صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1832. Sermon, on the Obligation of Christians. By Rev. Geo. Holden. Pr. T. Kaye.

Liverpool Docks, Report of Committee appointed at Meeting of

Pr. T. Bean.

The Workhouse Disclosures. By Thos. Smith.

Pr. W. Bethell.

An Essay. Voting by Ballot as practised in Ancient Rome. By
John Taylor.

Pr. T. Bean.

Some Account of the Night Asylum, Freemason's Row.

Pr. E. Smith and Co.

An Expostulatory Letter. By Samuel Tucker, V.D.M.
Pr. Worrall and Taylor.

Prayers and Exhortations. By an Insolvent Debtor.

Pr. J. F. Cannell.

Passages of Scripture supposed to prove the Deity of Jesus
Christ. By R. Wright.

Pr. Wright.

Letter to Rev. H. M'Neile. By Mr. Tarbet.

Pr. Davenport.

Lecture on Cholera. By Dr. Baird, Fever Hospital.

Pr. Rockliff.

Sermon on the General Fast Day. Jehovah's Warning. By

Rev. J. H. Stewart.

Pr. Davenport.

Memoir of Signor Paganini.

Pr. Rockliff.

Address, Royal Institution. By Rev. Jon. Brooks.

Address, Liverpool Mechanics' Institution. By Saml. Hope Esq.
A Visitation Sermon, before the Bishop of Chester. By Rector

Pr. Harris and Co.

Sermons and Prayers. By J. Gurney, Friends' Meeting-house.

Pr. Hodgson.

Outline of the Testimony of Scripture against the Trinity. By
Henry Ware, Jun.

Pr. F. B. Wright.

A Speech at the Philomathic Society-" Are Mechanics' Institutions beneficial or otherwise ?"

Pr. E. Smith.

1832. An Address to the Nobility, Gentry &c., of Liverpool, on the Chimney Sweepers' Society.

Pr. E. Smith and Co.

Remarks on the necessity for establishing in Liverpool & Dis

pensary for Children. By S. Malins, M.D.

The Miracles of the Irving School. By Dr. Thom.

Poll-book; Squib-book. Candidates-Ewart, Sandon, Thornely,

Report of Petition for Bribery and Corruption.

1833. Free Trade as it affects the People. By Henry Booth.
Pr. Wales and Baines.

The Evils which afflict Ireland referred to Primogeniture &c.
By Eyre Evans.

Pr. T. Bean.

Proceedings of the Members of the Trades' Union Societies.
Pr. Mawdsley.

Catalogue of a Collection of Paintings at the Rev. W. Orre's
house, Christian Street. To be Sold.

Pr. T. Taylor.

Sermon. Day of Thanksgiving for removal of Cholera. By
Rev. Thomas Raffles.

Pr. Marples.

Report of Select Committee of House of Commons, on state of
West India Colonies.

Pr. E. Smith and Co.

Man the Image of his Maker. By W. E. Channing, D.D

Pr. Wright.

The superior tendency of Unitarianism to form an elevated
Religious Character. By W. E. Channing, D.D.

Pr. Wright.

An Essay on the Doctrine of the two natures of Christ. By

R. Wright.

Pr. Wright.

Poll Book. Ewart, Sandon, Thornely and Sir H. Douglas.

Pr. Mawdsley.

Thoughts on Railways and projected Railways. By Observer.
Pr. Harris and Co.

The Visitors' Hand-book to the Liverpool Zoological Gardens.
A copious Report of the Inquiry into the affairs of the Corpora-
tion of Liverpool.

Pr. and Pub. E. Smith and Co.


1833. A History of the Liverpool Musical Festival and Fancy Ball,

with Engravings.

Pr. E. Smith and Co.

Sermon. Oldham Street. By Rev. John Mackay.

Report of the Evidence relative to Bribery and Corruption at
Liverpool Election.

Pr. S. Franceys.

Refutation of Result of the Evidence &c.

Pr. J. Mawdsley.

Report of the Evidence in the Second Inquiry on ditto.

Result of the Evidence on the Liverpool Borough Election

Index of the Local Acts affecting Liverpool and its neighbourhood.
List of the Animals in the Liverpool Zoological Gardens, with

Notices respecting them.

Liverpool Agricultural Society's General Show of Cattle, Sept. 23.
The Right of the Bishops to sit and vote in the House of Peers.
Pr. G. Smith.

Sexagesimal Logarithms, fol. By Fletcher Raincock.

1834. Report of Special Meeting of South Lancashire Conservative Association.

Pr. S. Franceys.

Remarks on the Principles and Use of the Barometer. By John

Pr. Melling and Co.

Accounts of the District Provident Visiting Society. By James
Shaw, Agent. Remarks by Rev. Augustus Campbell, Rector.

Pr. Shaw.

Instructions for the Liverpool Watch.

Pr. Rockcliff.

Tancredi; Theatre Royal, Liverpool.

Pr. Rockliff.

Hymns, St. Paul's Church, during the Festivals.

Pr. Mawdesly.

On the Divinity of Jesus Christ, as distinguished from his Deity.
By R. Wright.

Pr. Wright.

Reasons for Attachment to the Church of England. By Rev.

W. Dalton, A.M., St. Jude's.

Pr. Kaye.

1834. The Church: Her Officers, her Charities, her Churches, her


Pr. Davenport.

Letters Addressed to a Young Master Mariner. By Charles


Pr. George Smith.

Abstract of Evidence respecting Liverpool Borough.

Practice in the Liverpool Ophthalmic Infirmary. By Hugh Neill,

Remarks on the importance of preserving the existing scale of
Duties on North American and Foreign Wood.

Farewell Sermon, St. Jude's. By Rev. W. Dalton, M.A.

New Year's Day. By the Author of “Early Recollections," &c. 1835. Pastoral Letter. By Rev. R. P. Buddicom, M.A.

Pr. Davenport.

The Right, Duty, and Privilege of all to read the Holy Scriptures.
By Rev. J. H. Stewart, M.A.

Pr. Davenport.

Shorthand Notes of Sermons preached in St. Jude's, by Rev. H.
M'Neile, M.A.

Pr. T. Kaye.

A defence of the Doctrine of Immediate Revelation and Univer

sal and Saving Light. By Thos. Hancock, M.D.

Pr. Hodgson.

Liverpool Clergy. Report of the Proceedings in the Court of

Pr. T. Kaye.

A Letter addressed to the people of Liverpool, on Corporation

Pr. F. B. Wright.

Views of the World from Halley's Comet. By J. Martineau.

Pr. Willmer and Smith.

Letters in Defence of various points of the Catholic Faith. By
Rev. G. Spencer.

Pr. Bradley.

Sermon. The inspired Scriptures the only infallible Rule of
Faith. By Rev. R. P. Buddicom, M.A.

Pr. Davenport.

Poll Book. Sandon, Ewart, Douglas and Morris.

Pr. Mawdsley.

1835. Squibs, two Sheets.

Address to Liverpool Medical Society. By Dr. T. Jeffreys.

Pr. Mitchell and Co.

Liverpool Overseers' List for Borough Voters.

Evolution, or the Power and Operation of Numbers.

Thomas Smith.

Pr. Willmer and Smith.

First Report Ophthalmic Infirmary. By Mr. Neill.

Pr. Marples.


Liverpool Commercial Dates. By Adrian Lowe, Custom House, 2nd Edition.

Pr. Mawdsley.

Speech of Robert Rose at the Public Dinner to Lord Brougham, at the Amphitheatre, on Civil and Religious Liberty.

Pr. Smith and Co.

Why is Popery Progressing? By Dr. Thom.

Relacion del Naufragio del Brigantin Guillermo Cuarto pro-
cedente de Liverpool.

Ten days in Ireland. By the Poet Laureate to the Liverpool
Agricultural Association.

The supposed Sacrament of Penance. By the Rev. Fred. Barker.
A Sermon preached at St. Andrew's.

Report of the Proceedings of the Associated Merchants who
have recently resisted the payment of the Town Dues.
The Cook's Guide, 3rd Edition. By a Lady.

Pr. Willmer and Co.

The Chairman and Speaker's Guide. By Thomas Smith. 1836. The Infidel and the Parson. By J. Jones.

Pr. Mitchell and Co.

Speeches at Great Protestant Meeting at Amphitheatre.

Pr. Ingram.

A Letter to Mr. Councillor Blackburn on the subject of the
Corporation Schools.

Pr. J. Davenport.

Sermon. Character of the Church of Rome. By the Rev.

H. M'Neile, A.M.

Pr. G. Smith.

Guide to the Electors in Boroughs or Counties. By a Solicitor.
Abstract of the Municipal Reform Act, so far as relates to


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