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" Or prowl in courts of law for human prey, In venal senate thieve, or rob on broad highway. "
The Works of James Thomson: With His Last Corrections and Improvements : to ... - الصفحة 188
بواسطة James Thomson - 1774
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces ..., المجلد 48،صفحة 1

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 278
...withouten fee, " I in oblivion will your forrows fteep, " Your cares, your toils, will fteep you in a fea " Of full delight : O come, ye weary wights,...city take your dirty rounds, " To cheat, and dun, and lye, and vifit pny, " Now flattering bafe, now giving fecrct wounds : " Or proul in courts of law for...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., المجلد 48

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 304
...dawn, " To pafs the joylefs day in various ftounds: " Or, louting low, on upftart fortune fawn,C—*~ " And fell fair honour for fome paltry pounds^ " Or...city take your dirty rounds, " To cheat, and dun, and lye, and vifit piy, " Now flattering bafe, now giving fecret wounds : " Or proul in courts of law for...

The Works of the English Poets: Thomson

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 274
...To pafs the joylefs day in various ftounds : " Or, louting low, on upftart fortune fawn, " And iell fair honour for fome paltry pounds; " Or through the...city take your dirty rounds, " To cheat, and dun, and lye, and vifit pay, " Now flattering baft, now giving Secret wounds : " Or proul in courts of law for...

Lady's Poetical Magazine, Or Beauties of British Poetry, المجلد 4

1782 - عدد الصفحات: 516
...full delight: O come, ye weary wights! to trie, ' With me you need not rife at early dawn, ' To pals the joylefs day in various ftounds; • Or, louting...And fell fair honour for fome paltry pounds ; • Or thro' the city take your dirty rounds, ' To cheat, ana dun, and lye, and vifit pay, ' Now flattering...

The Works of James Thomson: With His Last Corrections and ..., المجلد 1

James Thomson, Patrick Murdoch - 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 322
...withouten fee, " I in oblivion will your forrows fteep, " Your cares, your toils, will fteep you in a fea " Of full delight : O come, ye weary wights,...city take your dirty rounds, " To cheat, and dun, and lye, and vifit pay, " Now flattering bafe, now gi ving fecret wounds; " Or proul in courts of law for...

The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., المجلد 54

English poets - 1790 - عدد الصفحات: 292
...withoutc.n fee, " I in oblivion will your forrows fteep, " Your cares, your toils, will fteep you in a fea " Of full delight : O come, ye weary wights,...fome paltry pounds; " Or through the city take your di ty rounds, " To cheat, and dun, and lye, and vifit pay, " Now flattering bafe, now giving fecrtt...

Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ...

James Roach - 1794 - عدد الصفحات: 260
...XIII. a With me you need not rife at early dawr*, ** To pafs the joylefs day in various Rounds » 11 Or, louting low, on upftart fortune fawn, '* And. fell fair honour for fome paltry pounds: " Or thro' the city take your dirty rounds, " To cheat, and dun, and lye, and vifit pay, " Now flattering...

The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., المجلد 9

Robert Anderson - 1795 - عدد الصفحات: 990
...rife at early dawn, " To pa£» th': jnylefs day in various Hounds: •• Or, Icuting low, on updart fortune fawn, •' And fell fair honour for fome paltry pounds ; " Or through tlie city take your dirty rounds, " To cheat, and dun, and lye, and vifit pay, " Now flattering Irafe,...

Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry, Selected for ...

Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - عدد الصفحات: 574
...With me you need not rife at early dawn, " To pals the joylcfs day in various (bunds; " Or, touting low, on upftart fortune fawn, " And fell fair honour for fome paltry pounds: " Or thro' the city take your di'ty rounds, " To cheat, and dun, and lie, and vifit pav, " Now flittering...

Young. Churchill. Lloyd. Falconer. Thomson

Samuel Johnson - 1800 - عدد الصفحات: 542
...Wr;th me you need not rife at early dawn, " To pafs the joylds day ia various {bounds; " Or, touting low, on upftart Fortune fawn, " And fell fair honour for fome paltry pounds; '• Or thro' tin- city tulcc your dirty rounds, " To cheat, and dun, and lye, and vifit pay, u Now flattering...

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