Africa, المجلد 47Oxford University Press, 1977 Includes Proceedings of the Executive council and List of members, also section "Review of books". |
The Queen Mother in Africa RONALD COHEN | 14 |
A South African | 31 |
Sacrifice and Social Structure among the Kuranko Parts I and II MICHAEL | 41 |
حقوق النشر | |
27 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Accra ada marriage administration Agan agnatic ancestors Anthropology associated Baganda Barma bori bridewealth century charm chiefdom chiefs Chopi Christian clan colonial costume creole cult cultural d'une dako dakwe descent group district Dyula economic Egungun elders ethnic father Freetown Ghana Goba Gogo Goody Grebo Hausa Heusch household important individual initiation International African Institute Iteso kebile Kel Ahaggar Kel Rela Kel Ulli King kinship Kuranko labour land leaders lineage living London male marriage married maskers masquerades matrilateral matrilineal membership migrants missionaries Muslim Natal Nigeria Ningi nkisi organisation organization Oxford Pabir paper person political population Queen Mother relations relationship represented rites ritual role rules Sabo sacrifice Sierra Leone slaves social society spirits structure symbolic Tanzania tawsit Teso Teso District thangata town traditional tribes Tuareg Uganda Ugogo University Press village witch women worosso Yoruba