furgere templa jubet! A translation of Dryden's epigram too, I used to fancy I had to myfelf, Quos laudet vates, Graius, Romanus, et Anglus, from the famous lines written under Milton's picture : Three poets in three distant ages born, One evening in the oratorio season of the year 1771, Mr. Johnson went with me to Covent-Garden theatre; and though he was for the most part an exceedingly bad playhouse companion, as his person drew people's eyes upon the box, and the loudness of his voice made it difficult for me to hear any body but himself; he fat surprisingly quiet, and I flattered myself that he was listening |