صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Thus was

Assandrus slain :
Diomedes carries

off the dead body;

but Ægiale is
told that
Diomedes slew
him in order to
possess the whole

Because of this report, and of the letter sent by

Fax, Egiale assembles her

subjects, and

instructs them to

prevent Diomedes from landing.

He lands at
Salamis, where
Teucer rules,

who, knowing that Diomedes

had aided in his brother Telemon's death, seeks to slay him; but he makes his escape.

Demophoon and Acamas are exiled by their wives.

Hade hym fro horse fet with helpe of his knightes;

And myche water, I-wis, weppit perfore.

This was clerely the cause of pat knightes dethe, 12808 Yet his suster, þat I said, sothely was told, bat Diamede with dethe had done hym away, ffor to wyn by his wyff all the wale rewme. The lady for the losse of hir leue brother, 12812 Myche mournyng ho made in hir mynd þan: Hir hade leuer haue lost all hir lond hole,

pan hir brother ho best louet of buernes olyue. Thus heuet pat hynd to hir hede lord,

12816 ffor tithinges hor tolde were of hir tru brother, And the lettur with the lesyng, þat the lede


(Naulus the noble, by his naite sun)

Ho assemblit hir suremen in a sad oste,

12820 And warnet hom wightly the mater to kepe, And Diamede on pe depe dryue from pe lond. Thus the bold kyng was banisshet fro his big yle,

All will of his wone his werdis to laite.

12824 And Sythen, vnto Salerne he soght on his way,
There Teucro, the tall kyng, tan was for lorde,
þat was Brother of birthe to pe bold Thelamon.
To Teucro was told of Thelamons dethe,

12828 That Dyamede, the Duke, had dernly conspiret
With Vlixes the lorde, pat hym of lyue broght,
Gert take hym full tite in his tore angur:
But he stale fro pat stithe stilly by night,

12832 Wan into watur, & away past.

Demaphus the du kyng, & dughty Athamas,
On suche wise, with pere wiues, were wernet
pere londes.

pan come pai to Cartage, with care at pere



12836 There the noble Duke Nestor naitly hom toke,
And welcomyt tho worthy on a wise faire,
With all hor company clene, as pere kyd ffrynd.
There purpost po prise men, with a prowde oste,



(fol. 196 a.) They are

welcomed by


12840 Thaire owne londes to lacche, & the ledes qwell: But the noble Duke Nestor onon to hom who instructs


(6 Ames you of malice but a mene qwile; Sendis fro youre-seluyn to your syde londis; 12844 Tretis hom truly all with tried wordes;

Hetis hom hertely to haue all hor hert wille,
Of ffredom, & ffranches; fret with hom so,
And all your will shall ye wyn, & no wegh

12848 So hit happit po hynd in a hond qwile,
To com to hor kyngdomes & hor kyth home,
With fauour and frendship of freikes with-in,
And were welcome, I-wis, to wyues & other.

12852 Eneas, pat afterward auntred to leng

In Troy for a tyme, as I told haue,

His gold & his godis to gedur into ship, And his fraght on the flode fully to make,12856 Ofte faght pat freike & folke of the Cité,

With Enmys enerdand in ylis aboute.

When the toun was takon & turnyt to ground, The kyng & his knightes kild to the dethe, 12860 There come out of castels & of cloise townes ffro the bowerdurs aboute, pat hom bale wroght, Pilours and plodders, piked pere goodes,

Kyld of þe comyns, & myche care did.

12864 Eneas pan afturwarde egurly counseld,

them how to recover their kingdoms.

Æneas, while
preparing to
depart from
Troy, is attacked
by banditti.

He counsels the
Trojans to send

Syn he was banysshed fro the burgh, & bode for Diomedes, to

pere no lengur,

bat pe pepull by purpos prestly shuld send

ffor Dyamed the dughty, with his du helpe,

assist them and to become their king.


(fol, 196 b.)

Diomedes comes to Troy.

Along with Eneas he musters the

Trojans and

attacks the banditti.

12868 To fight with hor fo-men & forther pe lond.
The troiens full tite token his rede,

Sendon for the sure kyng in a sad hast,

Where the fre might be foundyn, & fet hym to


12872 And he come to pat cuntre with a cant wille. All the ledys of the lond lyuely were fayn,

hat were helples & hard stad, & pere hede lost, bat Eneas was also euyn in the toune,

12876 Noght faryn with his flete, ne the flode takyn. han þai busket to batell, po bold men in ferc, Armet at all pes, with abell to werre,

hat were left vppon lyue, logget within.

12880 Seuyn days, sothely, sais me the lettur, pai faght in the ffild with pere fuerse enmyes. Dyamed full dughtilé did with his hondes, And mony britnet on the bent of hor breme fos: many are hanged. 12884 Mony toke he þat tyme and to toune led,

Many are killed

in battle, and

After seven days

they are all cut down or


Æneas departs from Troy with his father

Anchises, and all his wealth.

And hongit hom in hast vpon high galowes. The fyfte day of pe fight so fuersly he wroght, hat no buerne was so bold his birre to with


12888 But all fled of the feld, & fongit were many; And ay hongit po harlottes, as pai hent were, Bothe on galous full grym, & on gret trees, hat none left were on lyue in the lond sone.

12892 Owther captains of castels, or kepars of tounes, Herd suche hardship happyn to falle

Of freikes vnfayre, that fore to pe Cité,

And all the costes full clene keppit hom away,

12896 And neuer did hom no deyre, ne no dole after.

Whan Ené hade all thing ordant at wille,

His Shippes on the shyre water shot full of goodes,

Relikes full ryfe, & myche red gold,


12900 With Anchises his choise (fader) chefe into


And halit furth hastely to be high see,

As hym demyt was by dome by dukes before.

He not wist, in this world, what wayes to hold,

12904 Ne, what cost, ne cuntre, come vnto laund.



(MS. has

At the last, as our lord wold, he light into At length he


After in Itaile, as aunter be-fell,

Tegh vnto Tuskan, & turnyt to londe.

settles in Italy.

(fol. 197 a.)

12908 Now what worthe of pat whe, & his wale For an account of


ffro he Tuskan had takyn, tellis hit not here. Of his wonderfull werkes who wilnes to know, Go loke at the lede, pat his lyfe wroght. 12912 Virgell, full verely, pos vertus can tell, In a boke pat buerne of þat bold made, bat Enyodos, with noble men, is to nome cald. The Dere wife of Dyamede of his dethe herd, 12916 How he turnyt vnto troy, & the toune keppit

Of his ffrikenes in fight & his fyne strenght: Ho dout hir full deply, for drede of þe kyng, Lest he raght to his rewme with a roid fare, 12920 Kyld all hir knightes & comyns by-dene, And hir-scluyn ouerset, & sesit the londe. pan Egea, full iointly, with hir ioly knightes Toke counsell in the case, & comynt to-gedur.

12924 The lady by lettur þan louely send

ffor Dyamede pe derfe, þat was hir du lorde :
han he turnyt fro Troy to his triet Rewme.
With myche worship his wife welcomyt hym

his voyages, trials, and adventures, consult the Eneid of Virgil.

Ægiale is told how Diomedes has succeeded at Troy.

She dreads his vengeance, and consults with her knights.

Diomedes is invited to return home.

Other kings, similarly exiled,

12928 And his Arguens also, all were pai fayn. Othir kynges of pe kith, pat comyn fro troy, hat were put fro pere prouyns, Repairet agayne, are welcomed Recounseld to pere cuntre, comyns & other,



Their cities are adorned and fortified with the spoils of Troy.

12932 And were welcom, I-wis, to wyuis & all.
ban þai Byld vp hor Burghes & hor big tounes,
þat were enfeblet before for faute of þaire hedes,
With the Tresors of Troy, & the tore Relikes,
12936 And other Riches full rife, and restid hom þan.

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