h PARKER & WATSON'S SERIES, No.6. THE NATIONAL FIFTH READER: CONTAINING A COMPLETE AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON ELOCUTION; AND COPIOUS NOTES: ADAPTED TO THE USE A. S. BARNES & COMPANY, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. 1873. S. THE NATIONAORRERIES OF READERS. PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPLETE IN TWO INDEPENDENT PARTS. 583871 ABIOR, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. I. THE NATIONAL READERS. By PARKER & WATSON. No. 1.-National Primer, • No. 2.-National First Reader, II. 64 pp., 16то. 128 pp., 16то. 224 pp., 16mo. 288 pp., 12mo. THE INDEPENDENT READERS. By J. MADISON WATSON. • The Independent First Reader, 80 pp., 16то. The Independent Second Reader,. 160 pp., 16mo. The Independent Third Reader, 240 pp., 16mo. The Independent Fourth Reader, . 264 pp., 12mo. The Readers constitute.two complete and entirely distinct series, either of which are adequate to every want of the best schools. The Spellers may accompany either Series. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by A. S. BARNES & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. N. 5th. PREFACE. 「N the preparation of this volume, we have aimed to make it a com-. Ipleted suicient work for advanced edition ✔and English and American Literature; to furnish, in an available form, such an amount of biographical, historical, classical, orthoëpical, and miscellaneous matter, as to render it highly valuable as a book of refMerence; and to present a collection of pieces so rich, varied, perspicuous, and attractive, as to suit all classes of minds, all times, and all occasions. Part First, in two chapters, embraces a simple, complete, and eminently practical Treatise on Elocution. The principles and rules are stated in a succinct and lucid manner, and followed by examples and exercises of sufficient number and extent to enable the student thoroughly to master each point as presented, as well as to acquire a distinct comprehension of the parts as a whole. In Part Second, the Selections for Reading and Declamation contain what are regarded as the choicest gems of English literature. The works of many authors, ancient and modern, have been consulted, and more than a hundred standard writers, of the English language, on both sides of the Atlantic, have been laid under contribution to enable the authors to present a collection, rich in all that can inform the understanding, improve the taste, and cultivate the heart, and which, at the same time, shall furnish every variety of style and subject to exemplify the principles of Rhetorical delivery, and form a finished reader and elocutionist. These selections have been arranged in a regularly graded course, and strictly classified with regard to the nature of the subjects. Although we have not been studious of novelty, presenting only what we regarded as suitable, intrinsically excellent, and most truly indicating the mode and range of thought of the writer, it will be seen that a large proportion of this collection is composed of pieces to be found in no similar work. Much care and labor have been devoted to the orthoëpical department. The pronunciation of all words liable to be mispronounced is indicated once in each paragraph, or at the bottom of the page where they occur. With respect to the words about the pronunciation of which orthoëpists differ, we have adopted the most recent and reliable authority. Classical aud historical allusions, so common among the best writers, have in all cases been explained; and, if the authors have not been de |