Gloster dreams of the Crown Gloster's love for the Lady Anne Gloster's utterances after success Gloster's speech to the King on his accusers Guendolen's Speech on the treachery of Locrine Guilt, as described in the Tempest.. 292 73 .... King Henry V., Character of, by his Father King Henry V. address to the conspirators King Richard II., Submission of 203 .... 221 .... King Richard III. starting out of his dream Lady Percy's pathetic speech to her husband Libraries, the want of, the cause of ignorance. 311 .... Lord Cobham to his Lady after his escape, &c. 228 Love's disappointments.. Lover, A, in solitude Lover, Description of a Man, a blessing to his fellows Marc Antony's speech over the dead body of Cæsar .... .... Mere's, Francis, opinion of Shakspere 163 46 19, 20 193, 194 109 220 41 Name of Shakspere, how to spell New Place, his residence, destroyed by a Vicar Promptitude of action, or opportunity to be seized 195 261 Queen Elizabeth's patronage of Shakspere death 322 .... 54 .... 52 53 Queen Mab 205 Richmond's speech after the battle Richmond's prayer Richmond's speech to the troops at Bosworth field Romeo's description of the Apothecary 215 216 219 |