Then throng the busy shapes into his Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, mind, Of covered pits, unfathomably deep, From every low pursuit! and feed my soul A dire descent! beyond the power of With knowledge, conscious peace, and frost ; Of faithless bogs; of precipices huge, Smoothed up with snow; and, what is land, unknown, What water, of the still unfrozen spring, In the loose marsh or solitary lake, Where the fresh fountain from the bottom boils. These check his fearful steps; and down he sinks Beneath the shelter of the shapeless drift, Thinking o'er all the bitterness of death, Mixed with the tender anguish Nature shoots Through the wrung bosom of the dying man, His wife, his children, and his friends un seen. In vain for him the officious wife prepares The fire fair blazing, and the vestment warm; In vain his little children, peeping out Into the mingling storm, demand their sire, With tears of artless innocence. Alas! Nor wife, nor children, more shall he behold, Nor friends, nor sacred home. On every nerve The deadly winter seizes; shuts up sense; And o'er his inmost vitals creeping cold, Lays him along the snows, a stiffened corpse, Stretch'd out and bleaching in the northern blast. [A SHORT PRAYER.] Father of light and life! thou Good Supreme ! O teach me what is good! teach me Thyself! virtue pure; Sacred, substantial, never-failing bliss! A HYMN. These, as they change, Almighty Father, these Are but the varied God. The rolling year Is full of Thee. Forth in the pleasing Spring Thy beauty walks, Thy tenderness and love. Wide flush the fields; the softening air is balm ; Echo the mountains round; the forest smiles; And every sense and every heart is joy. Then comes Thy glory in the Summer months, With light and heat refulgent. Then Thy sun Shoots full perfection through the swelling year: And oft Thy voice in dreadful thunder speaks, And oft at dawn, deep noon, or falling eve, By brooks and groves in hollow-whisper ing gales. Thy bounty shines in Autumn unconfined, And spreads a common feast for all that lives. In Winter awful Thou! with clouds and storms Around Thee thrown, tempest o'er tempest rolled, Majestic darkness! On the whirlwind's wing Riding sublime, Thou bidd'st the world adore, And humblest nature with Thy northern blast. His praise, ye brooks, attune, ye trem- And let me catch it as I muse along. Mysterious round! what skill, what force Ye softer floods, that lead the humid maze divine, Deep-felt, in these appear! a simple train, Such beauty and beneficence combined; Along the vale; and thou majestic main, greater voice Or bids you roar, or bids your roaring fall. So roll your incense, herbs, and fruits, and flowers, In mingled clouds to Him, whose sun exalts, pencil paints. But wandering oft, with rude unconscious Whose breath perfumes you, and whose gaze, Man marks not Thee, marks not the mighty Ye forests bend, ye harvests wave to Him: hand Breathe your still song into the reaper's heart, That, ever busy, wheels the silent spheres; Works in the secret deep; shoots steaming thence As home he goes beneath the joyous moon. The fair profusion that o'erspreads the Ye that keep watch in heaven, as earth spring; Flings from the sun direct the flaming day; Feeds every creature; hurls the tempest forth, And, as on earth this grateful change revolves, With transport touches all the springs of Nature, attend! join, every living soul Breathe soft, whose spirit in your freshness Oh! talk of Him in solitary glooms, Fills the brown shade with a religious awe. to heaven asleep Unconscious lies, effuse your mildest Ye constellations, while your angels strike, Of thy Creator, ever pouring wide," round, On nature write with every beam His praise. The thunder rolls: be hushed the prostrate world, While cloud to cloud returns the solemn Bleat out afresh, ye hills; ye mossy rocks low, Ye valleys, raise; for the Great Shepherd reigns, And His un suffering kingdom yet will come. The impetuous song, and say from whom Ye woodlands all, awake; a boundless Burst from the groves; and when the restless day, Expiring, lays the warbling world asleep, Sweetest of birds! sweet Philomela, charm The listening shades, and teach the night His praise. Ye chief, for whom the whole creation smiles; At once the head, the heart, the tongue of all, In the void waste as in the city full; And where He vital breathes, there must be joy. When even at ast the solemn hour shall come, And wing my mystic flight to future worlds, I cheerful will obey; there with new powers, Will rising wonders sing. I cannot go Crown the great hymn! in swarming Where universal love not smiles around, cities vast, Assembled men to the deep organ join The long resounding voice, oft breaking clear, Sustaining all yon orbs, and all their suns; At solemn pauses, through the swelling Myself in Him, in light ineffable! Frame into finished life. How many states, And clustering towns, and monuments of fame, For that they lived entire, and even for that The tender mother urged her son to die. Of softer genius, but not less intent And scenes of glorious deeds, in little To seize the palm of empire, Athens rose. bounds! From the rough tract of bending moun tains, beat By Ardria's here, there by Agaan waves; To where the deep-adorning Cyclade isles In shining prospect rise, and on the shore Of farthest Crete resounds the Lybian main. O'er all two rival cities reared the brow, And balanced all. Spread on Eurotas' bank, Amid a circle of soft-rising hills, The patient Sparta one: the sober, hard, Lycurgus there built, on the solid base just poise; Each power so checking, and supporting, each; That firm for ages, and unmoved, it stood, The fort of Greece! without one giddy hour, One shock of faction, or of party-rage. For, drained the springs of wealth, corruption there Lay withered at the root. Thrice happy land! Had not neglected art, with weedy vice The public and the private grew the same. Where, with bright marbles big and future pomp, Hymettus spread, amid the scented sky, Of active arts, and animated arms. Of ruin, hurried by the charm of speech, grown. Solon, at last, their mild restorer rose : Aliayed the tempest; to the calm of laws Reduced the settling whole; and with the weight Which the two senates to the public lent, As with an anchor fixed the driving state. Nor was my forming care to these confined. For emulation through the whole I poured, Noble contention who should most excel In government well-poised, adjusted best To public weal: in countries cultured high; In ornamented towns, where order reigns, Free social life, and polished manners fair: In exercise, and arms; arms only drawn For common Greece, to quell the Persian pride: In moral science, and in graceful arts. Hence as for glory peacefully they strove, The prize grew greater, and the prize of all. seen. By contest brightened, hence the radiant The sea at last from Colchian mountains youth Poured every beam; by generous pride Kind-hearted transport round their capinflamed, Felt every ardour burn: their great reward The verdant wreath, which sounding Pisa gave. Hence flourished Greece: and hence a race of men, As gods by conscious future times adored, In whom each virtue wore a smiling air, Each science shed o'er life a friendly light, Each art was nature. Spartan valour hence, tains threw The soldiers fond embrace: o'erflowed their eyes With tender floods, and loosed the general voice To cries resounding loud-The sea! The sea ! In Attic bounds hence heroes, sages, wits, Shone thick as stars, the milky way of Greece ! At the famed pass, firm as an isthmus And though gay wit, and pleasing grace And deep rapacious floods, dire-banked The Persian chains: while through the with death; city, full And mountains, in whose jaws destruction Of mirthful quarrel and of witty war, storms; And circling myriads still of barbarous O'er all shone out the great Athenian sage, foes. And father of philosophy; the sun, From whose white blaze emerged each various sect Greece in their view, and glory yet untouched, Their steady column pierced the scattering Took various tints, but with diminished herds, beam. Which a whole empire poured; and held Tutor of Athens: he, in every street, Dealt priceless treasure: goodness his delight, its way Triumphant, by the sage-exalted chief Fired and sustained. Oh light and force of mind, Almost almighty in severe extremes! Wisdom his wealth, and glory his reward. Deep through the human heart, with playful art, |