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النشر الإلكتروني

nobody else. Thus, hauynge byn too tedyus too your Lordshyp, I comytt ye too th' Almyghty. At Berwyke the 19 of October, 1584.

Your Lordfhyps affured too comande,


I haue thowght goode to fende your Lordfhyp the coppy of my letter too therle of Arren 4 dayse byfor the Mafter of Grayfe cumynge, when I thowghte he fhowlde nott a cume, wheryn he thowght fume vnkyndnes yn me, that wolde mystruste eyther the King or hym of playne dealynge.


MY VERY GOOD LORD. The Master of Gray hath, fince his arivall, had two awdiencies, the one on Sounday laft, which was spent for the most parte in ceremonys; th'other yifterday, wherein he did but in effect vrge her Maiefty to restore unto the King his masters hands, the noblemen his fubiects fled into this realme: Which motion hir Maieftye did feme vtterly to have no likeinge of, beinge perfwaded, in her confcience, that thofe gentlemen had neuer had any evill meennings towards the perfon of the Kinge, and that fuch attempts as haue fallen out in Scotland, haue only proceeded of the particular devifions and parties that haue taken foote amongst the noblemen of that realme, by reason of the minoritye of the Kinge, which he shuld rather feke to extinguish, and to vnite his whole nobilitye in a comon concurrencie to doe him feruice, then make himself a partye in any faction, which cannot breed but very dangerous effects. And for asmuch as he made daintye to discouer any thinge of the special purpose of his comeinge, which her Maiefty concewied was for the openinge of fome matter concerning the perill of her estate, she did not forbeare to let him perceaue pat fhe was offended withall.

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THE Notes prefented by PATRICK MASTER OF GRAY, Ambaffadour for the Kings Maieftye of Scotland in the realme of England, drawen furth of his generall inftruccions, and geuen to Sir Francis Walfingham, principall Secretarye to her Maiefty, to be advised vpon by whome it fhall please her Highnes to appoint.

FIRST. Theis frequent incurfions, depredacions, reafinge of fire, and inaccustomed ridinge of the Wardens of this realme, with fouldiers and men vnder paye, in hoftile manner, within the bounds of Scotlande, hath caufed the inhabitantis of boeth the realmes vpon the frontyers rather to fear further hoftilitye and open invasion, then maintenance of quietnes. If it shalbe her Maieftys pleasure to entertaine the happie peace, it appeares to be expidient, that this apprehencion fhould be removed furth of her fubiectis minds with fpede, before it fhould produce any further inconvenience.

SECONDLIE. The greate spoyles by fea, and rapt of goodis taken from the states of merchauntis, that continually cry to the King and counfell, that they may be helped to the reftitucion of their goodis, or otherwife licenced to take fo much as they haue loft, which, if he should permitt, would, within fhort tyme, gener confufion and farther inconvenience. It hath moved the King, my Soueraigne, earneftly to defire that fome fpedie order may be giuen for avoydeinge of all farther inconvenience in tyme to come, and the goodis taken may be restored. Whatfoeuer good order shalbe geuen within her Maieftys dominyons, for remedienge of the premises, the like fhalbe performed in Scotland.

THIRDLIE. The receauinge of certayne declared rebellis, against the King my mafters authoritye, fugitiues from the lawes of Scotland, within

'Cott. MSS. Calig. C. VIII. art. 130, fol. 157.

this realme, and enterteyneinge of them fo nere vnto the frontyers, contrary to the treatye of peace, ioyned alfo to th'afforefaid diforders, has giuen occafion to the Kinge my master and his counfell to doubt if they fhall loke for happie quietnes, or further hostilitye.

FOURTHLIE. Since my departure from Scotland, beinge here in dealeinge for peace, fuch attemptats hath bene comitted vpon the Borders by her Maieftys officers, that it hath fo confirmed all men in evill opinions, and fo wounded the minds of the best forte, that they cannot imagine what fhalbe th'ende.

ITEM. My abode here hath bene longer then I looked for, and if any further tyme should be protracted for treating of euery particuler matter, it would be more then the Kinge my master, (who lately hath comaunded me to returne with speede), would well like of. Therfore, I have taken occafion and boldnes, for furtheringe of my returneinge, and that fome good may be effected for interteyneinge of good intelligence and quietnes betwixt the realmes, to make overture of theis equitable remedies followinge, which I craue may presently be performed, or otherwife, with reason and equitye, answered; promifeing alfo, that what foeuer good order shalbe devifed and performed here, for th'accomplishment hereof, fhall haue the like correfpondence in Scotland; moft humbly craveing, that this my too great boldnes, proceedinge from good meaninge, may be accepted in good parte.


INPRIMIS. For removeinge of all iealouffie or fufpicion of warre from the mindis of the people and inhabitants of both the realms, it appeareth to be expedient that a proclamacion fhould be made foe fully certifienge the fubiectis, of the good intelligence betwixt the Princes, and of the mutuall good meaneinge for enterteyne of peace and quietnes, betwixt them and their realmes.

SECONDLIE. That comaundment may be giuen in boeth the realmes,

that the Wardens of all pe Marches may meete with convenient spede, euery one with the oppoffite warden, to giue and receaue iuftice to all complayners, in any matter that wardens hath bene in vfe to procede in any tyme heretofore.


THIRDLIE. That the fubiectis may remayne in full hope to receaue an effectuall iuftice of all and fundry attemptis that hath bene comitted heretofore, it appeareth to be expedient, that one certaine tyme fhuld be appointed for meteinge of Commiffioners, hauing full power to minifter iuftice to all people and inhabitantis, vpon what foueuer iniuftice they shall haue occafion to complain.

FOURTHLIE. As the specialtyes of this generall order appeareth to produce good effectis vpon the Bordours, fo appeareth it to be convenient that fome good order may be provided for the stayeinge of piracy, which appeareth may be provided by givinge of ordours, that in all the portis and havens of both the realmes, no fhip fhalbe fuffered to departe, vnles they giue caution that all freindis and confederatis fhall remaine indamnified; and this caution, fo found, to be anfwerable to all intereffet, in kace of contrauencion. And in like manner, who foeuer fauours, fupportis, or affifteth to any pirate, which are amongs all nations reputed hostes publici, fhall incurre the like payne as the pirate should haue done, afwell in reftitucion of goodis as punishment of bodie.

ITEM. For attemptis, raptis by fea, and fpoliacion comitted in tymes paft, endureing the minoritye of my Soueraigne, and vnto this tyme, which are cumand, by continuance of evill doeinge and for long fufferaunce, without payment or punishment, to large fumes of money, and the greater hath bene the occafion of harme, by reafon that the partye that fuftayneth the lofe could not at all tymes come here for obteyneinge of iuftice, whereby the principall committers of the delict hath eyther efcaped long tyme without creauinge, and fo thereby his fault put in obliuyon, or otherwise committed newe errours: for effectinge of the precedenis, or therefore punish or otherwise fugitiue, whereby the perfons damnified may be in danger

to lofe ther whole goodis of fortune, without fome good equitable order may be prouided, which appereth may be performed in this manner followeinge. The fpoliacion and wronges done by fea beinge greater, and the fumes obteyned by fentences and probacion be apparent alfo to growe to greater, I haue power fufficient to bringe the whole to a reasonable compoficion of fome speciall fume, which may be paid by fome spedie order to be devifed, and thereafter recouered by th'order of fines fet downe by her Maiefty for that effect.

FIFTLIE, Seinge that by no perfuafion I can move her Maiefty, at this tyme, to make deliuery of the fugitivis and rebellis aforefaid, according to the treaty of peace, it appeareth at the least, for fome parte of fatiffaccion of the King my masters fuyte, to be expedient, that her Maieftye fhould remove them presently from the Bordours, not onely to avoyde traffiqueinge against his Maieftys eftate and perfon, but alfo to feclude all apparent fufpicion thereof; whereby the King my mafter may remaine in hope to move her Maieftye to confider better hereof at some tyme hereafter.

LAST, It appeareth that the King my master should receaue better contentment of her Maieftys procedings, if he fhould be fatiffied by folide reafons, vpon what grounds this invfitate forme of dooinge and hostile invacion, that hath bene comitted vpon the Borders, within Lidefdale, fince my departure, doth procede. The reafon thereof may be vnderftud, by this compleynt prefented to the Counsell of Scotland by Martine Elliot,' whereof please receaue the copie.

ITEM, In like manner, I recommend to your Honours memory the notes giuen to Mr William Dauidson, at the tyme of his beinge in Scotland, vpon the Lord Scroope, warden of the weft Marches, for diuers offences alleged comitted by him, or at his comaund at least, vpon the inhabitantis of the west Marches of Scotland.

'Martin Elliot, a noted Border freebooter.

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