صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Oil of


Its prepara


Jile of masticus is made pus: Recipe Masticus 31, thuris albi alexandrie 3; be pai poudred & decocte in 1 lb. of oile of rose or of almandez or 4 of note3; and when it is cocte yno3, cole it and kepe it to vse. his oile helpep to euery akyng, of pe stomak, of þe iuncture3, of þe schuldrez, anoynted agaynez pe fire, and to akyng; of pe lyuer and of pe splene, putte to hote with 8 lana succida. It comforteþ vertu assimilatyue in a membre febled; wherfor it helpep to men in þe ethic, in þe ptisik, and disposed to pe lepre and to pe morfee, and to old men and consumed. And anoynted it moistep pe Its uses. 12 skynne, and reuokep and restorep þe flesch consumed, and

confortep þe stomak and makep it to diffy in cold cause; it repressep pe abhominaciones of þe stomak, it giffep appetite, it scharpep pe mynde, It consumep al cold 16 passions, It availep to hole men and to seke in al necessitez. When pou wilt make pis oile agaynz þe vices of þe stomak, pan may þou make it with oile in which ar sopen som þings pertenyng to confortyng of þe stomak, as 20 wormode, Mynt, Macis, galinga, & sich oper, And so schal it better spede.


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Things to be

added when

it is used as

a stomachic.

oil of


Its prepara


Jile of almandez is made pus: Recipe amigdal. dulcis, old & no3t new, lb., and tak of 24 skynnez with hate watre; afterward brisse pam lang & wele without medlyng of any oper ping; which y-brissed, be pai putte in a new strong bagge of lynne clope, and hyng pat bag ouer þe caldron or ouer a potte ful of boilyng 28 water, so pat pe bagge touch no3t pe watre bot pat only it receyue pe fume of pe boilyng watre. Afterward presse pe bag strongly and receyfe pe oile pat comep out and leaf 172, kepe it to pine vse. Bot witte pou pat pis oile may not 32 long endure. It availep mych agayne brynnyng of vryne Its uses. within in pe 3erd, If it be cast in wyp a syryng, And agayns oper brennyng; also.







Its prepara

tion and

Jatre of almandez is made pus: Recipe Almond almandes dulces clensed of pair skynnez and dryed, and brisse pam in a morter without medlyng of any oper liquour; And after distille pam as pou distillep rose watre. pis availep agaynz brennyng of pe



Oil of Juniper, how distilled.

Its uses.

Ointment of


Ointment of Juniper and a good plaister for the Gout. sonne in þe face, And also agaynz brynnyng in a mannez 3erd, put in by a siryng.


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Jile of Iunipre is made pus: Recipe a new erpen potte, and putte it into pe erpe euen to 4 pe moupe; pan tak anoper erpen potte whos bothme may be receyfed within pe moupe of pe potte pat standep in pe erpe; And putte ane holowe canel of yren purz pe bothme of þe ouer potte into pe neper potte þat standep within pe 8 erpe; pan tak dry stikke3 of Iuniperi and kutte pam smal and putte pam into pe ouer potte, and pan lute pe moupez of bope pottes with clay medled with horsdong. And make a fire al aboute pe ouermore potte, And pan 12 scha[1] oile distille purz pe canel into pe lawer potte, pe which kepe for pin vse, for it is ful noble for akyng. It is gode for al maner goute and for pe parallesy.



lso ane enoyntment made of it to wondez 16 pat vnnep bene curable and long tyme. Its prepara haue bene in pe bonez: Recipe fruyte of Iuniperi & fresch lard of a male swyne and brisse pam togidre; Afterward take 3 partes of rizt strong white wyne and 20 sepe pe forseid ping3 in it, and when it is pikke sette doune fro pe fire. And putte perof to pe forseid sorez & wondez. It purgep, it fillep, it helep & it cicatrizeþ. 39.

and uses.

A good plaister for the gout.

Its preparation.

[A] gode emplastre for pe goute: Recipe blak sope 24

als mich as sufficep, to which putte als mych of raw 30lkez of eyren as is half of pe sope, and medle þam strongly in a dish or in a box vnto pat pe sope lefe his owne colour; pe which y-done, putte it with pi fynger 28 or with a spature vpon subtile stupe3 of lyne and applie it faste vnto pe akyng place. Aboue pis emplastre, forsope, putte a strictorie of white of eiren and mele of whete and lynnen cloutez y-dipped perin, and putte it fast & applie 32 it aboue pe forseid emplaster pat it be not remoued byfore dew tyme, bot if any competent cause aske it. pis medy[* leaf 173] cyne is lizt *but no3t litel effectual, þat haue I proued ofttymez, als wele in wymen as in men; pat with onez 36 puttyng to it cesep ful grete akyng3 als wele in þe kneez as in þe fete and in oper ioynture3; bot be-war þat it be no3t perceyued of pe pacient ne of none oper; hold it pryuè and chere, and schew it not bot to pi son or ane 40

So good that it should only be

shown to

one's son.

als wele biluffed. I trow, forsop, þat it availep bifor al oper medicynez to pe goute, and more sone abatep pe akyng. And it ow 5 daiez or 6 to lye stille without 4 remeuyng if it may so bene applied.

and its


40. [W]alwort1 is ane herbe like vnto el[d]re in lefe3 and Walwort fruyte. In odour it is sumwhat greuous and stynkyng. virtues. In tast it is as war bitter, bot in vertu anence old men it 8 is deemed expert and effectuale, and kynde & free to medicyne in many vse3; witnesse plinius, diascoridez, The uses of macrobuz and many oper, whos rotez, ryndez, and branchez and leuez and flourez bene profitable in medicynez. It 12 hape vertu of dissoluyng, consumyng of gret flemme and viscose with pe iuyse of it. It availep agayn; þe gutte of þe ioynturez and contraccion of synuez of þe heude & of þe fete. It availep also agayn; bolnyng3 and collections 16 intercutaniez wher-so-euer pai bene gedred in pe body. Also it availep most agaynz brissyngs of membrez and fallez, if pe membrez be fomented in his decoctions. ffor why; it mitigatep þe akyng, it cesep pe bolnyng, it minis20 trep vertue and strength to synowe; and to ioynturez. It availeþ agaynez bolnyng of pe womb of cold y-dropisy, if his Iuyse be dronken with hony and comyne. And witte

pou þat þe Iuyse of walwort, or pe poudre of it if it be 24 hadde redy, is namely in euery medicyne þat is restrictyue of blode. pe maner of makyng and kepyng of it is as pe maner of licium seid afore.


A valence of


Its prepara


41. Valence of scabious or of Iacee albe is pus made: 28 Recipe Iuyse of scabious in somer, and cole it purz a clope; and tak swynez grese clensed of pe skynnez and stamp it wele in a morter in smytyng it bot no3t in brekyng vtterly; and euermore putte in a litel of pe iuyse to pe grese þat it may wele be imbibed and pat pe talow may be made grene; þe which y-done, tak þat grese and couer it with pe forseid iuyse and so late it stand 9 daiez. And after 9 daiez take eftsone pe forseid grese with pe iuyse 36 and stamp it as afore, and putte out þat þinne watrynez and discolored pat gop out perof, and so lat it stande 5 daiez. *After þe 5 day eftsone tak new Iuyse of scabious [* leaf 173, and stamp it, as it is seid, with pe forseid grese; pe which


[blocks in formation]

Its uses.

Whence its name.


y-done, latte it rest in a vessel with pe iuyse al a fourtnyzt; which tyme ouerpassed, eftsonez bete it as it is seid afore, and purge it of þe watrinez, and putte it in a clene vessel, and lat it stand stil anoper fourtni3t, And þan 4 brisse it wele vnto pat it be al of grene colour. And whan pe nedep for to vse perof, as vnto þe antrax, putte perof with pi fynger vpon clene stuppez of lyne, and strech it and lay it on pe antrax anoynted with oile of rose, and 8 remeued it not by a naturel day. ffor without dout it schal slee pe antrax and swage pe akyng, and brist it and vtterly cure it. And pis medyc[in]e is called Valence of scabious for pe valow of it. It may be kepte many 3ere3, 12 bot it is better if it be euery 3ere renewed and bette newly with oile roses, and putte vp agayne vnto it nede. And witte pou pat scabious y-dronken sleep pe antrax, and puttep away þe venym of it fro þe hert þat it sle nozt þe 16 pacient. Also pe same herbe ydronken turnep inward apostemez to outward and puttep pam out insensibily. Also witte pou þat new scabious & fresch y-brissed with swynes grese and putte vpon antrax sleep it in a day 20 naturel, and takep away þe akyng for certayne. Bot for þat scabious may no3t euermore be had redy & fresch, þerfor was pis medicyne made pat may long be kept, pat wonderfully sleep pe antrax and vtterly curep it, as I haue 24 proued myself ane hundrep tymez. Also witte pou þat Iacea alba is scabious, bot Iacea nigra is matfelon. And witte pou pat pat scabious pat groweb among cornez with ane heuenly flour is better pan þat þat growep in mydowe3 28 þat hap no flour. After diascorides trowe pou to pis þat it hape no pere to pe forseid ping; wonderfully to be done, and þat softely. I haue proued it a hundreþ tymez

for certayne.


A valence of 42. Valence of wormode is pus made: Recipe iuyse of wormode, smalach, plantayn, and with swynez grese clensed wele of pe skynnez brisse it wele and long togidre in maner as it is seid afore of pe valence of scabious; pe 36 which y-done, kepe it to pin vse. his valence of wormode availep to brissyngs of legge; and of schynbonez, and to [*leaf 174] wounde3 þat ar made in pe muscle3 *of pe arme3 and of pe leggez with a strey3t wounde, as of a knyfe or of ane arowe,

Its uses.


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