ceived, every aid has been given in the notes, that the reader may readi comprehend the meaning of the writer. This has been done in a mann more full and satisfactory than they have seen in any other collectio and in every instance at the bottom of the page where the difficul occurs, so that the reader may not be subjected to the trouble of co sulting a dictionary, or other books of reference, a work which, general, if done at all, is done with extreme reluctance, even by a vanced pupils. In order that the student may still more thoroughly understand wh he reads, and for the convenience of that large class of readers wh have not leisure to peruse voluminous memoirs of distinguished me and yet would be unwilling to forego all knowledge of them, we ha introduced concise Biographical Sketches of authors from whose worl extracts have been selected, and of persons whose names occur in th Reading Exercises. These sketches, presenting a clear and distin outline of the life, and producing a clear and distinct impression c the character, furnish an amount of useful and available informatic rarely surpassed by memoirs of greater extent and pretension. Lis of the names of authors, both alphabetical and chronological, hav also been introduced, thus rendering this a convenient text book fo students in English and American Literature. The improvements made in the revision of this work are numeror and important. The Treatise on Elocution has been carefully elabor ted, involving the introduction of phonetic exercises, a more critic orthoëpical notation, and many most apt and interesting examples fo illustration. Several of these examples under each section are left u marked, thus affording students opportunities to exercise their jud ment, taste, and discrimination. The collection of Reading Lessons has been greatly improved judicious omissions, and the substitution of new dialogues, ballad dramatic lyrics, and other rhetorical, pieces that are more varied an inspiriting, and better adapted to elocutionary readings, both publ and private. The classification of these lessons is more systematic ar thorough than that ever before attempted in any corresponding wor They are divided into formal sections, in each of which only one lea ing subject is treated, or one important element of Elocution rendere prominent. All practical AIDs are furnished by more copious note new indexes, etc. NEW YORK, June, 1866. 37. Christopher Columbus. 38. Return of Columbus...... 39. The Revolutionary Alarm... Washington Irving. 165 William H. Prescott. 166 ...George Bancroft. 170 140. Scenes from Pickwick-The Dilemma.... Charles Dickens. 436 141. Scenes from Pickwick-Speech of Sergeant Buzfuz......... 440 142. Scenes from Pickwick-Sam Weller as Witness........... 443 I. Evidence of a Creator - Tillotson. II. Nature Pro- 193. Omnipresence and Omniscience of God............Addison. 593 |