| Edmund Burke - 1800 - عدد الصفحات: 650
...StvKlfota; to ffratofi, Bishop of Ely, w taken from the' Register1 of Khj.Proud Prelate, IUnderfland you are backward in complying with your agreement ; but, I would have you to know, that 1 who made you what you, are, can unmake you; awl if you do not" forthwith fulfil your ^nejageirient,... | |
 | عدد الصفحات: 796
...Elizabeth, to Heaton, Bifap of Ely, it taken from the Rigißtr о/Шу. PKOUD PRELATE, IUnderftand you are backward in complying with your agreement-;...are, can unmake you ; and if you do not forthwith fulfill your engagement, by — , I will immediately unfrock you. Your's, as you demean yourfelf, ELIZABETH.... | |
 | عدد الصفحات: 744
...Elizabeth, to Heaton>' Bijhop of Ely, is taken from the Regifter of Ely. PROUD PRELATE, IL'nderftand you are backward in complying with your agreement ; but, I would have you to know, that, 1, who made you what you are, can unmake you ; and if you do mt forthwith fulfill your engagement,... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1762 - عدد الصفحات: 662
...£)ueen Elizabeth, to Heaton, Bi/hop efEly, is taken from the Regijler of Ely. Proud Prelate, IUnderftand you are backward in complying with your agreement...if you do not forthwith fulfil your engagement, by • , I will immediately unfrock you. Your's, as you demean yourfelf, ELIZABETH. Heaton, it feems,... | |
 | 1762 - عدد الصفحات: 618
...Elizabeth, to Heaioit, Bi/hop of Ely, is taken from the Regifier of Ely. Proud Prelate, IUnderftand you are backward in complying with your agreement...if you do not forthwith fulfil your engagement, by • , I will immediately unfrock you. Vou/s, as you demean yourfelf, ELIZABETH. Heaton, it leems, had... | |
 | Ralph Heathcote - 1786 - عدد الصفحات: 352
...is taken from the Regifter of Ely : " Proud Prelate, " I underftand you are backward in com" plying with your agreement : but I would " have you to know,...you " do not forthwith fulfil your engagement, " by - I will immediately unfrock you. " Your's, as you demean yourfelf, " ELIZABETH." Heaton, it feems,... | |
 | 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 404
...Bifhop of Ely, is taken from the Regifter of Ely : " Proud Prelate, u I underftand you are backward it " complying with your agreement: but I " would have...you do not forthwith fulfil " your engagement, by I will imme" diately unfrock you. Your's, as you " demean yourfelf. « ELIZABETH." Heaton, it feems,... | |
 | François Marie Arouet de [prose] Voltaire - 1805 - عدد الصفحات: 274
...PRELATE, . " I understand you. are backward in complying with your agreement; but I would hare you know that I who made you what you are, can unmake you ; and if you do • The bishop, it seems, had promised the Queen to exchange some'part of the land belonging to the... | |
 | 1822 - عدد الصفحات: 638
...Holborn, Queen Elizabeth wrote to him the following sprightly note :— " Proud Prelate, I understand you are backward in complying with your agreement...if you do not forthwith fulfil your engagement, by G — 1 1 will immediately unfrock you. " Your's, as you demean yourself, " ELIZABETH.' MONTHLY MISCELLANY;... | |
 | David Hume - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 552
...Ely, and preserved in the register of that see. It is in these words : Proud prelate, I understand you are backward in complying with your agreement : but I would have you know, thai J, who made you what you are. can unmake you ; and if ycit do not forthwith fulfil your... | |
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