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" Sport that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his sides. Come, and trip it as you go On the light fantastic toe, And in thy right hand lead with thee, The mountain nymph, sweet Liberty ; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of... "
Paradise regained. An account of Cowper's writings, relating to Milton. A ... - الصفحة 188
بواسطة William Hayley - 1810
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ...

John Milton - 1747 - عدد الصفحات: 182
...thy right hand lead with thee The Mountain Nymph, fweet Liberty; And if I give the honour due, it ' Mirth, admit me of thy crew, To live with her, and live. with thee, In unreproved pleafures'free j' To hear the Lark begin h& flight, ' 8i: And finging fHutfe "the dull 'night, '' J...

The Spectator, المجلد 3

Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele - 1753 - عدد الصفحات: 346
...you go, On the light fantajlick Toe : And in thy right Hand lead with thee The Mountain Nymph, faucet Liberty '$:; *«".;• And if 1 give thee Honour due,...of thy Crew, To live with her, and live with thee, jt? In. unreproved PJe«/««* /«&. •t-. N° 250 Monday, December 17. Difee doctndus adhuc, qu/e...

Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added, Samson ...

John Milton - 1759 - عدد الصفحات: 420
...And in thy right hand lead with thee, 35 The mountain nymph, fweet Liberty; And if I give thee honor due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew To live with her and live with thee, In unreproved pleafures free; . 40 To hear the lark begin his flight, And finging ftartle the dull night, From his...

Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ...

John Milton - 1759 - عدد الصفحات: 412
...And in thy right hand lead with thee, 35 The mountain nymph, fweet Liberty; And if I give thee honor due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew To live with her and live with thee, In unreproved pleafu res free; 40 To hear the lark begin his flight, And finging ftartle the dull night, From his...

The Art of Poetry on a New Plan: Illustrated with a Great Variety of ...

John Newbery - 1762 - عدد الصفحات: 292
...light fantaftk toe, And in thy right hand lead with thee, The mountain nymph fweet Liberty ; And if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew To live with her, and live with thee, I* unrepreved pleafures free ; To hear the lark begin his' flight, And fingling ftartle the dull Night,...

The Beauties of English Poesy, المجلد 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - عدد الصفحات: 294
...fantaftic toe; And, in thy right .hand, lead with thee The mountain nymph, fweet Liberty { And, if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew,...pleasures free ; To hear the lark begin his flight, And, finging, ftartle the dull night Prom his watch-tow'r in the fties, Till the dappled dawn doth rife...

The Beauties of English Poesy, المجلد 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - عدد الصفحات: 290
...fantaftic toe ; And, in thy right hand, lead with thee The mountain nymph, fweet Liberty ; And, if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew,...To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleafures free ; To hear the lark begin his flight, And, finging, ftartle the dull night From his watch-tow'r...

The Spectator, المجلد 3

1778 - عدد الصفحات: 344
...fantaftic toe ; " And in thy right hand lead with thee " The mountain nymph, fweet liberty ; " And if I give thee honour due, " Mirth, admit me of thy crew,...live with her, and live with thee, " In unreproved pleafures free." C. N" 250. Monday, December 17. Difte docendus adhue, qu<e cenfet amiciilus, ut ft...

The Works of the English Poets: Milton

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 320
...And in thy right hand lead with thee, 35 The mountain nymph, fweet Liberty; And if I give thee honor due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleafures free ; 40 To hear the lark begin his flight, And finging ftartle the dull night, From his...

Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue. And ...

1780 - عدد الصفحات: 226
...light fantaftic toe, And in thy right hand lead with thee, The mountain nymph, fweet Liberty; And, if I give thee honour due, Mirth, admit me of thy crew...To live with her, and live with thee, In unreproved pleafures free ; To hear the lark begin his flight, And finging ftartle the dull night, From his watch-tower...

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