[63] LIBERTY. PART III. H ERE melting mix'd with air th' ideal forms, That painted still whate'er the GODDESS sung. Then I, impatient. From extinguish'd GREECE, "To what new region stream'd the Human Day?" She softly fighing, as when Zephyr leaves, Resign'd to Boreas, the declining year, Refum'd. Indignant, these & last scenes I fled; And long ere then, Leucadia's cloudy cliff, And the Ceraunian hills behind me thrown, All LATIUM stood arous'd. Ages before, Great mother of republics! GREECE had pour'd, 5 10 Swarm after swarm, her ardent youth around. Where, from § Lacinium to Etrurian vales, 15 + The last struggles of Liberty in GREECE. § A promontory in Calabria. They roll'd increasing colonies along, And lent materials for my ROMAN REIGN. With them my Spirit spread; and num'rous states, And cities rofe, on Grecian models form'd; As its parental policy, and arts, 20 Each had imbib'd. Besides, to each affign'd 25 But almost all below the proud regard 30 Not so the † SAMIAN SAGE; to him belongs The brightest witness of recording Fame. And a vain tyrant's tranfitory finile, 35 He fought Crotona's pure falubrious air, And thro' f Great Greece his gentle wisdom taught; Wifdom that calm'd for * lift'ning years the mind, Nor ever heard amid the storm of zeal. 40 His mental eye first launch'd into the deeps + PYTHAGORAS. † Samos, over which then reigned the tyrant POLICRATES. § The fouthern parts of Italy and Sicily, fo called because of the Grecian colonies there settled. • His scholars were enjoin'd filence for five years. Of boundless ether: where unnumber'd orbs, Unerring roll, and wind their steady way. 45 Instructed thence, he great ideas form'd 50 Light, life, and love, and ever-active pow'r : The filent worship of the moral heart, That joys in bounteous heav'n, and spreads the joy.. Nor scorn'd the foaring fage to stoop to life, 55% And bound his reason to the sphere of Man. 60 65 Thence try'd against the blood-polluted meal, The four cardinal virtues. 70 Had he beheld the living chain afcend, Here from the fairer, not the greater, plan Of GREECE I vary'd; whose unmixing states, By the keen foul of emulation pierc'd, 80 Long wage'd alone the bloodless war of arts, And their best empire gain'd. But to diffuse To let thy martial Majefty abroad; Into the vortex of one state to draw 85 The whole mix'd Force, and Liberty, on earth; Already have I given, with flying touch, A broken view of this my amplest reign. Now, while its first, last, periods you furvey, Mark how it lab'ring rose, and rapid fell. 90 When ROME in noon-tide empire grasp'd the world, And, foon as her resistless legions shone, 95 Then for each Roman I an hero told; And ev'ry passing fun, and Latian scene, Saw patriot virtues then, and awful deeds, Of all who fafe beneath the Voted Laws Of the fame parent state, fraternal, live. 115 As more by Virtue mark'd; till Romans, all One band of friends, unconquerable grew. 120 Hence, when their Country rais'd her plaintive. voice, The voice of pleading Nature was not heard; Stern to themselves, but gentle to the whole. 125 |