CONTENTS O F VOLUME SECOND.. Ancient and Modern ITALY compared: Being. the first Part of LIBERTY, a Poem, GREECE: Being the second Part of LIBERTY, ROME: Being the third Part of LIBERTY, a BRITAIN: Being the fourth Part of LIBERTY, The PROSPECT: Being the fifth Part of LY- $7 163 A. P O E M Sacred to the MEMORY of Sir ISAAC NEWTON. Infcribed to the RIGHT HONOURABLE Sir ROBERT WALPOLE. HALL the great foul of NEWTON quit this earth, To mingle with his ftars; and ev'ry Mufe, Aftonifh'd into filence, fhun the weight Of honours due to his illuftrious name? But what can man?-Ev'n now the fons of light, Yet am not I deterr'd, tho' high the theme, · Ethereal flames! ambitious, I afpire. In nature's general fymphony to join. And what new wonders can ye fhow your gueft! Who, while on this dim fpot, where mortals toil 5: 10 Clouded in dust, from Motion's fimple laws, 15 Have ye not listen'd while he bound the Suns, All-piercing sage! Who fat not down and dream'd What were his raptures then! how pure! how ftrong And what the triumphs of old Greece and Rome, By his diminish'd, but the pride of boys ... Offshatter'd:parcels of this earth ufurp'd 35 All'intellectual eye, our folar round |