The back is sacrifice to the load. They say, K. Hen. Still exaction! The nature of it? In what kind, let's know, Q. Kath. I am much too venturous In tempting of your patience; but am bolden'd Without delay; and the pretence for this Is nam'd your wars in France: This makes bold mouths: Tongues spit their duties out, and cold hearts freeze Allegiance in them; their curses, now, Live where their prayers did; and it's come to pass, To each incensed will. I would, your highness K. Hen. By my life, This is against our pleasure. Wol. And for me, I have no further gone in this, than by A single voice; and that not pass'd me, but By learned approbation of the judges. If I am traduc'd by tongues, which neither know The chronicles of my doing,-let me say, 'Tis but the fate of place, aud the rough brake, That virtue must go through. We must not stint To cope malicious censurers; which ever, K. Hen. Things, done well, And with a care, exempt themselves from fear; From every tree, lop, bark, and part o' the timber; Wol. A word with you. [To the Secretary. Let there be letters writ to every shire, Of the king's grace and pardon. The griev'd commons Hardly conceive of me; let it be nois'd, That, through our intercession, this revokement And pardon comes: I shall anon advise you [Exit Secretary. Enter Surveyor. Q. Kath. I am sorry, that the duke of Buckingham Is run in your displeasure. K. Hen. It grieves many : The gentleman is learn'd, and a most rare speaker, Yet see, When these so noble benefits shall prove Not well dispos'd, the mind growing once corrupt, Things to strike honour sad.-Bid him recount The fore-recited practices; whereof We cannot feel too little, hear too much. Wol. Stand forth; and with bold spirit relate what you Most like a careful subject, have collected Out of the duke of Buckingham. K. Hen. Speak freely. Surv. First, it was usual with him, every day It would infect his speech, That if the king Should without issue die, he'd carry it so To make the sceptre his: These very words Wol. Please your highness, note This dangerous conception in this point. Q. Kath. My learn'd lord cardinal, Deliver all with charity. K. Hen. Speak on: How grounded he his title to the crown, Upon our fail? to this point hast thou heard him Suro. He was brought to this By a vain prophecy of Nicholas Hopkins. Surv. Sir, a Chartreux friar, His confessor; who fed him every minute With words of sovereignty. K. Hen. How know'st thou this? Suro. Not long before your highness sped to France, The duke, being at the Rose, within the parish Saint Lawrence Poultney, did of me demand What was the speech among the Londoners Concerning the French journey: I replied, Men fear'd, the French would prove perfidious, To the king's danger. Presently the duke Said, 'Twas the fear, indeed; and that he doubted, 'Twould prove the verity of certain words Spoke by a holy monk; that oft, says he, Hath sent to me, wishing me to permit John de la Court, my chaplain, a choice hour To me, should utter, with demure confidence To gain the love of the commonality; the duke Q. Kath. If I know you well, You were the duke's and lost surveyor, your office On the complaint o' the tenants: Take good heed, You charge not in your spleen a noble person, And spoil your nobler soul! I say, take heed; K. Hen. Let him on : Go forward. Surv. On my soul, I'll speak but truth. I told my lord the duke, by the devil's illusions The monk might be deceiv'd; and that 'twas dangʼrous for him, To ruminate on this so far, until It forg'd him some design, which, being believ'd, It was much like to do: He answer'd, Tush! It can do me no damage: adding further, K. Hen. Ha! what, so rank? Ah, ha! |