صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

A light too keen for mortals; wraps a view
Too foft'ning fair, for those that here in dust
Must cheerful toil out their appointed years.
A fense of higher life would only damp
The school-boy's task, and spoil his playful hours.
Nor could the child of Reason, feeble Man,
With vigour thro' this infant being drudge;
Did brighter worlds, their unimagin'd blifs
Disclofing, dazzle and dissolve his mind.




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The CONTENTS of PART IV. IFFERENCE betwixt the Ancients and Moderns flightly touch'd upon; to Ver. 30. Description of the dark ages. The GODDESS of LIBERTY, who during these is supposed to have left earth, returns, attended with ARTS and SCIENCE ; to Ver. 100. She first defcends on Italy. Sculpture, Painting, and Architecture fix at Rome, to revive their several arts by the great models of antiquity there, which many barbarous invasions had not been able to destroy. The revival of these arts marked out. That sometimes arts may flourish for a while under despotic governments, though never the natural and genuine production of them; to Ver. 254. Learning begins to dawn. The Muse and Science attend L HERTY, who in her progress towards GREAT BRITAIN raises feveral free ftates and cities. These enumerated; to Ver. 381. Author's exclamation of joy, upon seeing the British feas and coafts rise in the Vision which painted whatever the GODDESS of LIBERTY faid. She re fumes her narration. The Genius of the Deep appears, and addressing LIBERTY, affociates GREAT BRITAIN into his dominion; to Ver. 451. LIBERTY received and congratulated by BRITANNIA, and the Native Genii or Virtues of the island. These described. Animated by the presence of LIBERTY, they begin their operations. Their beneficent influence contrasted with the works and delusions of opposing Demons; to Ver. 626. Concludes with an abstract of the English history, marking the feveral Advances of LIBERTY, down to her compleat establishment at the Revolution.






TRUCK with the rifing scene, thus I amaz'd.
"Ah, GODDESS, what a change! Is earth the fame?"

"Of the fame kind the ruthless race she feeds?

" And does the fame fair fun, and ether spread
" Round this vile spot their all-enliv'ning foul?
"Lo! beauty fails; lost in unlovely forms
" Of little pomp, magnificence no more
" Exalts the mind, and bids the public smile :
"While to rapacious int'reft Glory leaves
" Mankind, and ev'ry grace of life is gone."
To this the Pow'r, whose vital radiance calls
From the brute mass of man an order'd world.

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"Wait till the morning shines, and from the depth "Of Gothic darkness springs another day. "True, Genius droops; the tender ancient taste "Of Beauty, then fresh-blooming in her prime, "But faintly trembles thro' the callous foul; " And Grandeur, or of morals, or of life,

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