TH The CONTENTS of PART Ѵ. HE Author addresses the GODDESS of LIBERTY, marking the happiness and grandeur of GREAT BRITAIN, as arifing from HER influence; to Ver. 88. SHE refumes HER discourse, and points out the chief VIRTUES which are necessary to maintain HER ESTABLISHMENT there; to Ver. 374. Recommends, as its laft ornament and finishing, SCIENCES, FINE ARTS, and PUBLIC WORKS. The encouragement of these urged from the example of France, though under a despotic government ; to Ver. 549. The whole concludes with a PROSPECT of future times, given by the GODDESS of LIBERTY: this described by the author, as it passes in VISION before him. LIBERTY. PART V. H 5 ERE interposing, as the GODDESS paus'd, "Oh blest BRITANNIA! in THY presence blest, "THOU guardian of mankind! whence spring, alone, " All human grandeur, happiness and fame : " For toil, by THEE protected, feels no pain; "The poor man's lot with milk and honey flows; "And, gilded with thy rays, ev'n death looks gay. " Let other lands the potent bleffings boast " Of more exalting suns. Let Afia's woods, "Untended, yield the vegetable fleece : "And let the little insect-artist form, "On higher life intent, its filken tomb. " Let wond'ring rocks, in radiant birth, disclose, "The various-tinctur'd children of the fun. "From the prone beam let more delicious fruits "A flavour drink, that in one piercing taste "Bids each combine. Let Gallic vineyards burst "With floods of joy; with mild balfamic juice ΟΙ 15 "The Tuscan olive. Let Arabia breathe " Her spicy gales, her vital gums distil. " Turbid with gold, let fouthern rivers flow; 20 25 "And orient floods draw soft, o'er pearls, their maze. " Let Afric vaunt her treasures; let Peru " Deep in her bowels her own ruin breed, "The yellow traitor that her bliss betray'd," Unequall'd bliss! and to unequall'd rage! " Yet nor the gorgeous East, nor golden South, " Nor, in full prime, that new-difcover'd world, "Where flames the falling day, in wealth and praise, "Shall with BRITANNIA vie, while, GODDESS, she 30 " Derives her praise from THEE, her matchless charms. "Her hearty fruits the hand of Freedom own; " And, warm with culture, her thick-clust'ring fields "Prolific teem. Eternal verdure crowns "Her meads! her gardens smile eternal spring. " She gives the hunter-horse, unquell'd by toil, "Ardent, to rush into the rapid chace : 35 She, whit'ning o'er her downs, diffufive, pours " Unnumber'd flocks: the weaves the fleecy robe, "That wraps the nations: she, to lufty droves, "The richest pasture spreads; and, her's, deep-wave " Autumnal seas of pleafing plenty round. " These her delights: and by no baneful herb, "No darting tyger, no grim lion's glare, "No fierce-defcending wolf, no ferpent roll'd " In spires immenfe progressive o'er the land, "Disturb'd. Enliv'ning these, add cities, full 40 45 "Of wealth, of trade, of cheerful toiling crouds: "Add thriving towns; add villages and farms, " Innum'rous fow'd along the lively vale, 50 "Embofom'd high, while kindred floods below "Wind thro' the mead; and those of modern hand, "More pompous, add, that splendid fhine afar. " Need I her limpid lakes, her rivers name, 55 "Where swarm the finny race? Thee, chief, O "Thames! " On whose each tide, glad with returning fails, " Flows in the mingled harvest of mankind? " And thee, thou Severn, whose prodigious swell, 60 " And waves, resounding, imitate the main? Why need I name her deep capacious ports, "That point around the world? And why her feas? "All ocean is her own, and ev'ry land "To whom her ruling thunder ocean bears. "The warlike Iron, nor the peaceful less, "Forming of life art-civiliz'd the bond; 65 " And that the Tyrian merchant fought of old §, "Not dreaming then of BRITAIN'S brighter fame. 700 "She rears to Freedom an undaunted race: "Her's the warm CAMBRIAN: -her's the lofty Scor, "To hardship tam'd, active in arts and arms, "Fir'd with a restless an impatient flame, "That leads him raptur'd where Ambition calls :: 75 50 §. Tin. |