K. Hen. Still all look strangely on me;-and you [To the CHIEF JUSTICE. most; You are, I think, assur'd I love you not. Ch. Just. I am assur'd, if I be measur'd rightly, Your majesty hath no just cause to hate me. How might a prince of my great hopes forget Ch. Just. I then did use the person of your fa ther; The image of his power lay then in me: And did commit you. Question your royal thoughts, make the case yours; K. Hen. You are right, Justice, and you weigh this well; Therefore still bear the balance, and the sword: H Till you do live to see a son of mine For which, I do commit into your hand [To the LORD CHIEF JUSTICE. Our coronation done, we will accite, And (Heaven consigning to my good intents,) No prince, nor peer, shall have just cause to say, Heaven shorten Harry's happy life one day. Flourish of Trumpets and Drums. THE END. [Exeunt. |