1827. The Mental Astronomer. By R. Machan. Pr. Marples. The Necessity of Government and of Laws to govern by con sidered, &c. By Rev. J. Gate, Bidston. Pr. Worrall and Co. County Rates, Report and Appendix. The Maritime Policy of Great Britain; or, an Inquiry into the late and present Navigation System. By Thomas Hare. On Currency and Circulation. By J. A. Yates. On the Reduction of the Rate of Discount by the Bank of 1828. Liverpool Choral Society, Quarterly Performances, All Saints' Church. Short Catechism of Lord's Prayer, for the use of Children. Pr. Wales and Co. Report of the Committee of the Liverpool East India Association. An Account of the Liverpool Races. By John Formby. Pr. Johnson. The Equity and Necessity of Equalizing Parochial Assessments. An Address to the Benevolent Founders of the Chapel for the Pr. Rockliff and Duckworth. First Report of the Liverpool Charitable Repository. Pr. T. Kaye. First Report of School for the Deaf and Dumb. Pr. T. Kaye. Address, Royal Institution. By Dr. Traill. Pr. Harris and Co. A Letter on Infant Baptism. By a Father. Pr. G. Smith, Tithebarn Street. Elements of Astronomy. By W. Jevons, Jun. Pr. Rockliff and Co. Selections from the New Testament. By F. B. Wright. An Attempt to investigate the Causes of the late extraordinary Observations on the Arts. By T. Winstanley. 1829. Hymns for Wavertree Church. 2nd Edition, 1839. First Report, with Catalogue, of the Committee of the Liverpool Facts and Statements shewing the evils of Sweeping Chimneys Pr. D. Marples. A Guide to Bangor, Beaumaris and Snowdonia, with a Map. Pr. E. and J. Smith. An Address to the Captains of Merchant Vessels. By Rev. W. Pr. T. Kaye. A Letter to Rev. E. Stanley, in reply to his Address in favour of Pr. T. Kaye. Liverpool Festival Choral Society, first public performance at Pr. J. Gore and Son. A view of the Present State and Future Prospects of the Free Trade and Colonization of India. Pr. Egerton and J. Smith. Proceedings of the Public Meeting on the India and China Pr. E. Smith and Co. Report of the Buckingham Lectures on the Eastern World. Pr. E. Smith and Co. The remarkable Adventures of Reuben Rambler, Gent., near the Pr. S. H. Sankey. Report on the Comparative Merits of Loco-motive and Fixed Pr. Wales and Baines. Chart to Liverpool and Chester Rivers. By Lieut. T. Evans, R.N. 6th Edition. Pr. Melling and Co. Address, Royal Institution. By Dr. Traill. Catalogue of the Mineralogical Collection in Museum of Royal Institution. Pr. Harris Brothers. 1829. The Servants' Companion. Pr. G. Wood. Outlines of the Ægina Marbles, drawn from the Statues at the An Apology for the United States of America. 1830. The History of the House of Stanley. Pr. Beddowes. A Guide to Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Map. Pr. Rockliffe. A Key to Reading, &c. By John Smith. Pr. J. and J. Smith. An Accurate Description of Liverpool and Manchester Railway, the Tunnel, the Bridges &c. By Jas. Scott Walker. Plan. 3rd Edition. Pr. J. F. Cannell. Report of Directors of Liverpool Mechanics' School of Arts, with an Address. Pr. E. Smith and Co. The Historical Memoir of his late Majesty George IV. Pr. Rockliff. Letter to shew how far the Telegraph at Liverpool is the Invention of Lieut. Morrison, R.N. Pr. Rockliff and Duckworth. Poll Book. Ewart and Dennison. Pr. Gore and Son. The Squib Book. Ewart and Dennison. Pr. E. Metcalfe. Sermon. Provident District Society now forming. By Rev. Pr. Cruickshank. Account of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway &c. By Pr. Wales and Baines. Address, Liverpool Royal Institution. By Thomas Langton Esq. First Annual Report of Liverpool District Provident Society. Pr. E. Shaw. A Sermon, occasioned by the Death of Mr. Huskisson. By 1830. Liverpool, a Poem. By Jas. Grocott, Jun. Pr. Sankey. Lessons on Arithmetic. By Thos. Smith. Pr. Melling and Co. List of Freemen, Election of T. C. Porter for Mayor, in 1827. Report of a Discussion on the Claims of the Church of Rome to Account of Experiments on Voltaic Electricity applied to work- Reform without Revolution; or Thoughts on the present state of the Country. By Camillus. Pr. T. Kaye. A Statement of Facts connected with Slavery in the Colonies and America &c. By John Gladstone Esq. Pr. T. Kaye. Pastoral Thoughts on the Aspect of the Times, in four Sermons, Particulars of the Liverpool Musical Festival and Fancy Dress An Examination of the Corn Returns from 1826 to 1829. A Practical Logical Essay on the Syntax of the English Language. By Samuel Alexander. 1831. The Recollections of Jotham Anderson. 3rd Liverpool Edition. Pr. Wright. Address, Royal Institution. By Chas. Turner Esq., A.M. Pr. Harris and Co. The Art of making Fireworks. Pr. Willmer and Co. Sermon. The Crisis. St. Luke's. By the Rev. Jas. Aspinall. Pr. Cruickshank. Letter to Lord Morpeth, M.P., on Religious Reform. Pr. Wales and Baines. Sermon. Sorrow on the Sea. On Loss of the Rothsay Castle. By Rev. Wm. Scoresby. Pr. Marples. Il Patrie e la Figlia a Ossia Agnese. Pr. Ross and Nightingale. Cinderella. Music by Rossini. Theatre Royal. 1831. Freemen of Liverpool. List of Broad Cloth, July, 1831. Liverpool Call Book up to May. Pr. Gore and Son. Report to the Subscribers of the Liverpool and Leeds Railway. Pr. E. Robinson. Sermon. Consecration of St. Jude's Church, by the Bishop of Chester. Liverpool Telegraphic List and Holden's Tide Table. Dictionnaire de Verbes et Phrases Idiomatiques Francais. Par Pr. E. Smith and Co. A concise Introduction to Astronomy &c. By John Bradley. Pr. D. Blowe. Report Liverpool Dispensaries, for 1830, with the Addresses upon the Opening of New North Dispensary. Sermon. Oldham Street. Terrible Things in Righteousness. Rev. Hugh Ralph, D.D. Pr. G. Smith. Sermon on the Death of Wm. Roscoe Esq., by Rev. J. H. Thom, at Renshaw Street Chapel. Pr. Willmer and Smith. " A Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, on his Bill to Pr. Cruickshank. Letter to Lord Brougham, on the subject of Reform. By Wm. Pr. J. Smith. Republished 1810. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee of the Views of the most interesting Scenery on the Line of the Liver- Pr. D. Marples. 8s. 6d. a part. Observations on the influence which organized bodies exercise upon each other. By J. Bywater. 1832. A Brief Exposition of the Origin, Design and Fulfilment of the Jewish Sabbath. Pr. T. Hodgson. Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse. By Robt. Taylor. Pr. T. E. Johnson. |