| 1714 - عدد الصفحات: 430
...And wifh, and wifh the foul a - way; Till youth and ge-nial rfc years are fiown, And all the life ,of But bufy, bufy ftill art thou To bind the lovelefs, joylefs vow, The heart from pleafure to delude, And join the gentle to the rude. For once, O Fortune, hear my prayer, And I abfolve thy future care;... | |
 | 1732 - عدد الصفحات: 284
...COj.j COLLECTION OF SONGS. . To FORTUNE. OR ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love; And when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between, and bid us part. Bid us figh on from day to day, And wifh, and wifh the foul away, Till youth and genial years are flown,... | |
 | John Aikin - 1774 - عدد الصفحات: 328
...and with the foul away, Till youth and genial years are flown., And all the life of life is gone ? But bufy, bufy ftill art thou, To bind the lovelefs joylefs vow, The heart from pleafure to delude, And join the gentle to the rude. For once, O Fortune, hear my pray'r, And I abfolve thy future care;... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 340
...Without my love there is no fpring. SONG. FO R ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love, And when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between, and bid us pan ? Bid Bid us figh on from day to day, And wifli, and wifli the foul away ; Till youth and genial... | |
 | Goldfinch - 1782 - عدد الصفحات: 314
...be love i SONG CXXIV. LOGAN-WATER. FO R ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love ; And when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between, and bid us part ; Bid us figh on from day to day, And wi(h, and wi(h the foul away, Till youth and genial years are... | |
 | James Thomson, Patrick Murdoch - 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 322
...my h<ve there is no fpring. - SONG. FO R ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love, And when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between, and bid us part : Bid us figh on from day to day, And wifh, and wifh the foul away; Till youth and genial years are... | |
 | David Stewart Erskine Earl of Buchan - 1792 - عدد الصفحات: 342
...calleftion of tie Earl of ' Buchan. FOR ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love ; And when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between and bid us part ; Bid us figh on from day to day, And wifh and wifh the foul away $ Till youth and genial years are... | |
 | 1793 - عدد الصفحات: 526
...of the Earl or" Ruchan.] u OR ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove ••• An unrelenting foe to love 5 And when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between and bid us part ; Bid us figh on from day to day, And with and wilh the foul away ; Till youth and genial years are... | |
 | James Thomson, Robert Heron - 1793 - عدد الصفحات: 384
...my love there is no fpring." SONG. X1 OR ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love, And when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between, and bid us part : Bid us figh on from day to day, And wiih, and wifh the foul away : Till youth and genial years are... | |
 | 1793 - عدد الصفحات: 302
...the Ctllt&le* ffthe Earl tf Pucban, FOR ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love ; And when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between and bid us part ; Bid us figh on from day to day, And wifh and wifli the foul away ; Till youth and genial years are... | |
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