The Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge Made by Andrew Borde, of Physycke Doctor: A Compendyous Regyment; Or, A Dyetary of Helth Made in MountpyllierEarly English Text Society, 1870 - 396 من الصفحات |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Andrew Boorde berdes beware beynge boke Boorde's bread Breuyary Carthusian CHAP Chapitre doth shewe chapter treateth chese countre countrey dayes disposicion Doctor doth comforte doth ingender drynke Dyetary dyete dygestyon dyuers eate eatynge edition England English euery euyll F. J. FURNIVALL flesh fyrst fysh fysshe geue gold Greke gyue hath haue hauyng helth Henry Henry VIII hote howse hyghe hym selfe kepe knowth kyndes kyng kyngdome Letter loke lond London Lord loue lyfe lyke lytle lyue maner maye meate moche mylke mynde named naturall neuer ouer Physycke potage praysed Robert Coplande Rome sayd saynt says shal shulde slepe specyally speke stomacke sycke syckenes ther theyr money theyr speche thorow thynges towne tyme vnder vnto vpon vsed W. W. Skeat whan wherfore whyche William Coplande wine wolde wryte wyfe wyll wyne wyse wyth yere
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 32 - Scogin, to make men merry: for amongst divers other Books of grave matters that I have made, my delight hath been to recreate my mind in making something merrie.
الصفحة 324 - A worke very necessary & profitable for all Gentlemen, or other. First written in the Italian tongue, and now done into English by Robert Peterson, of Lincolnes Inne Gentleman. Satis, si- sapienter. Imprinted at London for Eaufe K"ewbery dwelling in Fleetestreate a little aboue the Conduit. An. Do. 1576.
الصفحة 28 - These tales are supposed to have been composed in the early part of the sixteenth century, by Dr. Andrew Borde, the well-known progenitor of Merry Andrews.
الصفحة 17 - Ottons cut will make it broad and large ; if it be platter like, a long slender beard will make it seeme the narrower ; if he be wesell becked, then much heare left on the cheekes will make the owner looke big like a bowdled hen, and so grim as a goose, if Cornells of Chelmeresford saie true; manie old men doo weare no beards at all.
الصفحة 70 - I cannot otherwise but say that our author Borde was esteemed a noted poet, a witty and ingenious person, and an excellent physician of his time.
الصفحة 32 - I have made, my delight had been to recreate my mind in making something merry, wherefore I do advertise every man in avoiding pensiveness, or too much study or melancholy, to be merry with honesty in God, and for God, whom I humbly beseech to send us the mirth of Heaven, Amen.
الصفحة 328 - First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue, by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens.
الصفحة 116 - I am an English, man, and naked I stand here, Musyng in my mynde what rayment I shal were ; For now I wyll were thys, and now I wyl were that ; Now I wyl were I cannot tel what.