صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Aulicis infida consilia,

Adoptivo amplissima spolia, 13

Paupertatem Populis;

Successoribus suis omnes prædandi artes,

Sed prædam nullam.

Immensas tamen opes licet profuderit,
Id unum habuit ex suo quod daret,
Nomen suum.

Pectus ejus post mortem apertum est;
Tunc primum patuit vafrum cor


Quod nec precibus, nec lacrymis, nec injuriis move


Diu quæsivimus, invenere medici

Cor Lapideum.

Quod mortuus ad huc omnia moveat, et administret

ne mireris,

Stipendia in hunc annum recepit,

Nec fraudat post mortem bona fidei :

Quo tandem evaserit forsitan, rogas;


Cœlum (si rapitur) tenet, si datur meritis, longe abest.

Sed abi, Viator et cave;

Nam hic tumulus

Est Specus Latronis.

Readings in another Copy.

Galliæ Rex Italicus.

* Pacem dedit aliquando, diu distulit.


* Ferreum nobis induxit, sæculum sibi

* Ex auro nostro aureum fecit.

* Quorundam Capitibus, nullins fortunis pepercit.

• Plures ei a Cælo mortes erogatæ,

7 Cui Senatus olim unam tantum decreverat.

• Vicentinis se arcibus inclusit moriturus.

9 Et quidem apte.

10 Diu cedentem animam retinuit, ægre reddidit,

" Constanter tamen visus est mori, quid mirum ?

12 Adoptiva amplissima spolia.

13 Nec fraudat post mortem vir bonus fidei.

Extract of a letter from Cowper.

March 19, 1793.

"Thanks for Mazarine's Epitaph:

It is full of witty Paradox, and is written with a force and severity which sufficiently bespeak the author. I account it an inestimable curiosity, and shall be happy, when time shall serve, with your aid to make a good translation of it-But that will be a stubborn business-Adieu."



Introductory Letter to the Rev. Dr. Johnson, the
kinsman of Cowper. Dedication, first printed in 1796.
The Life of Milton, and Conjectures on the Origin of
Paradise Lost, by William Hayley.


Paradise Lost, and the Fragment of a Commentary
upon it by William Cowper.


A Translation of Andreini's Adamo by Cowper and
his Friend of Sussex. Remarks on different editions of
that Italian drama. Analysis of the drama, entitled
La Scena Tragica d'Adamo ed Eva da Troilo Lancetta.
Select Passages from a brief Italian Epic Poem, entitled
Adamo, and printed before Milton visited Italy. An
extract from the Italian Dialogues of Manso, relating
to Adam and Eve. Milton's Plans of Tragedy on Adam.
Cowper's Translations from Latin and Italian com-
positions of Milton, with the Originals, and a few
Notes, relating to them.


Paradise Regained. Samson Agonistes. Comus, and
Poems of Milton. Appendix.-Numher J. An Account
of Cowper's writings, relating to Milton. -Number II.
A Latın Epitaph ascribed to Milton with Cowper's
opinion of it.

Chichester: Printed by W. Mason.


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