| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 274
...The filthy beafts, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fing their troublous long, And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among : But...bitter throng Makes them renew their unmelodious moan;. Nc ever find they reft from their unrefting fone» Ta To Mr. THOMSON, On his unfiniflred Plan of a... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 278
...The filthy beafts, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fing their troublous fong, And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among : But...barking dogs the bitter throng Makes them renew their immelodious moan ; Ne ever find they reft from their unrefting fone. TO Mr. THOMSON, On his unfinifhed... | |
 | 1782 - عدد الصفحات: 516
...The filthy beads, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fing their troublous fong; And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among: But...barking dogs the bitter throng Makes them renew their unmelodions moan, Ne ever find they reft from their unreiting fone. TO A GENTLEMAN, OH HI». INTENDING... | |
 | John Bell - 1787 - عدد الصفحات: 508
...along, The filthy beafts, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, andfqucak, and fmgtheir troublous fong, And oft' they plunge themfelves the mire among ; But...the bitter throng Makes them renew their unmelodious moan1 Ne ever find they reft from their unrefting tone. Saered to the Memory of SIR ISAAC NEWTON. Inferibed... | |
 | James Thomson, Patrick Murdoch - 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 322
...The filthy beafts, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fmg their troublous long, And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among : :...bitter throng Makes them renew their unmelodious moan; Me ever find they reft from their uurefting fone. POEM, SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. INSCRIBED... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - عدد الصفحات: 292
...The filthy beafb, that never chew the cud, Still grunt, and fqueak, and fing their troublous fong, And oft they plunge themfelves the mire among : But...moan ; Ne ever find they reft from their unrefting font82 T» To MR. THOMSON, On his unfinifhed Plan of a POEM, called the CAsTLE OF INDOLENCE, in Spenfer's... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - عدد الصفحات: 964
...the cud, Still grunt and fqueak, and fing their troublous long, And And oft they plunge thcmfel vcs the mire among: But ay the ruthlefs driver goads them...on, And ay of barking dogs the bitter throng Makes ti.em renew their unmciodious moan ; c ever find they reft from their unreftiug tone. § 49. To the... | |
 | James Roach - 1794 - عدد الصفحات: 260
...beaft's,' tnV nevercleVthe'• CflJf '- Ir" 'r^ ' Still grunt, and filueak, andTmg thei'r troiif)toui fong, And oft' they plunge themfelves the' mire among ;...ay the ruthle'fs 'driver goads them on,"' And ay of Marking dogs the titter throng '•'. ." Makes rtierh renew their Unmelodious moan ;- \ !.• Ne ever... | |
 | James Thomson - 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 340
...squeak, and sing their troublous song, And oft they plunge themselves the mire among: But ay the ruthless driver goads them on, And ay of barking dogs the bitter...them renew their unmelodious moan; Ne ever find they rest from their unresting fone. A POEM, • SACRED TO THE MEMORY or SIR ISAAC NEWTON. INSCRIBED TO... | |
 | James Thomson - 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 344
...squeak, and sing their troublous song, And oft they plunge themselves the mire among: But ay the ruthless driver goads them on, And ay of barking dogs the bitter...them renew their unmelodious moan; Ne ever find they rest from their unresting fone. A POEM, SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. INSCRIBED TO THE... | |
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