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" Brentford town, a town of mud, An herd of bristly swine is prick'd along; The filthy beasts, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and squeak, and sing their troublous song, And oft they plunge themselves the mire among... "
The Works of James Thomson: With His Last Corrections and Improvements : to ... - الصفحة 242
بواسطة James Thomson - 1774
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The Works of the English Poets: Thomson

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 274
...The filthy beafts, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fing their troublous long, And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among : But...bitter throng Makes them renew their unmelodious moan;. Nc ever find they reft from their unrefting fone» Ta To Mr. THOMSON, On his unfiniflred Plan of a...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces ..., المجلد 48،صفحة 1

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 278
...The filthy beafts, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fing their troublous fong, And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among : But...barking dogs the bitter throng Makes them renew their immelodious moan ; Ne ever find they reft from their unrefting fone. TO Mr. THOMSON, On his unfinifhed...

Lady's Poetical Magazine, Or Beauties of British Poetry, المجلد 4

1782 - عدد الصفحات: 516
...The filthy beads, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fing their troublous fong; And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among: But...barking dogs the bitter throng Makes them renew their unmelodions moan, Ne ever find they reft from their unreiting fone. TO A GENTLEMAN, OH HI». INTENDING...

Bell's Edition, المجلدات 91-92

John Bell - 1787 - عدد الصفحات: 508
...along, The filthy beafts, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, andfqucak, and fmgtheir troublous fong, And oft' they plunge themfelves the mire among ; But...the bitter throng Makes them renew their unmelodious moan1 Ne ever find they reft from their unrefting tone. Saered to the Memory of SIR ISAAC NEWTON. Inferibed...

The Works of James Thomson: With His Last Corrections and ..., المجلد 1

James Thomson, Patrick Murdoch - 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 322
...The filthy beafts, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fmg their troublous long, And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among : :...bitter throng Makes them renew their unmelodious moan; Me ever find they reft from their uurefting fone. POEM, SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. INSCRIBED...

The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., المجلد 54

English poets - 1790 - عدد الصفحات: 292
...The filthy beafb, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fing their troublous fong, And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among : But...moan ; Ne ever find they reft from their unrefting font82 T» To MR. THOMSON, On his unfinifhed Plan of a POEM, called the CAsTLE OF INDOLENCE, in Spenfer's...

Extracts, Elegant, Instructive, and Entertaining, in Poetry, المجلد 1

Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - عدد الصفحات: 964
...the cud, Still grunt and fqueak, and fing their troublous long, And And oft they plunge thcmfel vcs the mire among: But ay the ruthlefs driver goads them...on, And ay of barking dogs the bitter throng Makes ti.em renew their unmciodious moan ; c ever find they reft from their unreftiug tone. § 49. To the...

Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ...

James Roach - 1794 - عدد الصفحات: 260
...beaft's,' tnV nevercleVthe'• CflJf '- Ir" 'r^ ' Still grunt, and filueak, andTmg thei'r troiif)toui fong, And oft' they plunge themfelves the' mire among ;...ay the ruthle'fs 'driver goads them on,"' And ay of Marking dogs the titter throng '•'. ." Makes rtierh renew their Unmelodious moan ;- \ !.• Ne ever...

The Works of Mr. James Thomson: With His Last Corrections and ..., المجلد 1

James Thomson - 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 340
...squeak, and sing their troublous song, And oft they plunge themselves the mire among: But ay the ruthless driver goads them on, And ay of barking dogs the bitter...them renew their unmelodious moan; Ne ever find they rest from their unresting fone. A POEM, • SACRED TO THE MEMORY or SIR ISAAC NEWTON. INSCRIBED TO...

The works of mr. James Thomson, to which is prefixed the life of ..., المجلد 1

James Thomson - 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 344
...squeak, and sing their troublous song, And oft they plunge themselves the mire among: But ay the ruthless driver goads them on, And ay of barking dogs the bitter...them renew their unmelodious moan; Ne ever find they rest from their unresting fone. A POEM, SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. INSCRIBED TO THE...

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