Treatises of Fistula in Ano, Hæmorrhoids, and Clysters, العدد 139،الجزء 1Early English Text Society, 1910 - 156 من الصفحات 1999. Gift of Leon Banov, Jr., M.D. |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
aboue Afterward aftir agayn akyng alum anoper anoynted aposteme apostemez Arderne Arderne's availep blak blode bolned bolnyng bone bope brennyng called certayne clistery clyster comon cure egestion emoroidez emplastre euermore euery ffor fistule flessh flowyng forseid forsope fynger gode grese gret grete Guy de Chauliac hape haue heled hole hony hote iuyse John Arderne lard leaf leche legge licium litel longaon lynne clope maner medicyne medled Mondeville monep mych nastare neperlesse no3t nozt ointment oper ouer overlined oyle pe forseid pe lure pe pacient perceyued perfore piles pings pise poudre puluer puluis putte puttyng quitour Recipe rectum rede remoued rizt schal seid afore shal skyn skynne Sloane somtyme sone surgeon tapsimel togidre tyme vertu vinegre vitriol vnto vpon walwort watre wele witte pou þat wonde wounde y-sene þai þam þan þat þe þe lure þe pacient þer þings
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 95 - Boethius l00 is the last of the Romans whom Cato or Tully could have acknowledged for their countryman.
الصفحة 119 - I have said, such numbers of corpses as no one without seeing it could deem credible. And at one side of the valley, in the very rock, I beheld as it were the face of a man very great and terrible, so very terrible indeed that for my exceeding great fear my spirit seemed to die in me. Wherefore I made the sign of the Cross, and began continually to repeat Verbum caro factum, but I dared not at all come nigh that face, but kept at seven or eight paces from it. And so I came at length to the other...
الصفحة 10 - ... over, ffor it is better that the terme be lengthed than the cure, ffor prolongacion of the cure giffeth cause of dispairyng to the pacientez, when triste to the leche is moste hope of helthe. And yif the pacient considere or wondre or aske why that he putte hym so long a tyme of curyng, sithe that he heled hym by the half, answere he that it was for that the pacient was strong-herted, and suffrid wele sharp thingis, 1 see. * pursue. * requireth.
الصفحة xxxii - ... shall go before our said body : that is to say, the one for war with our arms quartered, and the other for peace with our badges of ostrich feathers, with four banners of the same suit : and that every one of those who bear the said banners...
الصفحة 119 - ... the very rock, I beheld, as it •were, the face of a man, very great and terrible, so very terrible, indeed, that for my exceeding great fear my spirit seemed to die in me. Wherefore I made the sign of the cross, and began continually to repeat verbum euro factnm (
الصفحة xiv - Sixth, as relates to the Sale of Cloths by English Merchants to Merchants Aliens ; — And also, So much of a Statute made in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of the said King Henry the Sixth, whereby it is ordained and established, " That so much of the Statutes made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second, and in the First Year of the Reign of King Henry the Fourth, as is hereinbefore recited, relating to Fish and Victuals imported by Aliens, should be firmly holden and kept ;...
الصفحة 113 - ... hours in the spirit of wine and turpentine, take it out, hang it up twelve hours: imbibe it again 24 hours in fresh spirit, then hang up the pieces in aa dry air. and a shadowy place, so will they dry, and not stink.
الصفحة xxviii - You then, Surgeons, if you operate conscientiously upon the rich for a sufficient fee and upon the poor for charity, you ought not to fear the ravages of fire, nor of rain nor of wind ; you need not take...
الصفحة 8 - ... a leche. ffor why; he shal both byholden' and he shal be more wise. And aboue al thise it profiteth to hym that he be founden evermore sobre; ffor dronkennez destroyeth al vertu and bringith it to not, as seith a wise man, " Ebrietas frangit quicquid sapiencia tangit "4: " Dronkenes breketh what-so wisdom toucheth.