The Book of Scottish Poems: Ancient and ModernJohn Ross Edinburgh Publishing Company, 1878 - 760 من الصفحات |
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Æsop Allan Ramsay appeared auld baith beauty blaw bonnie braes braw busk cauld Colonsay court Dame dear death doth e'en Edinburgh edition elfin knight eyes fair fame father fear flowers frae friar Gavin Douglas grace green gude hame hand hast hath hear heard heart heaven honour ilka James John King lady laird land lass lassie Lord lordis mair maist maun meikle mind mony muse nane ne'er never night noble nought o'er pain Papingo plaid awa poems poet poetical poetry queen quoth Saint Serf Scotland Scottish Scottish literature sing song sorrow soul sweet Syne tell thee thine thing thir Thomas the Rhymer thou thought Timor mortis conturbat tion took Tristrem trow unto weel Whilk wife wind young