The Wreath: A Collection of Poems from Celebrated English AuthorsW.B. Gilley and H.I. Megarey, 1821 - 259 من الصفحات |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
agen bard beam beauty beneath blest bliss blood bloom bosom breast breath call'd calm charms cheer clouds dark death deep dread e'er earth Edwin eternal ev'n eyes fair fame fancy fate fire flame flowers gale gentle gloom glory grave Greece groves hand heart heaven Hermit horror hour Indolence light lonely lov'd love lies bleeding lyre mind morn mountains mourn Muse Musidora nature Nature's ne'er never night nursling o'er pain peace Philomelus pity plain pleasure praise pride rage raptures repose rills rise round Rous'd rude scene seem'd seraph shade shore sigh skies sleep smile soft song sooth soul sound spleen Stamp'd storm stream sublime sweet tale tears tempest thee thine thou thro toil trembling triffing Twas tyrant vale vext virtue voice wandering wave weary ween wild wind wings wretch youth