| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 274
...unbid, the Mufes might infpire. XXXVI. The XXXVL The rooms with coftly tapeftry were hung, Where was inwoven many a gentle tale; Such as of old the rural...the gale, And taught charm'd echo to refound their finart; While flocks, woods, ftreams, around, repofe and peace XXXVIL [impart. Thofe pleas'd the moft,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 304
...Mufes might infpire. CASTLE OF INDOLENCE. XXXVI. The rooms with coftly tapeftry were hung, Where was inwoven many a gentle tale; Such as of old the rural...lovers, in the lonely dale, Pour'd forth at large the fweetjyrtattut;d heart; Or, fighing tender paffion, fwell'd the gale, And taught charm'd echo to refound... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 278
...unhid, the Mufes might infpire. XXXVI. The XXXVI. The rooms with coftly tapeftry were hung, Where was inwoven many a gentle tale ; Such as of old the rural poets lung, Or of Arcadian or Sicilian vale : Reclining lovers, in the lonely dale, Pour'd forth at large... | |
 | 1782 - عدد الصفحات: 516
...Mufes might infpire., The rooms with coftly tapeflry were hung, Where was inwoven many a gentle talej Such as of old the rural poets fung, Or of Arcadian...large the fweetly-tortur'd heart; Or, fighing tender paflion, fwell'd the gale, And taught charm'd Echo to refound their fmart, While flocks, woods, ftreams... | |
 | James Thomson, Patrick Murdoch - 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 322
...carol what, unbid, the mufes might infpire XXXVI. The rooms with coftly tapeftry were hung, Where was inwoven many a gentle tale; Such as of old the rural...the gale, And taught charm'd echo to refound their fmart ; While flocks, woods, ftreams, around, repofe and peace impart, XXXVII. Thofe pleas'd the moft,... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - عدد الصفحات: 292
...unhid, the Mufes might infpire. XXXVI. The XXXVI. The rooms with coftly tapeftry were hung, Where was inwoven many a gentle tale ; Such as of old the rural...fung, Or of Arcadian or Sicilian vale : Reclining Ipvers, in the lonely dale, Pour'd forth at large the fweetly-tortur'd heart; Or, fighing tender paffion,... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - عدد الصفحات: 510
...what, unbid, the inufcs might iiifpjre> The rooms with coftly tapeftry were hung, Where was enwovcn many a gentle tale ! Such as of old the rural poets f'ung, Or of Arcadian or Sicilian vnle : Reclining lovers, in the lovely dale, Pour'd forthat large thefweetly tortur'd henrt; Or, fighirtg... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - عدد الصفحات: 964
...coftly tapeftry were hung,Where was enwoven many a gentle tale ; Such as of old the rural poets lung, Or of Arcadian or Sicilian vale : Reclining lovers, in the lonely dale, 1'our'd forth at Urge the fwectly tortur'd heart; Or, fighing tender parlion, fwell'd the gale, ^And... | |
 | James Roach - 1794 - عدد الصفحات: 260
...what, unbid, the Mufes might infpire. ', XXXVI. The rooms with c'oflly tapeflry were hung, Where was inwoven many a gentle- tale, Such as of old the rural poets fung, Or of Arcadian or ficilian vale ; Reclining lovers, in the lonely dale, Pour'd forth at large the fweetly-tortur'd heart,... | |
 | Robert Anderson - 1795 - عدد الصفحات: 990
...And carol what, unhid, the mufes might infpire. The rooms with coftly tapeftry were hung, Where was inwoven many a gentle tale ; Such as of old the rural...Pour'd forth at large the fweetly-tortur'd heart ; Or, Gghing tender pafllon, fwcll'd the gale, And taught charm' d echo to refound their fmart; While flocks,... | |
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