Poetical Works, Comprising All His Pastoral, Dramatic, Lyrical and Didactic Poems and a Few of His Juvenile Productions

الغلاف الأمامي
W. Tegg and Company, 1849 - 676 من الصفحات

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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 608 - Still more majestic shalt thou rise, More dreadful from each foreign stroke; As the loud blast that tears the skies Serves but to root thy native oak. Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame; All their attempts to bend thee down Will but arouse thy generous flame, But work their woe, and thy renown.
الصفحة 135 - Now, all amid the rigours of the year, In the wild depth of Winter, while without The ceaseless winds blow ice, be my retreat, Between the groaning forest and the shore., Beat by the boundless multitude of waves, A rural, shelter'd, solitary scene ; Where ruddy fire and beaming tapers join, To cheer the gloom. There studious let me sit, And hold high converse with the mighty dead...
الصفحة 104 - Where the Rhine loses his majestic force In Belgian plains, won from the raging deep, By diligence amazing, and the strong Unconquerable hand of liberty, The...
الصفحة 138 - Easily pleased ; the long loud laugh, sincere; •The kiss, snatch'd hasty from the side-long maid, On purpose guardless, or pretending sleep : The leap, the slap, the haul; and, shook to notes Of native music, the respondent dance.
الصفحة 26 - Sole-sitting, still at every dying fall Takes up again her lamentable strain Of winding woe; till, wide around, the woods Sigh to her song, and with her wail resound.
الصفحة 147 - With light and heat refulgent. Then thy sun Shoots full perfection through the swelling year : And oft thy voice in dreadful thunder speaks ; And oft at dawn, deep noon, or falling eve, By brooks and groves, in hollow-whispering gales.
الصفحة 148 - Ye softer floods, that lead the humid maze Along the vale ; and thou, majestic main, A secret world of wonders in thyself, Sound his stupendous praise whose greater voice Or bids you roar, or bids your roarings fall.
الصفحة 125 - Wisely regardful of the embroiling sky, In joyless fields and thorny thickets, leaves His shivering mates, and pays to trusted man His annual visit. Half afraid, he first Against the window beats; then, brisk, alights On the warm hearth; then, hopping o'er the floor, Eyes all the smiling family askance, And pecks, and starts, and wonders where he is; Till more familiar grown, the table-crumbs Attract his slender feet.
الصفحة 148 - The impetuous song, and say from whom you rage. His praise, ye brooks, attune, ye trembling rills ; And let me catch it as I muse along.
الصفحة 49 - Ere the soft fearful people to the flood Commit their woolly sides. And oft the swain, On some impatient seizing, hurls them in: Embolden'd then, nor hesitating more, Fast, fast, they plunge amid the flashing wave, And, panting, labour to the farthest shore.

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